View Full Version : Stephanie Yeboah is a fat racist moron

Odin's balls
10-11-2020, 11:17 AM

Stephanie Yeboah? I hear you ask. Yes, me too. Never heard of it until today.

Apparently, the morbidly obese sowzilla doesn't like Jews and thinks the gas chambers were hilarious.

While everyone may be entitled to their opinion, it really doesn't pay to publicly announce that kind of opinion when you're the obvious affermative action hire for the post of 'Diversity champion' in an upper class ladies magazine.

In this role, it lasted a whole month before being hoofed out the door.

According to the lard based lifeform with shit coloured skin and a smell to match, there have been worse holocausts committed against coons.
There hasn't, but that didn't stop the uppity nigger spouting off on a subject it knows nothing about. Probably while doing that really irratating head bobbing thing that only sheboons have mastered.

Anyway, Stephanie Yeboah is now back on the welfare line and has been axed from several body positive campaigns by fashions labels. Apart from modelling the big top for the local circus.

Sometimes, just sometimes there is justice in the world.

10-11-2020, 11:19 AM

Stephanie Yeboah? I hear you ask. Yes, me too. Never heard of it until today.

Apparently, the morbidly obese sowzilla doesn't like Jews and thinks the gas chambers were hilarious.

While everyone may be entitled to their opinion, it really doesn't pay to publicly announce that kind of opinion when you're the obvious affermative action hire for the post of 'Diversity champion' in an upper class ladies magazine.

In this role, it lasted a whole month before being hoofed out the door.

According to the lard based lifeform with shit coloured skin and a smell to match, there have been worse holocausts committed against coons.
There hasn't, but that didn't stop the uppity nigger spouting off on a subject it knows nothing about. Probably while doing that really irratating head bobbing thing that only sheboons have mastered.

Anyway, Stephanie Yeboah is now back on the welfare line and has been axed from several body positive campaigns by fashions labels. Apart from modelling the big top for the local circus.

Sometimes, just sometimes there is justice in the world.

This NEEDS to happen more often!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-11-2020, 11:27 AM
I can smell that fat ass ape from here.

10-14-2020, 12:09 PM
But niggers can't be rayciss or bigoted! And it's not her fault she's a frickin' sowpotomus. It's the fault of white supremacy.

Jim Crow
10-14-2020, 01:38 PM
All niggers are racist,especially the fat sows.theyare hateful and racist because they were born looking like that.
So,what else is new?

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-14-2020, 11:05 PM
But niggers can't be rayciss or bigoted! And it's not her fault she's a frickin' sowpotomus. It's the fault of white supremacy.
It is kinda. It would be infested with aids and 90 pounds if it were still chucking spears and putting giant bones in its nose in da muddalannn.

10-15-2020, 09:02 AM
But niggers can't be rayciss or bigoted!

In most cases yes. But some lines even a nigger can not cross.

It must have been a tough choice for the company. Fire the nigger and face racisms or keep the nigger and face being called white supremist, even though it was a nigger. Honestly it does surprise me they fired the nigger. They are pretty much untouchable in the work place. It was probably a worthless piece of shit AA hire and this was the golden ticket the company needed to fire that sow and have the ammo to ward of the SJW crowd.

10-15-2020, 11:20 AM
In most cases yes. But some lines even a nigger can not cross.

It must have been a tough choice for the company. Fire the nigger and face racisms or keep the nigger and face being called white supremist, even though it was a nigger. Honestly it does surprise me they fired the nigger. They are pretty much untouchable in the work place. It was probably a worthless piece of shit AA hire and this was the golden ticket the company needed to fire that sow and have the ammo to ward of the SJW crowd.

I bet she wouldn't have been fired had she said horrible, insulting things about straight, YT, Southern men, not even if she had said they are all in the Klan. I bet no one would have even commented or if they did would have thought it amusing.