View Full Version : Nigger Savage Sucker Punches Rick Moranis

Nigger Wrangler
10-02-2020, 01:42 PM
First reported as just a 67 year old man, it turns out the victim of this savage nigger beast was actor Rick Moranis.

The filthy nigger, wearing a black " I heart NY" hoodie fled the scene like the useless coward these niggers are.

Everyone needs to exercise their Second Amendment Rights. This would stop these most of these attacks, because an armed society is a polite society.


10-02-2020, 03:34 PM
I'm sure Rick was a nigger lover anyway, so its monkey has come home to roost - but, in his defense, if there were no niggers, then he wouldn't have been sucker punched by one. So the obvious solution to avoid a repeat occurrence is to remove the niggers.

Midder Peenud Hayed
10-02-2020, 03:56 PM
Sat next to RM on a flight from Montreal to L.A. many years ago and we were NOT in first class, BTW. My wife was very pregnant with twins and had a hard time getting comfortable. Rick offered her his window seat, I moved to the aisle, and he sat in the middle.

We talked for hours about life, family, the fact that I was about to be a first-time father and was terrified (he had a lot of fun with that), and by the time we landed, I realized that he was one of the nicest most humble people I'd ever met! He's a very small man -- maybe 5'3" ...

The nigger that attacked him knew that it was attacking a Human who couldn't/wouldn't fight back. I wish him a full recovery and am quite certain that a man with his intelligence will know to completely avoid niggers in the future!

10-02-2020, 05:40 PM
Just doing what a nigger does. There should be show called “when niggers attack” lmao

10-02-2020, 06:18 PM
I'm sure Rick was a nigger lover anyway, so its monkey has come home to roost - but, in his defense, if there were no niggers, then he wouldn't have been sucker punched by one. So the obvious solution to avoid a repeat occurrence is to remove the niggers.


Rick was with the same woman since the early 80's and hasn't even dated a woman since she died of cancer. Are we talking about the same guy here?

Nigger Wrangler
10-02-2020, 06:49 PM
Sat next to RM on a flight from Montreal to L.A. many years ago and we were NOT in first class, BTW. My wife was very pregnant with twins and had a hard time getting comfortable. Rick offered her his window seat, I moved to the aisle, and he sat in the middle.

We talked for hours about life, family, the fact that I was about to be a first-time father and was terrified (he had a lot of fun with that), and by the time we landed, I realized that he was one of the nicest most humble people I'd ever met! He's a very small man -- maybe 5'3" ...

The nigger that attacked him knew that it was attacking a Human who couldn't/wouldn't fight back. I wish him a full recovery and am quite certain that a man with his intelligence will know to completely avoid niggers in the future!

Wow that is awesome. I always liked the guy, from the old SCTV stuff on. He's in Donald Fagan's (Steely Dan) "Tomorrow's Girls" music video as well.

It's always encouraging to hear someone you have enjoyed watching turns out to be the good person you thought they were.

He definitely didn't deserve to be attacked by a filthy nigger animal.

All things considered, we should have picked our own cotton!

We need to round up every nigger and send them back to Africa. It would save money and save lives in the long run.

Midder Peenud Hayed
10-02-2020, 07:31 PM

Rick was with the same woman since the early 80's and hasn't even dated a woman since she died of cancer. Are we talking about the same guy here?

During the few hours I spent sitting beside him in 2005, the conversation always came back around to family. He really loves his family. I got the impression that his wife -- mother of his kids (?), was out of the picture. I didn't "go there"...

I was in a weird place back then. My career had taken off big time, I was about to be a father for the first time, and we were moving to another state. I told him all of that -- he kept telling me to hang in there; the best was yet to come.

Truly a sweet man.

I don't care if he knew the truth about niggers or not back then: he does now...

10-02-2020, 07:58 PM
One of the best bits ever:


10-02-2020, 08:02 PM
During the few hours I spent sitting beside him in 2005, the conversation always came back around to family. He really loves his family. I got the impression that his wife -- mother of his kids (?), was out of the picture. I didn't "go there"...

I was in a weird place back then. My career had taken off big time, I was about to be a father for the first time, and we were moving to another state. I told him all of that -- he kept telling me to hang in there; the best was yet to come.

Truly a sweet man.

I don't care if he knew the truth about niggers or not back then: he does now...

Yeah, his wife died in 91 and Rick dropped out of Hollywood to be a full time parent. Last I heard he was living in Colorado(?) or somewhere around there. He left it all behind for his kids. I've never heard anyone say a bad word about the guy and everyone who says they know him says the same things you said - that he is what you see and he's not really acting when on the screen as much as just kind of being himself. Rare find indeed.

10-02-2020, 10:12 PM

Rick was with the same woman since the early 80's and hasn't even dated a woman since she died of cancer. Are we talking about the same guy here?

I simply mean he was likely to be a typical BLM supporting, praise thy negro, we all equal Hollywood luvvie type, like most actors seem to be in order to agenda comply and get that next gig.

10-03-2020, 07:12 AM
Checked out story and noticed the advertisement on page for "fertilizer, excuse me, fertility clinic", with two niggers.

10-03-2020, 02:44 PM
Rick's wife died of breast cancer in 91 or 92. I have met him a few times over the years at various Cancer Awareness Functions/Charities. He was probably the humblest man I have ever met in my life. When my daughter had cancer, he and I spent a good hour talking about family and how important it is to be strong even when you feel like you are on the verge of a complete emotional collapse. That family is the most important thing for a man to have and you never know when it can all come crashing down around you (like when his wife passed). He is fucking hilarious, he has this complete dry wit, but not insulting, like he would say something and you would just stop as he gave you this goofy look and just fucking lose it. Just all around a solid guy who never shy'd away from cutting a check in the name of cancer research. He never turned down a picture, autograph or a hug. Just a very, very, genuinely sweet guy. To hear of this attack is completely disgusting. As someone mentioned, he is VERY short, I am sure a nigger thought he was an easy target. Hope he heals up with no long term issues.

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-03-2020, 02:58 PM
Just doing what a nigger does. There should be show called “when niggers attack” lmao

It was called cops and it was cancelled because it spread too much truth about niggers.

10-03-2020, 07:25 PM
Ironic that the nigger knock-out game continues unimpeded in spite of all the Reverend Al Sharpcoons who've come out against it. Just shows that no one pays attention to monkey-shines until a prominent human becomes the victim.

Midder Peenud Hayed
10-07-2020, 05:09 PM
Rick's wife died of breast cancer in 91 or 92. I have met him a few times over the years at various Cancer Awareness Functions/Charities. He was probably the humblest man I have ever met in my life. When my daughter had cancer, he and I spent a good hour talking about family and how important it is to be strong even when you feel like you are on the verge of a complete emotional collapse. That family is the most important thing for a man to have and you never know when it can all come crashing down around you (like when his wife passed). He is fucking hilarious, he has this complete dry wit, but not insulting, like he would say something and you would just stop as he gave you this goofy look and just fucking lose it. Just all around a solid guy who never shy'd away from cutting a check in the name of cancer research. He never turned down a picture, autograph or a hug. Just a very, very, genuinely sweet guy. To hear of this attack is completely disgusting. As someone mentioned, he is VERY short, I am sure a nigger thought he was an easy target. Hope he heals up with no long term issues.

Yep -- that's the guy I got to know a little on that flight all those years ago. Genuinely humble and kind... Hilariously sly (but sweet) comments about my impending fatherhood :lol

I was telling Mrs. PH about this the other night and she asked me if I'd ever emailed him a pic of our "new" family after the girls arrived. I had totally forgotten this, but he actually asked me to send him a snap and gave me an email address. I must have lost it because I never did. Totally forgot that part of the story...

Anyway, accounts of the stellar character of this man shared here are 100% accurate based upon my experience with Mr. Moranis.

Sheriff john
10-07-2020, 05:39 PM
Wasn't this guy in Ghostbusters? Seems like nothing can protect him from the evil spirits of niggers.

10-08-2020, 06:36 PM
Wasn't this guy in Ghostbusters? Seems like nothing can protect him from the evil spirits of niggers.

They should make a remake of Ghostbusters with Rick Moranis in it and call it "Niggerbusters!!" I would DEFINITELY pay to see that!! Make al "not so" sharpscoon one of the villains!!