View Full Version : Stupid rapper nigger brags about fraud in music video and gets ' uh dindo nuffined '

10-18-2020, 09:56 AM
A useless and nasty black skinned negro and of course, an aspiring rapper, was arrested and charged with unemployment benefit fraud. The ridiculous creature was bragging about about its easy crime in a ' music ' video. The vile coon is off to the NU hopefully, where it can rap in the yard all it likes between salad tossing.


10-18-2020, 10:35 AM
Niggers can commit murder and just get a slap on the wrist. Defrauding the goverernment is another story. Defrauding the government and publicly bragging about it? A whole new level of stupidity.

Enjoy NU, Fontrell, aka "Nuke Bizzle"! :lol

Jim Crow
10-18-2020, 05:19 PM
Who other than a dumb stupid ignorant moolie would brag to the world that he ripped off the government? Brainless empty-headed monkey.

10-18-2020, 06:40 PM
Niggers can commit murder and just get a slap on the wrist. Defrauding the goverernment is another story. Defrauding the government and publicly bragging about it? A whole new level of stupidity.

Enjoy NU, Fontrell, aka "Nuke Bizzle"! :lol


10-18-2020, 06:41 PM
That nigger is headed to Federal NU, and they don't play games in FNU.

I give that nigger a month or less before it has a prolapsed anus and has a PhD in salad tossing.

It's @$$h0le Will be stretched so WIDE it won't be able to hear it's own farts!!

10-19-2020, 03:30 PM
a prolapsed anus and has a PhD in salad tossing.

It's @$$h0le Will be stretched so WIDE it won't be able to hear it's own farts!!

You guys, I started laughing so hard I almost threw up!


Remember, though: the nigger will probably enjoy that being done to it, assuming it hasn't been done already.

10-19-2020, 05:19 PM
you guys, i started laughing so hard i almost threw up!


remember, though: The nigger will probably enjoy that being done to it, assuming it hasn't been done already.

tru dat!!

10-29-2020, 09:00 AM
This is the difference in nigger criminals and human criminals. A human might commit the same crime but isn't going to go out and let everyone know he did it.

10-29-2020, 09:43 AM
This is the difference in nigger criminals and human criminals. A human might commit the same crime but isn't going to go out and let everyone know he did it.

It's like niggers videotaping themselves commiting a crime and putting it on facespook!!

Midder Peenud Hayed
10-29-2020, 05:42 PM
Alright, you dirty bastards, I have a bone to pick with you!

So, after taking Mrs. PH her lunch at her stupid school, I met an old friend from our Seattle days at a local Mexican joint. He works for the state and has been up in these parts all week.

Anyway, he's a great guy, but very "square", if you get my meaning. His wife, like my own lazy pot-head Canadian wife, taught together. They are rather religious, but I can't remember what denomination -- maybe Mormon or 7 Day Dentists or whatever... A very straight arrow to say the least...

We order our food and are having a nice chat when his phone rings. It's work. He steps away from the table, dutifully donning his utterly useless mask, and takes his call. I pull out my tablet and immediately check in here.

I realized that I hadn't surfed this thread yet, so I gave it a quick look-see while my friend yacked away. I won't mention the names of the miscreants who caused my total meltdown into uncontrollable hysterics (Doc, Haywood) because it would only encourage them, but I will tell you this much, I Could NOT Get It Back Together! I think my friend thought that I'd gone insane.

I was able to pull it together after a few minutes, then would think about that nigger getting its cornhole mercilessly pummeled by other jailbird niggers, and would go back to spitting out food like a Gatling gun.

I'm sure my friend now thinks that I've turned into Hunter Biden. He drives a Prius, for Christ's sakes! I could not tell him what I was laughing at, you sick bastards!

OMFG! Niggers? Prison? Butt reaming...?