View Full Version : Nigger Supremacist says "White History" Must be Replaced by Black History entirely.

10-18-2020, 04:15 AM

Ethnic studies can’t make up for whitewashed history in classrooms

Baldwin heartily endorsed the commission’s goal of promoting more knowledge and awareness of Black history, especially in public schools. But Baldwin insisted that this study take place as part of American history instruction, not in a separate course.

“It is our common history,” Baldwin declared. “My history is also yours.” If Black history was segregated in a special class, Baldwin warned, “regular” history courses would continue to ignore it....

....Meanwhile, as one African American historian warned at the time, the new Black-themed classes provided schools with an excuse for “doing little or nothing” to alter the regular curriculum. If anyone complained that the schools still neglected African American history, officials had a handy reply. Sure, we teach Black history! Look at our new courses!


10-18-2020, 07:37 AM
I am actually a strong proponent of teaching black history in schools. It should include all of the major black historical figures with all their historical contributions to the arts, science, philosophy, math, medicine, architecture and every other major advancement they have made toward the betterment of the world in which we live.

That should take care of page one of that textbook, as long as it includes pictures and is typed in double spaced, large font. The rest of the book can focus on nigger crime, wars, disease, corruption and every other problem which they have brought this planet.


10-18-2020, 07:44 AM
That article has some pretty funny stuff in it! It mentions how every time they try to do it, it fizzles out due to lack of interest. hahhahaha! It also tries to claim that niggers have a "culture" that should be taught. Preposterous!
Here's all the nigger history anyone needs to know:
Niggers originated in Africa as an animal species and has not evolved.
God gave man dominion over all the animals, including niggers.
Niggers are inherently evil, so God made them black (the color that represents evil) so they would be easy to recognize.
Niggers lived in nests they made in huts that they constructed of animal dung.
Niggers never invented any technology, farming, science or philosophy; never prepared for the future or hard times and cannibalized each other
Niggers captured other niggers and traded them for bits of metal and shiny bobbles to advanced cultures for use as farm equipment and laborers.
Machinery and technology advanced with time and made niggers obsolete as farm equipment and laborers.
Humans have abandoned their nigger animals and they have become feral
Niggers have no purpose and have reverted back to their natural feral animal state and have become a parasite on civilized societies all over the world.

... and that pretty much sums it up. Nigger history can be covered in 5 or 10 minutes unless all the disgusting details and atrocities they've perpetrated need to be covered.

Full Clip
10-18-2020, 01:02 PM
I cant wait to 'Learn' where they discovered (like the Dead Sea scrolls) the Niggers plans for dem pyramids and their 'Blueprints' (written in cow dung?) for a flying machine long before Da Vinci did and prior the Wright Bros. making it a reality. Dat beez proove dey beez robbed - right?

10-18-2020, 04:11 PM
That article has some pretty funny stuff in it! It mentions how every time they try to do it, it fizzles out due to lack of interest. hahhahaha! It also tries to claim that niggers have a "culture" that should be taught. Preposterous!
Here's all the nigger history anyone needs to know:
Niggers originated in Africa as an animal species and has not evolved.
God gave man dominion over all the animals, including niggers.
Niggers are inherently evil, so God made them black (the color that represents evil) so they would be easy to recognize.
Niggers lived in nests they made in huts that they constructed of animal dung.
Niggers never invented any technology, farming, science or philosophy; never prepared for the future or hard times and cannibalized each other
Niggers captured other niggers and traded them for bits of metal and shiny bobbles to advanced cultures for use as farm equipment and laborers.
Machinery and technology advanced with time and made niggers obsolete as farm equipment and laborers.
Humans have abandoned their nigger animals and they have become feral
Niggers have no purpose and have reverted back to their natural feral animal state and have become a parasite on civilized societies all over the world.

... and that pretty much sums it up. Nigger history can be covered in 5 or 10 minutes unless all the disgusting details and atrocities they've perpetrated need to be covered.
Tru dat!!

Jim Crow
10-18-2020, 05:01 PM
Niggs don’t realize that they are making things worse for themselves by acting out and saying this ridiculous shit.Humans‘ patience is running thin.Soon the tide will turn against the fucking nigger apes!

Midder Peenud Hayed
10-18-2020, 05:07 PM
The problem with the concept of nigger "history" is that it was recorded in its entirety by Humans -- usually based upon third party accounts by niggers "themselfs". Niggers to this day never devised a written form of communication.

Nigger "history" from antiquity almost always proves to be a series of fables. Nigger "history" in the Americas, almost always turns out to be outright lies. No matter which nigger "history" myth you care to throw out there, it is sure to fall apart almost immediately under any real scrutiny.

There's no such thing as nigger "history". There are nigger myths, stories, and fantasies, but scant (if any) evidence to back them up.

10-18-2020, 10:28 PM
Be sure that your nigger history class reminds all the lil niglets all the damage they’ve done to our cities and schools that they should be giving US reparations at this point.
Also, their habits of raping anything that moves brought us the AIDS.
Nothing positive can be said about niggers. They just sit around and let the flies eat them while waiting for some guilt ridden liberals to send them an aerial drop KFC package.

10-19-2020, 01:36 AM
One thing I tend to find amusing about niggers relates to how they refuse to culturally appropriate the english language.

Everyone else that wants to integrate into American society learns how to read, write, and speak english.

They want all of the benefits, but they don't want to earn them.

They want to increase taxes on the rich, burn down their own cities, defund the police, and spend their entire existences, from cradle to grave, on welfare while terrorizing humans. They want to break all of the rules and laws, and get rewarded for doing so.

They want to attend college but they don't want to learn. They want to be told they accomplished things when it was actually humans that did all of the work. They throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way, like children with undeveloped frontal lobes.

The only way a nigger history book could have more than one page is if the nigger authors (*cough*human ghost writers*cough*) culturally appropriated human accomplishments and claimed that niggers were responsible for various inventions.

A proper nigger history book would look like this:

"Niggers were enslaved by other niggers and brought to the USA. They became free because humans realized they were useless as farm equipment, and didn't want to keep wasting their money on the things. A century later niggers were allowed to collect welfare for life, get free housing vouchers (AKA Section 8), receive free food and water, high school diplomas they didn't earn, college degrees in the philosophy of underwater basket weaving, and now, as they have every decade or two, started rioting and burning down their own cities. Niggers also enjoy murdering police officers, committing crimes, raping human children, cats and dogs, and turning their own offspring into ghetto lobster. Niggers are a worthless species, and they almost certainly only exist today in the USA because some liberals need to set the bar that low so they can point to niggers and say that no matter how incompetent or stupid they are as liberals, niggers are even worse. Liberals that hate themselves will often miscegenate with niggers, because they are suicidal, but are too cowardly to pull the trigger, so they pollute and destroy their own children. Niggers should be rounded up, sent to FEMA camps, and deported to Africa. Their valuables should be confiscated and returned to the American people; our tax dollars paid for that shit. HIV and AIDS originally started as SIV, the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus. It was an incurable virus found in monkeys in Africa. After niggers had sex with these diseased gorillas, they came to the USA, and had downlow sex with niggerloving humans and human females. Even after realizing that niggers were plague bearers with an incurable disease, the liberals legalized miscegenation, downlow homosexuality, and bestiality. Without severely mentally ill humans to prop up niggers, they would wither and die on their own, as all niggers are members of a failed species. A human with an IQ of 105 that lays with a member of the nigger species will never be able to produce a child that has an IQ about 85. The human has chosen to make his or her own offspring deficient, and they have betrayed the human race. Something about how humans invented peanut butter and something about nigger hair being made of steel wool. Niggers suck. The End."

10-20-2020, 09:11 AM
Niggers have no history. They have no culture beyond muh dik. The only reason they still exist as a species is the intense drive to reproduce that is nearly 100 times greater than any other species on earth. Their existence and sole purpose in life revolves around it.


10-20-2020, 02:38 PM
Niggers are primitive homo erectus, they have no place on any continent but Africa.

10-21-2020, 08:54 AM
The problem with the concept of nigger "history" is that it was recorded in its entirety by Humans -- usually based upon third party accounts by niggers "themselfs". Niggers to this day never devised a written form of communication.

Even worse: In Africa even neighbouring tribes living besides each other since thousands of years don't understand each other. There are more than a thousand different "languages" (of course they are pretty restricted in western terms, but still languages). Therefore nowadays they all learn English, one of the languages of evil yt, just because they can't communicate otherwise. Black history, ridiculous!

On the other hand: Niggers are lazy, they hate to learn anything. Since black history can be reduced to Burn Loot Murder, that will be an easy history class. Easy school means happy niggers.
Stay save, avoid the groid

10-23-2020, 09:11 AM
I am actually a strong proponent of teaching black history in schools. It should include all of the major black historical figures with all their historical contributions to the arts, science, philosophy, math, medicine, architecture and every other major advancement they have made toward the betterment of the world in which we live.

That should take care of page one of that textbook, as long as it includes pictures and is typed in double spaced, large font. The rest of the book can focus on nigger crime, wars, disease, corruption and every other problem which they have brought this planet.


So, to sum it up: Print a big poster reading

"Black History throughout centuries:
Burn Loot Murder"

and then hang it up in every classrom. Should do the trick. Problem, result would be Burn Loot Murder.

10-23-2020, 11:53 AM
Soon the tide will turn against the fucking nigger apes!

I so hope that you are right!

10-24-2020, 12:26 PM
Something else to note. If we get rid of white history that would mean that slavery never happened. All the excuses for nigger behavior would be null and void. Niggers will have invented everything but none of it will work anymore.

10-25-2020, 04:46 PM
"Niggers were enslaved by other niggers and brought to the USA. They became free because humans realized they were useless as farm equipment, and didn't want to keep wasting their money on the things. A century later and thanks to Teddy Kennedy niggers were allowed to collect welfare for life, get free housing vouchers (AKA Section 8), receive free food and water, high school diplomas they didn't earn, college degrees in the philosophy of underwater basket weaving, and now, as they have every decade or two, started rioting and burning down their own cities. Niggers suck. The End."

The bold red name needs to be added to the text!

10-26-2020, 10:30 AM
Something else to note. If we get rid of white history that would mean that slavery never happened. All the excuses for nigger behavior would be null and void. Niggers will have invented everything but none of it will work anymore.

Haha, so true!