View Full Version : JP MorganChase to "help advance racial equity" i.e. give niggers millions in loans they can't afford

Whitey Ford
10-10-2020, 04:34 AM
Isn't giving niggers loans that they couldn't afford what caused the meltdown in the first place?
JPMorgan Pledges Billions in Spending to Fix Racial Wealth Gap


JPMorgan Chase & Co. committed billions of dollars to help advance racial equity, including a pledge to underwrite home loans for Black and Latinx borrowers and changes to how its own executives’ progress on diversity is evaluated.

Among the plans announced Thursday, the bank said it would spend $8 billion to originate 40,000 mortgages for Black and Latinx households over the next five years. It originated $4.2 billion of such loans last year, according to U.S. government data. The $8 billion is on top of its normal lending, a spokeswoman said.

“We can do more and do better to break down systems that have propagated racism and widespread economic inequality, especially for Black and Latinx people,” CEO Jamie Dimon said in the statement. “It’s long past time that society addresses racial inequities in a more tangible, meaningful way.”

The changes are the culmination of months of discussions about how to address racial inequity sparked by this summer’s nationwide protests in the U.S. after the police killing of George Floyd. JPMorgan and other big U.S. banks have been pressured to help remedy race-based economic gaps the industry helped create. Firms including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. have promised to improve diversity among their own ranks.


10-10-2020, 05:07 PM
What, exactly, does anyone think that pouring unlimited funds towards niggers is going to do? Do they think niggers are suddenly going to turn into thinking human beings and use this free money wisely? Really? They think that these low-IQ simians aren't going to ook "I gots a whole buncha munny!" and blow it all on hoes, drugs, guns, bling, and booze? Yeah, give them munny to buy homes which they will turn into trashed, slummy nigger nests in a year or so and which will have to be foreclosed on?
The way certain segments of the population insist that niggers are just like us, and that they deserve to be given everything for free is folly beyond belief.

10-10-2020, 05:50 PM
It will all be spend on drugs and whores within a week

Jim Crow
10-10-2020, 06:00 PM
Anything spent on niggers is a waste. They are a worthless species.All niggers do is destroy.

10-10-2020, 09:56 PM
What, exactly, does anyone think that pouring unlimited funds towards niggers is going to do? Do they think niggers are suddenly going to turn into thinking human beings and use this free money wisely? Really? They think that these low-IQ simians aren't going to ook "I gots a whole buncha munny!" and blow it all on hoes, drugs, guns, bling, and booze? Yeah, give them munny to buy homes which they will turn into trashed, slummy nigger nests in a year or so and which will have to be foreclosed on?
The way certain segments of the population insist that niggers are just like us, and that they deserve to be given everything for free is folly beyond belief.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

Jivin' Jigaboo
10-14-2020, 07:32 PM
JP Morgan Chase is giving loans to NIGGERS that will never pay them back, while a lot of their employees have been laid off due to "the pandemic", with many more layoffs to follow.

Jivin' Jigaboo
10-14-2020, 07:46 PM
What, exactly, does anyone think that pouring unlimited funds towards niggers is going to do? Do they think niggers are suddenly going to turn into thinking human beings and use this free money wisely? Really? They think that these low-IQ simians aren't going to ook "I gots a whole buncha munny!" and blow it all on hoes, drugs, guns, bling, and booze? Yeah, give them munny to buy homes which they will turn into trashed, slummy nigger nests in a year or so and which will have to be foreclosed on?
The way certain segments of the population insist that niggers are just like us, and that they deserve to be given everything for free is folly beyond belief.

Any attempt to help, save or reform the SAVAGE NIGGER BEAST into productive human beings is an epic fail! The only reason that JP Morgan Chase is doing this, is for good public relations with the Worldwide Jigaboo Society and i am sure everyone gets my drift. This is all about "Diversity and Inclusion" for which JPMC so proudly flaunts.

10-14-2020, 09:50 PM
Anyone who does not prostrate themselves at the feet of niggers and shower them with money is automatically blacklisted and boycotted. "You better love niggers, or else!" is coercion.

Yes, help the niggers in need (and niggers are ALWAYS in need since they cannot even feed themselves) and you shall be richly rewarded with their everlasting gratitude.


I aint bin dun did dat!
10-14-2020, 10:31 PM
What, exactly, does anyone think that pouring unlimited funds towards niggers is going to do? Do they think niggers are suddenly going to turn into thinking human beings and use this free money wisely? Really? They think that these low-IQ simians aren't going to ook "I gots a whole buncha munny!" and blow it all on hoes, drugs, guns, bling, and booze? Yeah, give them munny to buy homes which they will turn into trashed, slummy nigger nests in a year or so and which will have to be foreclosed on?
The way certain segments of the population insist that niggers are just like us, and that they deserve to be given everything for free is folly beyond belief.

I used to work in construction for quite some time and I have been in my share of abandoned/foreclosed nigger nests. The baseboards will be missing, there will be holes in the walls. Doors are hanging off the hinges with no door knobs. The yard will have all kinds of trash and broken liquor bottles in it. It would literally take amazing effort to fuck these homes up the way they do. Then the mortgage company files insurance claims stating vandalism which in turn costs everyone in higher premiums. They truly are a disgusting, useless animal that cannot be house broken.

10-15-2020, 10:44 PM
I used to work in construction for quite some time and I have been in my share of abandoned/foreclosed nigger nests. The baseboards will be missing, there will be holes in the walls. Doors are hanging off the hinges with no door knobs. The yard will have all kinds of trash and broken liquor bottles in it. It would literally take amazing effort to fuck these homes up the way they do. Then the mortgage company files insurance claims stating vandalism which in turn costs everyone in higher premiums. They truly are a disgusting, useless animal that cannot be house broken.

I first found out about what niggers do to dwellings when I started watching court shows. Every one of them leaves their places trashed. How do you even do some of this damage?

I watched one just last week where a nigger sow was suing her landlord for not returning her deposit after he evicted her. Landlord had pictures and they boggled my mind: Doors off the hinges, gouges in the walls, an inch of grease over the stove, melted microwave, mirror smashed in the bathroom and chunks broken off a kitchen drawer. Her worthless buck son is fond of "Black and Milds" and throws ash everywhere and stubs out the butts on the woodwork. Sowlet aughter "likes stickers" so puts about 100 of them on the walls, ripping off the paint. The grandniglet likes to draw on the walls. The front door deadbolt has been stolen and another cheap doorknob put in its place. Front door has been pried or kicked open - more than once - and the edges look like beavers were chewing on it. The sow just shrugged as everyone gaped at the pics, like "So what?"

Another old silverback left his nest looking like a bombed-out WWII bunker, and on and on. So yeah, how come no humans want niggers in their neighbourhoods? That's just racist.

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-15-2020, 10:57 PM
I first found out about what niggers do to dwellings when I started watching court shows. Every one of them leaves their places trashed. How do you even do some of this damage?

I watched one just last week where a nigger sow was suing her landlord for not returning her deposit after he evicted her. Landlord had pictures and they boggled my mind: Doors off the hinges, gouges in the walls, an inch of grease over the stove, melted microwave, mirror smashed in the bathroom and chunks broken off a kitchen drawer. Her worthless buck son is fond of "Black and Milds" and throws ash everywhere and stubs out the butts on the woodwork. Sowlet aughter "likes stickers" so puts about 100 of them on the walls, ripping off the paint. The grandniglet likes to draw on the walls. The front door deadbolt has been stolen and another cheap doorknob put in its place. Front door has been pried or kicked open - more than once - and the edges look like beavers were chewing on it. The sow just shrugged as everyone gaped at the pics, like "So what?"

Another old silverback left his nest looking like a bombed-out WWII bunker, and on and on. So yeah, how come no humans want niggers in their neighbourhoods? That's just racist.

Isnt it amazing? It baffles the mind. How can they do this damage. You could lock a literal chimpanzee family in there for months and the homes would be in better shape than when niggers leave. Why the hell would you remove baseboards? Did Leroy offer a deal on some crack rock for baseboard exchange one night? How are you just sitting there one night and decide to pry them off the wall and do whatever with them? Ill never understand. Its like why does a dog sniff other dogs asses? Well, because its in its nature.

10-16-2020, 12:23 AM
What, exactly, does anyone think that pouring unlimited funds towards niggers is going to do? Do they think niggers are suddenly going to turn into thinking human beings and use this free money wisely? Really? They think that these low-IQ simians aren't going to ook "I gots a whole buncha munny!" and blow it all on hoes, drugs, guns, bling, and booze? Yeah, give them munny to buy homes which they will turn into trashed, slummy nigger nests in a year or so and which will have to be foreclosed on?
The way certain segments of the population insist that niggers are just like us, and that they deserve to be given everything for free is folly beyond belief.

There is something missing from this story. A company like JPMC doesn't just give away money, certainly not 12 billion plus. That is not what they are in business for. No CEO would want to commit career suicide like this no matter how large the golden parachute is.

I had the unpleasant experience of dealing with them on a previous mortgage and had no intention to do it again when I moved but the small bank that I went with on my second house sold my mortgage in a bundle to JPMC and I wound up stuck with them again for a few years until I paid my house off. They had a charge for EVERYTHING! They would try to charge me for internet banking to Epay. They would try to charge me to pay in person. They charged me to pay it off after the last payment was made for "service fees" to close the account. They are evil. They don't give away money.

These people would charge you for using one of their ball point pens if they thought they could get away with it.

This leaves me to ask - just who is paying for this? Nigger lovers or not, it sure as shit ain't JPMC and they can't sell enough ball point pens to make up the difference.

10-16-2020, 01:01 AM
All firms that support nigger lives matter are doing it to be politically correct nigger loving, with the intent to pass on all these costs to all of us. You just don't give away billions, then expect it to reappear by magic. These investment, banking, schools, research and pharmaceutical firms will charge us more, one way or another. Meanwhile the nigger parasites are not even grateful and demand more.

We could all move to the country and not see any nigger, but we're still part of the system, and we will somehow continue to feed and house these animals.