View Full Version : New Fentanyl Floyd Video

10-18-2020, 08:03 AM
Fresh video of nigger floyd doing what he did best:


Funny, no claustrophobia in this one...

Jim Crow
10-18-2020, 09:55 AM
Useless fucking trouble making nigger beast! The world is so much better without him.

10-18-2020, 02:31 PM
say his name.... " NIGGER !! "

10-18-2020, 03:41 PM
Fresh video of nigger floyd doing what he did best:


Funny, no claustrophobia in this one...

IMAGINE that!!

10-21-2020, 01:06 AM
You think it will be Rodney King, 1992 all over again?

More like all over the country.

Right now, I'm more concerned with the rioting that will happen on Nov. 4. Top BLM and Antifa leadership (what ever that actually means) have already gone on record saying that no matter who wins, there will be widespread rioting. All the nigger mayhem that has happened in the past few years/months leading up to this has been nothing but a series of pep rallies designed to cause max problems during and after the election to throw the country into chaos, as far as I'm concerned.

I hope I'm wrong, but fear I'm right.

10-21-2020, 08:18 AM
I don't think they'll be any rioting during or after the election. Folk quickly get used to not getting their way. As long as the niggers keep getting their gibs, they will not care who the cracka massa is.

10-21-2020, 08:47 PM
More like all over the country.

Right now, I'm more concerned with the rioting that will happen on Nov. 4. Top BLM and Antifa leadership (what ever that actually means) have already gone on record saying that no matter who wins, there will be widespread rioting. All the nigger mayhem that has happened in the past few years/months leading up to this has been nothing but a series of pep rallies designed to cause max problems during and after the election to throw the country into chaos, as far as I'm concerned.

I hope I'm wrong, but fear I'm right.

Now you KNOW why there are record gun sales!!

Jim Crow
10-22-2020, 04:27 PM
More like all over the country.

Right now, I'm more concerned with the rioting that will happen on Nov. 4. Top BLM and Antifa leadership (what ever that actually means) have already gone on record saying that no matter who wins, there will be widespread rioting. All the nigger mayhem that has happened in the past few years/months leading up to this has been nothing but a series of pep rallies designed to cause max problems during and after the election to throw the country into chaos, as far as I'm concerned.

I hope I'm wrong, but fear I'm right.
Don’t have fear or concern, prepare yourself. All I have been doing for the last four years is hand loading and stockpiling 223 and blackout.I pray to God that I don’t have to defend myself. Anyway, I live in a rural area.No militant niggs around here.There’s a few niggs that live around here.They’re middle class and over 65 years old.
Anyway, whether the riotIng comes to you or not depends on where you live. BLM and antifa will riot mostly in liberal cities. And they will destroy most of their own stuff. Because that’s what animals do, they pick up hands full of poop and throw it in their own cage and destroy their own cage.That is nigger mentality.
Niggers are not well organized. And they are fucking stupid. And antifa isn’t much smarter. They won’t come out to the rural areas. And if they do it will be in a car doing a drive-by.My redneck neighbors and I would be prepared to defend.And believe me, these good ol boys are prepared.

Goodman Grey
10-22-2020, 09:20 PM
Niggers, antifas, species traitors, criminals, and other niggerlovers should be deported to a special "Nigger Zone" that is far, far away from civilization.

We could, alternatively, call these places "Nigger Universities," and pretend that they exist for any reason other than to keep them from destroying human civilization.

Coon Club Road
10-26-2020, 02:52 PM
Someday that cop can play that tape for his grandkids... "I got to arrest Curious George Monkeyman Fentanyl Floyd before he ruined America"!

This nigger should have been labeled a terrorist!

10-28-2020, 05:48 PM
Someday that cop can play that tape for his grandkids... "I got to arrest Curious George Monkeyman Fentanyl Floyd before he ruined America"!

This nigger should have been labeled a terrorist!
