View Full Version : Walgreens closes seventh store in San Niggercisco

10-22-2020, 05:19 AM
Just read that walgreens closes another store in San Niggercisco due to massive theft. What I did not know, they already closed 6 stores in SF since 2019!! Even worse, all the liberal assholes who voted, supported and demanded that kind of nonsense (apple employees, celebrities and so on) will leave (have already left) the shitholes they created! Dis-gus-ting!


10-22-2020, 10:29 AM
Just read that walgreens closes another store in San Niggercisco due to massive theft. What I did not know, they already closed 6 stores in SF since 2019!! Even worse, all the liberal assholes who voted, supported and demanded that kind of nonsense (apple employees, celebrities and so on) will leave (have already left) the shitholes they created! Dis-gus-ting!


Haha. I only feel sorry for the old humans who can't move and need to stay in that liberal shithole and now don't know where to get their prescriptions. But what I really don't get: “The clerks say there is nothing they can do. They say Walgreens’ policy is to not get involved. They don’t want anyone getting injured or getting sued, so the guys just keep coming in and taking whatever they want.”
Why on earth would any company do something hazardous like that? Would it not be wiser to hand out guns to their employees, shut off the surveillance cameras and sue the town (e.g. for mental stress) every time the poor clerks were forced to defend themselves against savage creatures? Does anybody know how many Walgreens are left in SF?

10-22-2020, 11:41 AM
sounds like Detroit all over again when they pulled out of that nigger destroyed fuck house. My local Walmart closed last year due to a landlord dispute and I was not happy. It was almost an upmarket mini Walmart. Now I have to go and risk getting stabbed or shot in the big city Walmart nearby to get my $22 Mobil 1 !

Jim Crow
10-22-2020, 04:09 PM
All liberal cities are coming to this. That is why there are nearly 1,000 humans from liberal cities moving down to Florida every day. That wouldn’t bother me. Except that most of these liberals will vote for liberal politicians and turn my red state into the state they just left.And they are too brainwashed to know any different.

10-22-2020, 04:45 PM
All liberal cities are coming to this. That is why there are nearly 1,000 humans from liberal cities moving down to Florida every day. That wouldn’t bother me. Except that most of these liberals will vote for liberal politicians and turn my red state into the state they just left.And they are too brainwashed to know any different.

Hopefully you ask every time you meet one of them why he moved out of his liberal paradise! And of course you should accuse him to be guilty of gentrification :) They won't get it, but if the "natives" are hostile to them, perhaps, just perhaps the penny drops ...

10-29-2020, 11:26 AM
I do have a question, because there are some things I don't understand. If there are people who misbehave (and I do consider stealing as misbehaviour) in ones shop/restaurant/whatever private company: Aren't you as the owner allowed to forbid these people to come there again? So that it would be trespassing if they came back?
I do ask because Common Law countries are probably different than the rest of the western world, but in most European countries business owners can't be forced to deal with anybody, there always is some sort of "My house, my rules" law. For instance I read recently that in Germay most hotel & restaurant owners refuse to serve people of the right wing party. And in France, Switzerland ... there are for example "house rules" in public transport, if you don't meet the requirements, entry is refused.
So, why does Walgreen allows people who already stole there to enter that shop ever again? Do they really have to do that?

10-31-2020, 06:16 PM
I do have a question, because there are some things I don't understand. If there are people who misbehave (and I do consider stealing as misbehaviour) in ones shop/restaurant/whatever private company: Aren't you as the owner allowed to forbid these people to come there again? So that it would be trespassing if they came back?
I do ask because Common Law countries are probably different than the rest of the western world, but in most European countries business owners can't be forced to deal with anybody, there always is some sort of "My house, my rules" law. For instance I read recently that in Germay most hotel & restaurant owners refuse to serve people of the right wing party. And in France, Switzerland ... there are for example "house rules" in public transport, if you don't meet the requirements, entry is refused.
So, why does Walgreen allows people who already stole there to enter that shop ever again? Do they really have to do that?

No, that's not possible here. What you can do is close your shop - but even then you have to be careful! Some shop owners in Myrtle Beach once decided to close their shops during "Nigger Bike Week" due to the massive chimpouts traditionally occurring that week. Immediately a nigger organisation called NAACP sued them because of "raciss". Nowadays it is a crime to call a stealing nigger a criminal. Hell on earth!
Stay safe!

11-01-2020, 01:04 AM
No, that's not possible here. What you can do is close your shop - but even then you have to be careful! Some shop owners in Myrtle Beach once decided to close their shops during "Nigger Bike Week" due to the massive chimpouts traditionally occurring that week. Immediately a nigger organisation called NAACP sued them because of "raciss". Nowadays it is a crime to call a stealing nigger a criminal. Hell on earth!
Stay safe!

Post help wanted signs outside and arm up. You can't really post any anti nigger or pro police/Trump or they will destroy your shop.

11-03-2020, 05:09 AM
Post help wanted signs outside and arm up. You can't really post any anti nigger or pro police/Trump or they will destroy your shop.

So only bullet proof vending machines possible if you actually want to sell stuff, right? And they wonder why amazon 'destroys' mom and pop stores.

Bakkabawl Stah
11-04-2020, 08:09 AM
So only bullet proof vending machines possible if you actually want to sell stuff, right? And they wonder why amazon 'destroys' mom and pop stores.

If you want to operate in a city...yes. I guess the alternative is having everything behind a counter, protected by bullet proof glass.
The easiest way, would be to just avoid nigger areas.....that seems simple enough.

11-04-2020, 01:32 PM
If you want to operate in a city...yes. I guess the alternative is having everything behind a counter, protected by bullet proof glass.
The easiest way, would be to just avoid nigger areas.....that seems simple enough.

Avoiding the nigger areas altogether is the only viable option! Because every other measurement you take to protect yourself, your store and your employees will be considered as racist. Example: Bullet proof glass was forbidden in Chicago because it is "raciss" if niggers can't murder Asian mom and pop store owners any more.

11-04-2020, 03:20 PM
Why on earth would any company do something hazardous like that? Would it not be wiser to hand out guns to their employees

Who wants to face down an enraged battle sow? Handing out guns to employees and having stores turned into the OK corral is not the answer. The answer is to stop treating niggers like a privileged class who can do what they like with zero repercussions.

Whitey Ford
11-05-2020, 02:52 AM
All liberal cities are coming to this. That is why there are nearly 1,000 humans from liberal cities moving down to Florida every day. That wouldn’t bother me. Except that most of these liberals will vote for liberal politicians and turn my red state into the state they just left.And they are too brainwashed to know any different.

Most of the California and Illinois liberal refugees are either moving to Harris County, TX or Maricopa County, AZ. I live in Maricopa and I've seen the asshole liberal refugees totally wreck this place with their lousy voting choices. That asshole Mark Kelly just won the vote here over conservative Martha McSally. And they elected that shit for brains Kirsten Sinema last time around as well. These morons would have never even began to be considered as candidates before the hostile wave of shitlib refugees arrived here. Shitlib refugees are like metastatic stage 4 cancer. Anywhere they roam they carry the contagion of their bad voting choices that will destroy our country with their awful liberalism.