View Full Version : "Fed up" "disrespected" niggers threaten to leave U.S. because of "racism"

10-10-2020, 10:16 PM
More nigger whine, but we all know they won't ever leave. Instead of welfare, we should be buying all niggers one-way tickets, but they'll never go to where they say they'll be happier, because where else do they get gibs like in the U.S.?

If a nigger feels threatened because of what's happened to criminals, that's only because the nigger is also a criminal.

Devon Kitzo-Creed, a 28-year-old African American woman, always planned on leaving the United States to live abroad. Definitely before she had children, but probably not until she was in her 30s.

Now she and her husband, who live in Wilmington, Delaware, are planning on relocating to Ecuador right after the election. She’ll continue her work as a doula and childbirth educator. He can work remotely as a video editor and animator.

Why the rush? “The way things have gone this year, the political climate of our country, and just the way that I do not feel valued at all in this country,” Kitzo-Creed explained.

“It’s like the Black woman really is the most disrespected, disregarded person in America,” she said, echoing a Malcolm X quote made even more famous by Beyoncé. “So, I’m leaving.”

That's because that nigger sow is of no value to the country. Child birth educator? No human woman should trust a nigger on how to take a big fart.

That no one would face justice for the death of an innocent woman sent a familiar message to Kitzo-Creed: This country doesn’t care about Black people.

Guess what, it's now been proven that the Taylor she-nig was killed by its own buckfriend. The cops didn't kill it.

Kitzo-Creed recalled how just this summer, she was getting followed around the grocery store. Another man recounted how a police car followed him at night just recently, sending his heart racing. A woman recalled asking a repairman at her home to put on a mask because of the pandemic. He told her, “We won’t need to do this after Trump wins the election.”

Alex, I'll take Things That Never Happened for $200, please.

Life in the U.S. has always been far more deadly for Black people, who have a lower life expectancy and higher mortality rate. And COVID-19 brought that long-term trend into full relief. Death rates for Black people from the virus are disproportionately high.

That's because niggers have no concept of hygiene or sanitation. Look at the average nigger nest, and it has more germs than a cubic mile of sewage.


10-11-2020, 01:59 AM
Guess what, it's now been proven that the Taylor she-nig was killed by its own buckfriend. The cops didn't kill it.
Alex, I'll take Things That Never Happened for $200, please.

That's because niggers have no concept of hygiene or sanitation. Look at the average nigger nest, and it has more germs than a cubic mile of sewage.

I haven't heard about the dayed shenig getting the buck's shot. Do you have a reference for that one? I can't find it anywhere. Would love to hear that side.

On sanitation, I think the lifestyle and diet choices that niggers make have as much to do with their 'rona numbers as their poor hygiene does.

10-11-2020, 07:52 AM
I haven't heard about the dayed shenig getting the buck's shot. Do you have a reference for that one? I can't find it anywhere. Would love to hear that side.

On sanitation, I think the lifestyle and diet choices that niggers make have as much to do with their 'rona numbers as their poor hygiene does.

Like having diabetes, heart disease and the fact that they smoke "newpoats" like a chimney!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-11-2020, 09:42 AM
This country doesn’t care about black people

You got that right nigger. A broken clock is right twice a day. These niggers have been threatening to leave (like we give a shit) for decades but never do it. We all know exactly why they won’t leave. Africa never has had any gibs to gib. It would be a hard knock life for the poor nigger over there but if they stay here, their enablers stamp their ticket to easy street. Please! By all means nigger, make like a tree and get the f outta here!

Jim Crow
10-11-2020, 10:46 AM
Niggers are the most disrespected animal because they haven’t done anything to earn respect.When your species makes up 14% of the population,but commits 90% of the street crime,what do you expect? humans are afraid to walk streets at night, because they think they’ll get robbed and killed by a fucking nigger.
And now niggers are demanding respect by looting rioting and burning down cities. I would say most of America (the smart ones) are fed up with niggers. So, moving to another country is a great solution for everyone.By the way,, don’t hesitate to take your fucking nigger family,you filthy stinkin ape!

10-11-2020, 05:28 PM
“It’s like the Black woman really is the most disrespected, disregarded person in America,”

And why is that, I wonder? I'm sure it's not because sows are the most foul, vile, filthy, violent, ugly creatures on the planet? And no one owes anyone respect who has done nothing to earn it. You should get respect when you start shitting out niglets at the age of 15 or so, then get Sec8, welfare, food stamps, etc because you deserve all that?

If only they could all be carried off to a place that respects them, and then dropped in the middle of the ocean as their useless nigger ancestors were.

Jim Crow
10-11-2020, 05:37 PM
Another thing that niggers are good for, is bitching and crying.Stop crying and get out of the country already.

Coon Club Road
10-13-2020, 09:38 AM
...When your species makes up 14% of the population,but commits 90% of the street crime,what do you expect? humans are afraid to walk streets at night....

It's their specialty! It's what they do!

10-13-2020, 09:44 AM
Yes, please!
Get out. Go to africa; go to the moon!

Jim Crow
10-13-2020, 03:06 PM
It's their specialty! It's what they do!
And it’s all they do! Never has a nigg contributed to the good of society.

10-21-2020, 12:54 PM
I haven't heard about the dayed shenig getting the buck's shot. Do you have a reference for that one? I can't find it anywhere. Would love to hear that side.

Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I knew you replied but it took me days to find it. Now I can't find the article, a ballistics expert saying the bullets came from the buckfriend. Not just the bullets that killed the cop, the bullets that killed the Breonnasow. I hate to admit it was probably something like Infowars, but it seemed so believable at the time. A nigger tries shooting at cops and in typical nigger marksmanship kills a nigger next to it? Absolutely believable.

But in lieu of that, here's something showing the ex-buckfriend wasn't much of an ex, and what kind of cop posts bail for a suspook?

That wasn't Glover's only trip to Breonna's apartment. Police had placed a tracking device on Glover's car, which showed he made frequent trips to her apartment, leading police to believe that her apartment was a holding place for drugs and money. Glover was also heard telling someone that Taylor handled his money, although there is no evidence that this statement was true.

Taylor also seemed familiar with Glover's world of drugs. When he was arrested in January, he called to ask her to locate an associate who could post bail. She answered that the associate was "already at the trap," slang for a drug-trafficking house. On another occasion, Taylor posted a $2,500 bond for Darreal Forest, another man who police suspect was involved in the drug ring.

The Courier-Journal has still more evidence of the close connection between Glover and Taylor. That's why the police got a warrant to search Taylor's house.

https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/09/the_truth_finally_emerges_about_breonna_taylors_de ath.html