View Full Version : List of companies to avoid?

10-02-2020, 02:56 PM
Hi guys,

I was wondering if there is some website or database where companies advertising with celebrities, influencers, or who support antifa, nigger riots etc. are listed? I did some extensive searching, without much success. I do actively avoid to buy from such companies if I am aware of their misbehaving, but since I avoid TV ads and social media by all means, it is hard to stay up to date.

Keep Britain White
10-03-2020, 06:16 AM
I decided to boycott nigger-loving companies just the other day. Like you, I mute TV adverts, so it can be difficult to identify the coddlers.
For years I've drunk PG Tips tea, but I see they are pushing this BLM shit, so when the current pack runs out, I'm switching.
Writing to the companies, and politely telling them why you're boycotting them is probably the most effective course of action. If you're rude, they'll just dismiss your comments.

10-03-2020, 07:36 AM
I second that request! It would be great if there would be something like an app, where one could check & note evil companies! Was looking for something like that as well.

Long before BLM I decided not to buy brands who engage celebrities, because I personally consider that just criminal. Similar to surreptitious advertising it works subliminal as well, as the brain considers faces you have seen very often before as trustworthy, 'friendly person of my own tribe'.

Personally, with groceries etc. I go as often as possible with retailer brands, sometimes they do have even better quality than branded products (frozen aldi pizza if I occasionally go unhealthy :) - you just have to find a nigger free store). Before I buy expensive stuff I do some research. Nigger riots did save me a lot of money, because Cable, Netflix and Apple had to go! Now I do have spare time & money!

10-03-2020, 07:46 AM
I'm afraid that nowadays, it would be easier to make a list of the ones that don't. It would be a hell of a lot shorter for damn sure. Assume the smaller the company, the less likely it is to be fuxated and nigger worshippy. Start with Goya and Redbull!

Try to support smaller businesses. I do whenever possible. I've pretty much written off all big chain restaurants unless it's a have to situation and we try to stay with the locals who almost always keep the staff human, helpful and courteous. I've found that the food is always better anyway. I can eat at our local Mexican restaurant for half the price as Taco Hell, get real food and never leave hungry.

I don't go to Home Despot anymore, EVER! The local mom & pop store is closer and what I might save on price, I save on gas and car wear & tear.

Some places and brands are simply unavoidable and we have to face it. If you need a cell phone, your choices are limited to begin with. All of the carriers and manufacturers are in bed with them.

You can buy generic goods but you get what you pay for. Try your hand at making your own clothing detergent. You might find it works better and is pennies on the dollar compared to the nigger lovers at Clorox.

Buck Simian
10-03-2020, 08:22 AM
Its pretty much impossible. Even if a companies owners are nigger haters behind the scenes the bottom dollar and the government forces them to coddle the animals. You would almost have to live like a hermit in a cave to avoid it. There are a handful that i do make a point in avoiding. Anything made by Proctor and Gamble for instance. They have produced a sickening series of nigger loving fuck whitey commercials over the past couple years. I keep a list of their products that i once purchased but never will again.


10-03-2020, 09:01 AM
Niggers are the true pandemic. They are an international plague that is shitting on civilization and watering us all down. Nigger standards are unique to living creatures in that they don't have any. Even a monkey is cleaner than a nigger. Avoiding niggers is near impossible I'm afraid.

10-03-2020, 09:48 AM
Here you go:

I go by the rule of thumb to avoid big companies / chains, go mom an pop instead. Avoid any company with celebrity endorsement, that by itself is another evil. Buy store brands if possible.
If you want to avoid the evil devils A$$le and G$$gle, you can get a smartphone with /e/os (if you are ok not to have the newest model that is), I am very happy with my 'ungoogled' s9.

10-03-2020, 10:19 AM
Are all these companies donating a like amount to all the elderly people who worked and paid taxes all their lives, only to end up in poverty and wretched old age homes on the pittance they receive from the government?

Anyway, I do get why Niggers Come First and only nigger lives matter. Any company that refuses to support (or pretend to support) parasitic, destructive niggers may as well close their doors and file for bankruptcy.

That P&G "The Look" ad is utter bullshit! If every single YT out there acts like a member of the KKK, shunning niggers, then how did this buck get to be a judge? Sickening.

The only good ad with a nigger in it was this one for "Dove". Of course it didn't last long.

Happy sow got her paws on some Dove which makes her fantasy of being a beautiful white woman come true! :lol


10-03-2020, 11:16 AM
I remember seeing some news story of Cuckgle Maps adding a symbol for nigger-owned businesses. The symbol looked like a muh-dik nutsack or maybe a sheboon's ass. Did they ever take it in use? I tried to find it from the worst shitholes in NYC and Chimpcago but couldn't find any. Anyway, they should add similar symbol for BLM ass-kissing companies - it would be much easier to avoid them.

10-03-2020, 11:21 AM
The only good ad with a nigger in it was this one for "Dove". Of course it didn't last long.

Happy sow got her paws on some Dove which makes her fantasy of being a beautiful white woman come true! :lol


Haha, never seen this before! Gorgeous! Here (Switzerland / EU) all the Dove ads are massively nigger and sandnigger infested, therefore I avoid everything from Unilever. Newest 'thing' in advertising over here is going all in with halal, disgusting. Actually I complained to several companies, asking them why they support an inhumane ideology, and if their company policy now welcomes cruelty to animals :)
I am so fed up with all this bullshit, and I do think one should actually call them out on it.

10-03-2020, 11:27 AM
These companies are doing it as a tax write off, but they now know BLM had their 501c3 stripped from them. Now all those companies can't write it off and BLM has to pay taxes on it......... :lol

So suck it BLM and the nigger loving companies.

Strike! Good to hear that, great news!

10-03-2020, 11:57 AM
I is pretty much unavoidable. Every company is bending the knee to nigger loving. Not because they agree but because it is cheaper to donate aka buy publicity than it is to suffer destruction losses. If I can buy an alternative with a company that has stayed out of it I will. I used to have a monthly subscription to Strava but cancelled that as soon as they bent the knee. Same with Netflix and a few others.

10-03-2020, 02:24 PM
Here you go:



10-03-2020, 03:34 PM
#206: Riot Games

10-03-2020, 10:11 PM
206: Riot Games: https://archive.is/2XH97

Blue Gum
10-03-2020, 11:56 PM
Dont wanna mention the name, but it's the big box Orange store that sells hardware etc....it IS one of the biggest nigger-loving companies around....NO question about it !!!!

They go out of their way to hire, appease, and cottle the dirty nigger animal..

10-06-2020, 08:23 AM
Yes homo depot was mentioned,
I won't give a cent to any of these companies that donate more than 5k or so, don't care how many of them jump on the bandwagon.
Unfortunately have to buy a couple things from Amazon, but always buy from non-amazon sellers.
going to have to stop using amazon and ebay...

1.3 million

What's almost more sickening is the amount of extra money these companies have. Wonder well well in some cases they are trendy and way overpriced like Apple. But in other cases not. Regardless to some degree they all have this extra money to waste, by paying their employees as little as possible.
Writing to the companies is an excellent idea IMO, and something I do often.

It's a good list there on wordpress, but I'm mainly concerned just with the ones actually giving large sums of money.
It's pretty much a given most companies are PC tools but it won't help niggers much unless they get dat money.
An exception to this would be a company like CBS shoving nigger loving "public messages" down watcher's throats, which I have noticed recently.
I don't watch the nigger worshipping tube but some people I care about do unfortunately.

another huge nigger loving company is Allstate.
still on a futile quest to niggers to buy car insurance
when niggers don't buy insurance

I ALWAYS thought the "allstate nigger" was annoying!!

Sheriff jogn
10-07-2020, 12:55 AM
Damn companies handing out money to the behave like monkeys movement- as sheriff they will be caught and arrested for treason against the U.S government.

10-09-2020, 05:29 PM
Looks like Yelp will be alerting it's users to as to which businesses treat niggers like niggers. I might patronize a business or two that makes it onto Yelp's shit list. I'll be looking for the "Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert" specifically to give them my business.


Jim Crow
10-09-2020, 07:25 PM
Dont wanna mention the name, but it's the big box Orange store that sells hardware etc....it IS one of the biggest nigger-loving companies around....NO question about it !!!!

They go out of their way to hire, appease, and cottle the dirty nigger animal..
Isn’t that fucked up? Because white men are the number one consumer for that hardware store. Niggers don’t even fucking work. And if they do, they are definitely not skilled professionals.The only thing that a nigger would probably buy at a hardware store is a set of bolt cutters or a pry-bar .y’know, some kind of B&E tool.

10-10-2020, 11:44 AM
Looks like Yelp will be alerting it's users to as to which businesses treat niggers like niggers. I might patronize a business or two that makes it onto Yelp's shit list. I'll be looking for the "Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert" specifically to give them my business.


Fantastic! I don't use yelp that much. Is it possible to sort / search for these 'racist-business-alerts' on yelp? I just tired it out for DC, did not find anything. I would love to support these 'racist' companies by all means!

By the way: I don't eat out much, but if I do, I definitely would appreciate e.g. 'white lives matter' signs. Haven't ever seen one though. Probably they'd get burned down immediately. But IF governments and police would do / be allowed to do their jobs properly, signs like that should guarantee a nigger free shopping or dining experience, what do you think?

10-10-2020, 06:25 PM
Fantastic! I don't use yelp that much. Is it possible to sort / search for these 'racist-business-alerts' on yelp? I just tired it out for DC, did not find anything. I would love to support these 'racist' companies by all means!

By the way: I don't eat out much, but if I do, I definitely would appreciate e.g. 'white lives matter' signs. Haven't ever seen one though. Probably they'd get burned down immediately. But IF governments and police would do / be allowed to do their jobs properly, signs like that should guarantee a nigger free shopping or dining experience, what do you think?

hmmm. Looks like they'll be adding an attribute to search for black owned businesses too. I don't think the alert and search attribute are completed and active yet. I'll use the attribute to check a business for black ownership so I can avoid it. Even though it's not their intention, I suppose I should thank Yelp :D

Blue Gum
10-10-2020, 06:28 PM
Isn’t that fucked up? Because white men are the number one consumer for that hardware store. Niggers don’t even fucking work. And if they do, they are definitely not skilled professionals.The only thing that a nigger would probably buy at a hardware store is a set of bolt cutters or a pry-bar .y’know, some kind of B&E tool.

I KNOW for a Fact...niggers were by far the biggest group to steal from big orange homo...the niggers wandering around the store pretending to shop were ALWAYS watched lots closer than anyone else. I know First-hand, that particular company would brag, on internal store-only media, how much they do for "minorities", (code for niggers) and proud of the fact that 43% of all associates and new-hires are niggers. Disgusting, Totally Disgusting....

Midder Peenud Hayed
10-10-2020, 09:14 PM
I wasn't going to comment in this thread because I don't like anything even remotely "Cancel Culture", but I have recently noticed our local "Lowe's" go from lily-White to being overrun with niggers.

Very few niggers live in this area. I f you were to draw a 20 mile circle around that store, I'm sure the nigger population inside that circle would represent a fraction of one percent. The majority of the Lowe's niggers have to be knuckling in from outside the general area.

Even more off-putting than the niggers in the store is the fact that every single scrap of signage and promotional literature is lousy with leering grinning niggers. It has clearly become a corporate policy to shove niggers down our throats. Not only are they hiring niggers that are likely commuting from larger towns to the south, but they are actively promoting niggers in their advertising.

I'm not going to "boycott" or anything like that, but I am going to leave notes bearing a pro-Human message around in discreet places like the toilets.

Where did all these niggers come from?

The toilet you are using has been used by a nigger!

Why are there niggers on every sign in the store when most of them don't own property?

Stuff like that... Just to plant a thought in someone's head...

Blue Gum
10-11-2020, 01:53 PM
Here's a tip to definitely raise the probability of getting your message looked at, fill in the shopping questionnaire on your sales receipt. Management definitely reads and records the customer feedback surveys, doesn't take long and all you have to do is go to their website. I always try and leave very low numbers and a short brief comment...like "I had a longer than expected wait in line because employee lashonda was talking with another coworker", ruining my family's shopping experience" it was very inconsiderate.

10-14-2020, 02:56 PM
I wasn't going to comment in this thread because I don't like anything even remotely "Cancel Culture", but I have recently noticed our local "Lowe's" go from lily-White to being overrun with niggers.

I'm not going to "boycott" or anything like that, but I am going to leave notes bearing a pro-Human message around in discreet places like the toilets.

Where did all these niggers come from?

The toilet you are using has been used by a nigger!

Why are there niggers on every sign in the store when most of them don't own property?

Stuff like that... Just to plant a thought in someone's head...

I personally don't see avoiding nigger coddling companies can be compared to 'Cancel Culture', simply because I don't consider brands to be 'culture'. At least not compared to rewriting books, history and so on. On the other hand, I personally do avoid even companies that do advertise with celebrities and influencers. But I do see your point, bringing politics into the game should not be a decision making factor.

BUT: Avoiding the groid is a necessity to protect me & my family, at least that's how I see it. I don't want to endanger them, there are more than enough situations where you can't escape anyway (at least normally that teaches the kids a valuable lesson because niggers do what niggers do).

10-15-2020, 02:53 PM
hmmm. Looks like they'll be adding an attribute to search for black owned businesses too. I don't think the alert and search attribute are completed and active yet. I'll use the attribute to check a business for black ownership so I can avoid it. Even though it's not their intention, I suppose I should thank Yelp :D

Exactly my plan as well!

10-22-2020, 05:57 PM
Here's a tip to definitely raise the probability of getting your message looked at, fill in the shopping questionnaire on your sales receipt. Management definitely reads and records the customer feedback surveys, doesn't take long and all you have to do is go to their website. I always try and leave very low numbers and a short brief comment...like "I had a longer than expected wait in line because employee lashonda was talking with another coworker", ruining my family's shopping experience" it was very inconsiderate.

Hahaha, I remember a nice story to tell. At my first trip to the US my company booked me into an an accommodation at a Hilton hotel. On the same floor as my room there were niggers, and they were super loud and annoying. I did not know at that time these things were US niggers because I could barely understand them. Their behavior and language made me think of them as African tourists. So I asked the receptionist the next day, if he could tell the people in room number xy how to behave in western countries, because I needed to be able to sleep at night. To explain to him why I did not ask them to be more quiet all by myself, I of course told him that they were from Africa and therefore I would not be able to understand their language. He was very irritated. But the same evening the manager knocked, apologized profoundly and offered me another (and much better) room somewhere else. :)

By the way, that was the first time I started to question the "all human" thing. Because at that very hotel a niggled actually dumped into the pool, in front of its mother. She watched, and did not care at all. I was shocked!

10-22-2020, 06:02 PM
A good bet to avoid the nigger coddling libtard companies is actually to have a look at their instagram pages. If there are niggers or if they advertise with celebrities, it is almost inevitable they support Burn Loot Murder, genderism feminism and so on.
Stay safe!