View Full Version : Nobody Wants to Teach in Black Schools

10-17-2020, 06:42 PM

They have to offer American citizenship to third-world foreigners as an incentive. Otherwise even they wouldn't want to teach niggers.

These jobs are more about being zookeepers than being teachers.

Full Clip
10-17-2020, 08:12 PM
That's right, it could only be a 'Zookeeper' role simply because Niggers can't be 'TAUGHT' anything except maybe on the 'Monkey see - Monkey do' principle.

10-17-2020, 09:46 PM
I went to college and came out as a jr./sr. high school teacher 30 years ago. I did some subbing for a couple years while I applied for jobs in areas I thought would be nice to live. The nice areas were super competitive and usually insiders only got those jobs. There were always a lot of openings in inner cities and southern border shitholes. I was smart enough, even back then, to know that those areas were lost causes, would be a frustrating waste of my time and effort and would likely be dangerous. Nothing has changed since that time. If anything, it has gotten worse. Back then, crappy inner city schools were offering incentives to go there. Nobody I knew ever took the bait. Now apparently they are enticing foreigners to come and try it. Too bad they don't know they are being set up for failure. When it's that bad, I am a bit amazed that nobody sees the real problem or says anything about it and takes action on it to fix it. Given today's political environment, I understand it though. We all know what it is - niggers. Niggers and the lack of disciplinary tools needed to control them. In my opinion, niggers can not be educated in any subject; they can only be trained for certain behaviors and menial tasks. Needless to say, I found other gainful employment quickly and changed professions. The only regret I have is that I was told by many that I was a really good and effective teacher and I could have been a real benefit to many human youths over the years. Niggers have a more detrimental effect on society than most people realize.

Jim Crow
10-17-2020, 11:15 PM
Imagine being a human teacher confined to a classroom for eight hours a day with a bunch of stupid smelly fucking future felon niggers?Nothing to gain in that thankless position. All you would get all day is fucking abuse from the niggers acting out. A human female teacher may even get raped.And if you try to discipline or scold them, they throw the race card and you get suspended,fired or arrested.
Fuck that shit. I’d rather be a zookeeper at the monkey cage in the Brevard County Zoo.Monkey’s have far more manners,are more teachable and far more intelligent than a fucking nigger.And they probably smell better!

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-17-2020, 11:28 PM
Had a friend that taught at one of these shithole schools. She taught 3rd grade lil niggers. She confiscated a note from one talking about getting pussy and smoking dope. 3rd grade niggers already doin dat hoodrat shieeet with hims friyends.

Coon Club Road
10-17-2020, 11:35 PM
There is no "teaching" in an inner city school system. It's babysitting and collecting a pay check until you grow enough whiskers to be eligible for a suburban school job.

Many good educators say fuck it after a year of monkey shines and drive trucks for the rest of their careers.

Jim Crow
10-18-2020, 12:53 AM
Had a friend that taught at one of these shithole schools. She taught 3rd grade lil niggers. She confiscated a note from one talking about getting pussy and smoking dope. 3rd grade niggers already doin dat hoodrat shieeet with hims friyends.
I was in CT remodeling my sisters bathrooms in summer 2010.My sis would ask me to watch my then 11-year-old niece and her 11 yr old girlfriend at the pool every afternoon. I worked and kept an eye on them.One day,a 12 yr old 1/2 breed zebra sow from around the corner walks in,because I forgot to padlock the gate.
Within minutes, the zebra was swearing like a sailor and talking about sex and fighting.The little girls were scared.So,I asked my niece,to take her girlfriend and the dog in the house.I told the zebra to go home because we had an emergency. After that, padlock stayed on the fence.

Burrhead bastard
10-18-2020, 01:11 AM
All they do is dumb down schools and slow the progress of the white race. They being Niggers.

10-18-2020, 03:08 AM
Should just take them on a field trip to the local prison and leave them there.

10-18-2020, 03:33 AM
I was in CT remodeling my sisters bathrooms in summer 2010.My sis would ask me to watch my then 11-year-old niece and her 11 yr old girlfriend at the pool every afternoon. I worked and kept an eye on them.One day,a 12 yr old 1/2 breed zebra sow from around the corner walks in,because I forgot to padlock the gate.
Within minutes, the zebra was swearing like a sailor and talking about sex and fighting.The little girls were scared.So,I asked my niece,to take her girlfriend and the dog in the house.I told the zebra to go home because we had an emergency. After that, padlock stayed on the fence.

And those arrogant niggers always complain that white people are "so racist" for telling their kids not to play with niglets.

Jim Crow
10-18-2020, 09:52 AM
And those arrogant niggers always complain that white people are "so racist" for telling their kids not to play with niglets.
Good grief! What a nasty vile species of animal/beast they are!

Coon Club Road
10-18-2020, 12:08 PM
I managed to lose one of the funniest pics I ever took in my life... picture this:

I was returning from a Dr. appt in the city, driving through an adjoining suburb.

An inner city day care bus was unloading... maybe a field trip? Anyway as each little jigaboo jumped off the bus, they would grab onto a long rope, apparently used to keep track of the little jigs.

Funny part was they were all wearing PRISON ORANGE T's, way too big for them so they actually looked like prison jumpsuits.

Once they were all off, I snapped a picture as they were coming around the front of the bus... they looked like a future chain gang :lol

10-18-2020, 01:13 PM
And those arrogant niggers always complain that white people are "so racist" for telling their kids not to play with niglets.

And yet they insist on being around whites all the time. Even though yt is "racist" and "holding niggers back". Damn those savage shit beasts!
Stay save, avoid the groid and teach your kids!

Jim Crow
10-18-2020, 05:14 PM
Should just take them on a field trip to the local prison and leave them there.
The county zoo would probably work too.Just as long as they are locked in a cage and kept there.

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-19-2020, 10:23 AM
I was in CT remodeling my sisters bathrooms in summer 2010.My sis would ask me to watch my then 11-year-old niece and her 11 yr old girlfriend at the pool every afternoon. I worked and kept an eye on them.One day,a 12 yr old 1/2 breed zebra sow from around the corner walks in,because I forgot to padlock the gate.
Within minutes, the zebra was swearing like a sailor and talking about sex and fighting.The little girls were scared.So,I asked my niece,to take her girlfriend and the dog in the house.I told the zebra to go home because we had an emergency. After that, padlock stayed on the fence.

grown niggers talk like sailors and even have sex in front of their lil niglets. They learn how to be niggers at very young ages.

Jim Crow
10-19-2020, 02:59 PM
grown niggers talk like sailors and even have sex in front of their lil niglets. They learn how to be niggers at very young ages.
I would not doubt that for a second. I was very uncomfortable in that situation. I definitely wasn’t going to get too close in any way to the nigglet sow.I first called my niece and her human girlfriend in the house, along with the dog.
Then I went outside and opened the gate and ordered the little beast to leave before I locked it in and called police. Believe it or not, that little monster would’ve stood in the pool alone for hours if I hadn’t ordered it out of the yard. It’s amazing how bold these savage niggers are,even ata young age!
And to have witnessed this fucked up language,talk and body gestures coming from an 11 yr old was shocking.I realize this sort of behavior would be acceptable in the animal world.But I needed to protect my 11 yr old niece and her little human girlfriend that was with her. Hell,I even needed to protect the dog!!

Blue Gum
10-19-2020, 06:32 PM
I had to go to an almost 100% nigger highschool (it was probably 91% nigger) and to top it off, it was in the middle of a nigger neighborhood, well I had to do a year there until I reached legal age to drop out. Which I did, all thanks to fucking bussing , you see the niggers were calling it segregation, cause NO ONE wanted to go to a nigger school, and of course the niggers wanted to go to the white schools, so the liberal Democratic courts ruled whites had to be bussed to nigger schools and niggers had to be bussed to white schools, it was truly fucked up.

The niggers never went to school to learn, they just went to bang out with their nigger relatives and to fight. As students, biggers were ALWAYS the stupidest in the classroom, I dont even see how they passed, actually they didn't, the school would just promote them. Something else I noticed too, were most of the niggers were lots older than the grade they were in, and that's because they had failed so many times. The niggers came to school just for P E and lunch and that's another thing, I used to see the niggers go through the cafeteria line they would steal so much food it wasn't even funny, and of course no one would say anything about it.

The nigger animal absolutely does not belong in Western societies, they belong with their own, in the jungles of Africa screwing monkeys.

10-20-2020, 09:04 PM
I had to go to an almost 100% nigger highschool (it was probably 91% nigger) and to top it off, it was in the middle of a nigger neighborhood, well I had to do a year there until I reached legal age to drop out. Which I did, all thanks to fucking bussing , you see the niggers were calling it segregation, cause NO ONE wanted to go to a nigger school, and of course the niggers wanted to go to the white schools, so the liberal Democratic courts ruled whites had to be bussed to nigger schools and niggers had to be bussed to white schools, it was truly fucked up.

The niggers never went to school to learn, they just went to bang out with their nigger relatives and to fight. As students, biggers were ALWAYS the stupidest in the classroom, I dont even see how they passed, actually they didn't, the school would just promote them. Something else I noticed too, were most of the niggers were lots older than the grade they were in, and that's because they had failed so many times. The niggers came to school just for P E and lunch and that's another thing, I used to see the niggers go through the cafeteria line they would steal so much food it wasn't even funny, and of course no one would say anything about it.

The nigger animal absolutely does not belong in Western societies, they belong with their own, in the jungles of Africa screwing monkeys.


10-21-2020, 02:26 PM

Wow, thanks! Even though that film seems to be made by some ultra liberal idiot, one can still see the monkeyshines everywhere. How bad must it be in reality!? I am really sorry for all the human kids who have to go to a nigger school! Gosh, at the very end of the film, the prom party, holy hell!
Stay safe, protect your kids, avoid the groid!

10-22-2020, 05:01 AM
I was in CT remodeling my sisters bathrooms in summer 2010.My sis would ask me to watch my then 11-year-old niece and her 11 yr old girlfriend at the pool every afternoon. I worked and kept an eye on them.One day,a 12 yr old 1/2 breed zebra sow from around the corner walks in,because I forgot to padlock the gate.
Within minutes, the zebra was swearing like a sailor and talking about sex and fighting.The little girls were scared.So,I asked my niece,to take her girlfriend and the dog in the house.I told the zebra to go home because we had an emergency. After that, padlock stayed on the fence.

You were lucky! If you had not noticed, suddenly the whole nigger family would have been in the pool as well, because "meez kidz ae here". Probably even demanding beer out of your (sisters) fridge.