View Full Version : Welcome to Alice in Niggerland

10-21-2020, 05:31 PM
Hi guys, just stumbled across the trailer of the niggerized "Alice in Wonderland". It is so disgusting, you'll throw up. Nigglets everywhere, Nigger king, nigger everything. And, of course the white wife.


Luckily I boycott any Hollywood crap as well as companies that advertise with Hollywood mimics for years, but still, this kind of madness drives me crazy! Holy hell, how can a billionaire whore like Angelina Sheeboon Jolie play in such an monstrosity? She is already billionaire, so in no need for money. Disgusting bitch, destroying her own race.

But, back to the trailer: Read the comments, they will warm your heart (as long as youtube does not delete them):

"The crime rate in wonderland is about to increase."

"13% of Alice's eat 52% of the pie"

"Don't worry, when Wonderland is set on fire, it will be 'mostly peaceful'."

"Ok, now do Schindler's List where all the Germans are black..."

"It really is wonderland because the black father is sticking around."

"During this time period, African women went about topless in just their knickers. Check out the film Zulu if you want some historical accuracy regarding 19th century African attire. This is simply ridiculous."

"Well, looks like wonderland is about to get looted."

" 'Everything is fine' 'We are not replacing you' "

Jim Crow
10-21-2020, 08:16 PM
Angelina owns a nigger pet.So she was already part of the fucking problem.She’s one of those liberal white bitches who apologizes for her white privilege. Another words, she’s a nigger lover.

Coon Club Road
10-21-2020, 09:21 PM
That's some real shit.

Niggers like role playing white folks.

I can assure you it's not the other way around.

You'll never see Sanford and Shine remade with white folks!

10-22-2020, 04:48 AM
Hi guys, just stumbled across the trailer of the niggerized "Alice in Wonderland". It is so disgusting, you'll throw up. Nigglets everywhere, Nigger king, nigger everything. And, of course the white wife.


Luckily I boycott any Hollywood crap as well as companies that advertise with Hollywood mimics for years, but still, this kind of madness drives me crazy! Holy hell, how can a billionaire whore like Angelina Sheeboon Jolie play in such an monstrosity? She is already billionaire, so in no need for money. Disgusting bitch, destroying her own race.

But, back to the trailer: Read the comments, they will warm your heart (as long as youtube does not delete them):

"The crime rate in wonderland is about to increase."

"13% of Alice's eat 52% of the pie"

"Don't worry, when Wonderland is set on fire, it will be 'mostly peaceful'."

"Ok, now do Schindler's List where all the Germans are black..."

"It really is wonderland because the black father is sticking around."

"During this time period, African women went about topless in just their knickers. Check out the film Zulu if you want some historical accuracy regarding 19th century African attire. This is simply ridiculous."

"Well, looks like wonderland is about to get looted."

" 'Everything is fine' 'We are not replacing you' "

Fucking shitbeasts, fucking celebrities, all evil devils! But the comments are hilarious! "Don't worry, when Wonderland is set on fire, it will be 'mostly peaceful'." Gold!

10-22-2020, 07:02 AM
I was absolutely amazed at the sheer number of negative comments. In the five pages or so that I read through, I found not one single positive comment about the movie or rebuttal from the nigger lovers.

It's hard to believe that nigtube hasn't disabled them, there were so many.

People are fed up with this bullshit and the box office numbers will show it. Anyone connected with the production of this crap needs to die penniless and probably will. I won't give them a dollar for entertainment now or a slice of moldy bread later.

I'm rather enjoying the slow death of Hollyweird right now. I even have a family member in the business who is complaining about lack of work and doesn't know how he is going to pay for his nice Hollywood condo. He has always been a liberal douchebag. I'm soooo saddened by his circumstances. Boo fucking hoo bitch... Now take your medicine.

10-22-2020, 10:17 AM
I was absolutely amazed at the sheer number of negative comments. In the five pages or so that I read through, I found not one single positive comment about the movie or rebuttal from the nigger lovers.

It's hard to believe that nigtube hasn't disabled them, there were so many.

People are fed up with this bullshit and the box office numbers will show it. Anyone connected with the production of this crap needs to die penniless and probably will. I won't give them a dollar for entertainment now or a slice of moldy bread later.

I'm rather enjoying the slow death of Hollyweird right now. I even have a family member in the business who is complaining about lack of work and doesn't know how he is going to pay for his nice Hollywood condo. He has always been a liberal douchebag. I'm soooo saddened by his circumstances. Boo fucking hoo bitch... Now take your medicine.

I was amazed by the comments as well! Hopefully you are right with Niggerwood (perhaps I should buy some put options on Disney and Netflx haha). Btw., should the comments get deleted, somebody made a nice "tribute trailer" including a few of them:


I aint bin dun did dat!
10-22-2020, 01:20 PM
I was absolutely amazed at the sheer number of negative comments. In the five pages or so that I read through, I found not one single positive comment about the movie or rebuttal from the nigger lovers.

It's hard to believe that nigtube hasn't disabled them, there were so many.

People are fed up with this bullshit and the box office numbers will show it. Anyone connected with the production of this crap needs to die penniless and probably will. I won't give them a dollar for entertainment now or a slice of moldy bread later.

I'm rather enjoying the slow death of Hollyweird right now. I even have a family member in the business who is complaining about lack of work and doesn't know how he is going to pay for his nice Hollywood condo. He has always been a liberal douchebag. I'm soooo saddened by his circumstances. Boo fucking hoo bitch... Now take your medicine.

This is ridiculous. Niggers will not go see this unless theres a lot of shiny stuff, muh dikkin, violence, riyems and gold teefs. Most whites will not go see this out of spite and it likely sucks because niggers are typically sub par actors just as they are sub par “humans”. This will tank and they will continue to push remakes of white movies with niggers in them because there is an agenda.

10-22-2020, 02:02 PM
All you good people forgot that niggers are the original British, Norwegian, native Americans and sheeit.

10-22-2020, 03:55 PM
Angelina Jolie is mentally ill. Here we have yet again the masterpieces of YT appropriated by niggers because they never had a single creative idea themselves, except how to shrink heads and kill each other. Oh, but that's not right. Only YT can "appropriate" culture.

10-22-2020, 04:33 PM
Angelina owns a nigger pet.So she was already part of the fucking problem.She’s one of those liberal white bitches who apologizes for her white privilege. Another words, she’s a nigger lover.

IN SPADES!! (Pun intended!!)

10-22-2020, 04:54 PM
Angelina Jolie is mentally ill. Here we have yet again the masterpieces of YT appropriated by niggers because they never had a single creative idea themselves, except how to shrink heads and kill each other. Oh, but that's not right. Only YT can "appropriate" culture.

Ages ago, as she just became famous, I read an interview in some air-plane magazine where she confessed that she did injure herself with a knife regularly as kid/youth. So, she really is mentally ill. Which raises the question, why such people are allowed to act in movies instead of getting proper medical help.

10-22-2020, 05:05 PM
This is ridiculous. Niggers will not go see this unless theres a lot of shiny stuff, muh dikkin, violence, riyems and gold teefs. Most whites will not go see this out of spite and it likely sucks because niggers are typically sub par actors just as they are sub par “humans”. This will tank and they will continue to push remakes of white movies with niggers in them because there is an agenda.

Hey, just had an idea: Perhaps chimpanzees in the zoos worldwide should be considered as the target audience. They will probably laugh because of the subpar acting performance as well, but at least since they don't have to deal with the nigger shitbeasts on a daily basis, they perhaps could be entertained with a nigger flick.

10-22-2020, 05:41 PM
I was absolutely amazed at the sheer number of negative comments. In the five pages or so that I read through, I found not one single positive comment about the movie or rebuttal from the nigger lovers.

It's hard to believe that nigtube hasn't disabled them, there were so many.

People are fed up with this bullshit and the box office numbers will show it. Anyone connected with the production of this crap needs to die penniless and probably will. I won't give them a dollar for entertainment now or a slice of moldy bread later.

I'm rather enjoying the slow death of Hollyweird right now. I even have a family member in the business who is complaining about lack of work and doesn't know how he is going to pay for his nice Hollywood condo. He has always been a liberal douchebag. I'm soooo saddened by his circumstances. Boo fucking hoo bitch... Now take your medicine.

I laughed so hard at the comments I almost peed my pants!!

10-22-2020, 05:56 PM
Ages ago, as she just became famous, I read an interview in some air-plane magazine where she confessed that she did injure herself with a knife regularly as kid/youth. So, she really is mentally ill. Which raises the question, why such people are allowed to act in movies instead of getting proper medical help.

If these people have enough money or have been in enough movies, they can get anything they want including being able to buy as many kids as they like and no one will call them on their mental illness. Angelina and others like her can collect kids from around the world (kind of the way I used to collect spoons from different countries) and no one questions it. Of course she had to add a niglet just to round out her collection.

10-23-2020, 01:44 AM
That's some real shit.

Niggers like role playing white folks.

I can assure you it's not the other way around.

You'll never see Sanford and Shine remade with white folks!

Sanford and Shine was actually a remake of a British sitcom Steptoe and Son, featuring White people.

10-23-2020, 03:08 AM
The dislikes on that video are hilarious in addition to the comments.
And what would niggers do in wonderland? Roll the card soldiers into blunts? Rape the Cheshire Cat? Shoot the tea party up? They’re gonna be beheading each other with spears and stealing every bike they can get their paws on. They’ll go to war over all the hallucinogenic mushrooms that grow in there too. And the rabbit hole... yep niggers ruin everything!
All the wacky characters of this fairy tale will learn they aren’t as mad as they thought they were in comparison to niggers.

10-23-2020, 05:53 AM
Sanford and Shine was actually a remake of a British sitcom Steptoe and Son, featuring White people.

Holy shite I thought you were joking until I looked it up:

Keep Britain White
10-23-2020, 11:07 AM
Holy shite I thought you were joking until I looked it up:

Hey, yeah - this was one of our most popular sitcoms ever. It ran from 1962-1974. My family always watched and loved it!

10-24-2020, 04:21 PM
Truly bizarre watching niggers play white roles. It's simply incompatible with any version of reality. I can get behind dragons, lightsabers, time travel, ghosts, and talking animals. But niggers in characters like this...just can't wrap my brain around it.

10-24-2020, 05:41 PM
Truly bizarre watching niggers play white roles. It's simply incompatible with any version of reality. I can get behind dragons, lightsabers, time travel, ghosts, and talking animals. But niggers in characters like this...just can't wrap my brain around it.

I agree. Niggers acting in white roles ruins the whole production. It's simply not believable. The whole time I watch something like that, I'm thinking, "Preposterous! Niggers don't act that way! Niggers don't think like that! Niggers don't have reasoning skills! Niggers don't show compassion!, Bullshit! That nigger would muh-dik her and steal her purse if she were unconscious!" (Whatever the case may be). The story, no matter how good, becomes a farce. Not to mention all the sex appeal is gone. Watching apes knuckle drag and ook on my screen gets old fast. I haven't watched it, and I don't intend to. I'm guessing they added some SJW crap too? Maybe some miscegenation? It's disgusting to see classics destroyed by niggerism. I suppose next they'll go through all the classic and popular music and nigger it up with some cRap.

10-30-2020, 06:20 PM
Absolutely disgusting & ridiculous. Niggers can't act human. Proof: Just go to any McNiggers, NigMart, Niggle Store and so on and wait for the chimpout. Btw, I recently read that the next James Bond is a Sheboon. That is on so many levels evil and disgusting that I hope the Brits play the Burn Loot Murder game with cinemas showing this nonsense. Would be just fair. Nigger Bond Nigger behavior of the audience.