View Full Version : South African farmers fight back against nigger farm invaders

10-10-2020, 09:08 AM

A 22 year old white South African farm manager was murdered by niggers. The South African white population have pretty much given up on nigger control. No white man can be controlled by inferior niggers. Farmers demonstrated in angry scenes at the court house. All white South Africans should have escaped the nation when they had the chance. Sometimes you just got to give up.

10-15-2020, 01:43 PM
I once heard a joke directed at Botha, "Does the name Custer mean anything to you?" I say back, "Does the movie Zulu mean anything to you?"

The U.S. government supplies all kinds to weapons to asslifter countries, but we don't arm civilians who deserve machine guns and tanks to defend themselves. Instead our government hailed Mandela, and played nice with his new, openly communist government that was all about stealing whites' developed land to give to niggers that were never indigenous to the region. There were no permanent nigger inhabitants in that part of Africa until the British and Dutch built something and unfortunately brought in niggers for workers.

10-15-2020, 08:43 PM
I once heard a joke directed at Botha, "Does the name Custer mean anything to you?" I say back, "Does the movie Zulu mean anything to you?"

The U.S. government supplies all kinds to weapons to asslifter countries, but we don't arm civilians who deserve machine guns and tanks to defend themselves. Instead our government hailed Mandela, and played nice with his new, openly communist government that was all about stealing whites' developed land to give to niggers that were never indigenous to the region. There were no permanent nigger inhabitants in that part of Africa until the British and Dutch built something and unfortunately brought in niggers for workers.

That was the BIGGEST mistake!!