View Full Version : France 'threatens to expel' dozens of asslifter "radicals" aftter religion of peace decapitates teacher

Whitey Ford
10-20-2020, 10:16 AM
Threatens to expel! ha ha ha LOL I bet that has those mudslimes quaking in their boots. The Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys have done it again.
After Teacher’s Decapitation, France Unleashes a Broad Crackdown on ‘the Enemy Within’

With dozens of raids against Muslim individuals and groups accused of radicalism, the fury of the response had France’s right wing speaking in terms of warfare.

France on Monday unleashed a broad crackdown on Muslims accused of extremism, carrying out dozens of raids, vowing to shut down aid groups and threatening to expel foreigners as anger swept the country following the decapitation of a high school teacher for showing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in class.
Many of those swept up in raids were already in police files for showing “signals” of potential radicalization, like preaching radicalized sermons or sharing hate messages on social networks, government officials said. More than 200 others — the bulk already in prison — were threatened with a rare mass expulsion.

The scope of the response was a measure of how the killing of Samuel Paty, a teacher in a suburb north of Paris, had reopened old wounds in France. The nation remains traumatized by terrorists attacks by Muslim extremists that killed scores in 2015, starting with the editorial offices of the satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine — whose cartoons the teacher had shown.

On Monday, the police began their work at 6 in the morning, going after “numerous” Muslims in multiple raids, Mr. Darmanin said. “Important police operations have been carried out starting this morning, targeting radicalized individuals,” Mr. Macron’s prime minister, Jean Castex, said in a speech Monday.
“Other actions will follow,” Mr. Castex promised, against “networks and individuals who are attacking our basic values and the Republican ideal.”
Some 51 Muslim aid organizations will also be targeted by the police this week, the interior minister said, some of which would be dissolved at Mr. Macron’s request. Mr. Darmanin called the most prominent of them, Collective Against Islamophobia, the C.C.I.F., which compiles a register of anti-Muslim acts, “an enemy of the republic.”


10-20-2020, 01:15 PM
We'll see, but just the threat to kick out these murdering, raping muzzies is more than other countries have done. Let's hope it happens and gives the leaders of the rest of Europe the courage to overcome the terror of being accused of *gasp* racism and political incorrectness and rid themselves of this filthy scourge.

OR maybe they'll just come with the same old idiotic BS: "It's only a few extremists. The rest are honest, hard-working people of peace." :rolleyes:

10-20-2020, 01:20 PM
Threatens to expel! ha ha ha LOL I bet that has those mudslimes quaking in their boots. The Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys have done it again.
After Teacher’s Decapitation, France Unleashes a Broad Crackdown on ‘the Enemy Within’

With dozens of raids against Muslim individuals and groups accused of radicalism, the fury of the response had France’s right wing speaking in terms of warfare.


The French have a reputation for being P@$$ie$ but they need to channel their inner Charles Martel!! He beat their goat molesting asses at The Battle of Tours and beating them again is the ONLY THING that will save their country!!

10-22-2020, 08:57 AM
NOT holding my breath on this one.

Yeah....I'm going to go with WD on this one....this is more bullshit bluster, and little substance. If France gave a shit about herself, they'd have started trucking the asslifters to her borders at gunpoint the day Notre Dame burned.

Odin's balls
10-22-2020, 12:00 PM
The sad part is that French cities are now totally over run with niggers and the illegal carpet pilots.

Get rid of a few dozen of the goat-botherer's chief beard-wearers and hundreds more will pop up to fill the gap.

The countryside and small rural towns don't have such a problem. Mainly owing to the fact that there are A LOT of guns in the French countryside and everyone is expected to contribute to the local economy.

The countryside is staunchly French and proud of it.

The citites are full of liberals.

Are we seeing a pattern emerge?

10-22-2020, 02:16 PM
Do it ya frogs! We didn't save your asses just to let you be overrun by infidels!

Jim Crow
10-22-2020, 03:48 PM
We'll see, but just the threat to kick out these murdering, raping muzzies is more than other countries have done. Let's hope it happens and gives the leaders of the rest of Europe the courage to overcome the terror of being accused of *gasp* racism and political incorrectness and rid themselves of this filthy scourge.

OR maybe they'll just come with the same old idiotic BS: "It's only a few extremists. The rest are honest, hard-working people of peace." :rolleyes:
Alll muzzies are shit!The moderates stand by and cheer,while the extremists kill innocents.

10-22-2020, 03:51 PM
Alll muzzies are shit!The moderates stand by and cheer,while the extremists kill innocents.

Definitely. Maybe all the "Welcome Refugees" signs are in the recycle bin by now. I guess having a teacher decaptitated may have lit a bulb - however dim - in the heads of libtards.

Jim Crow
10-22-2020, 03:53 PM
Definitely. Maybe all the "Welcome Refugees" signs are in the recycle bin by now. I guess having a teacher decaptitated may have lit a bulb - however dim - in the heads of libtards.

No, liberals will never get it. They will allow Muslims to take over their country first. And yes they are that fucking stupid. The only way to fix it is to get rid of the liberals along with the Muslims.