View Full Version : Crapper's Music Video Ended With Shooting

10-14-2020, 02:06 AM

10-14-2020, 04:03 AM
TNB at it's finest. Even the comments below the video are mostly nigger babble.
Here's another look into the nigger's mind. (I don't recommend you try listening to the whole thing; it'll just make you puke).


... and this is the crap teachers (and human children) have to deal with in classrooms because society currently insists niggers are more than animals. Niggers think babbling and not being capable of speaking properly is "talent". They are not capable of learning anything (because education be rayciss) and grow up to be violent offenders. These videos are examples of the pinnacle of the height of nigger aspirations. If they can't compete with other niggers playing with a coconut, they think cRapping is the ticket to success. When that doesn't work, they resort to crime and justify it because...rayciss!

Meanwhile, humans create works of art, music, science, philosophy and find gainful, productive employment.

No, niggers are not "just like us".

Blue Gum
10-14-2020, 04:38 PM
Just more proof of the demented ill-developed mind of a stinking nigger..

Jim Crow
10-14-2020, 07:56 PM
Hopefully some niggers were made good.

10-16-2020, 04:47 PM
Haha, who would have guessed that. Everybody knows what happens when there is a pack of niggers. The true miracle is how they manage to ever shot a crap video without killing everybody involved. Always wondered where the magic niggers are, because I personally never met one. Perhaps they all feel obliged to film all the nigger videos.