View Full Version : News flash: President tests positive for virus!

Keep Britain White
10-02-2020, 06:58 AM
Let's just hope and pray that Mother Nature doesn't play a dirty trick on the world by incapacitating the President!

Knowing him, he'll pull through OK - but you can't help worrying, as he's in the group that are judged to be "vulnerable".

Like the rest of us, I'm sure, I am keeping him and his wife in my thoughts at all times.

God, we never needed him leading the world more than we do now!

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Mr. President.

Coon Club Road
10-02-2020, 07:45 AM
Maybe a false positive!

10-02-2020, 10:17 AM
He'll be fine. Not every old person gets sick.

10-02-2020, 11:41 AM
Let's just hope and pray that Mother Nature doesn't play a dirty trick on the world by incapacitating the President!

Knowing him, he'll pull through OK - but you can't help worrying, as he's in the group that are judged to be "vulnerable".

Like the rest of us, I'm sure, I am keeping him and his wife in my thoughts at all times.

God, we never needed him leading the world more than we do now!

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Mr. President.

As do I!! President Trump has been playing 3 dimensional chess with the left since day ONE and as made them look like the EPIC fools they are. Hopefully he takes a vaccine with hidroxychloriquine and has a FULL RECOVERY!! This WILL REALLY get the collective left's panties in a wad!!

Midder Peenud Hayed
10-02-2020, 04:53 PM
KBW ( and everyone else), what worries me is not TRUMP'S recovery -- he'll be fine, it's the 25th Amendment that gets my tail in the air, especially if VP Pence tests positive. At that point, it is conceivable that totally insane piece-of-shit Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, would be sworn in as acting president.

Pelosi is truly insane -- I'm not exaggerating. Fucking bat-shit crazy! Deranged. Unhinged. And filled with hate...

She wouldn't last long most likely, then the President pro tempore of the Senate (currently Chuck Grassley), would take over.

This morning, I was out on my jog. I saw two specks in the sky to the west that I knew were F-18's out of NAS Whidbey about 6 NM from me. I thought it was strange that they were hovering over the Olympics until I heard a heavy coming from the south and realized I was likely looking at the E-6B "Doomsday" whip -- I could see the comms dome on top. The Hornets immediately formed up and disappeared straight into the tropo. I'm sure they were loitering above the heavy as it lumbered out toward the coast.

I called Dad when I got home and he said that it was "just an exercise" (not that he's in the loop anymore). I hadn't seen an E-6B in the air since 9-11-01.

That's what worries me about Pelosi having the codes. Shit could go pear-shaped stupid fast!

Aussie Chimper
10-02-2020, 06:08 PM
KBW ( and everyone else), what worries me is not TRUMP'S recovery -- he'll be fine, it's the 25th Amendment that gets my tail in the air, especially if VP Pence tests positive. At that point, it is conceivable that totally insane piece-of-shit Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, would be sworn in as acting president.

Pelosi is truly insane -- I'm not exaggerating. Fucking bat-shit crazy! Deranged. Unhinged. And filled with hate...

She wouldn't last long most likely, then the President pro tempore of the Senate (currently Chuck Grassley), would take over.

This morning, I was out on my jog. I saw two specks in the sky to the west that I knew were F-18's out of NAS Whidbey about 6 NM from me. I thought it was strange that they were hovering over the Olympics until I heard a heavy coming from the south and realized I was likely looking at the E-6B "Doomsday" whip -- I could see the comms dome on top. The Hornets immediately formed up and disappeared straight into the tropo. I'm sure they were loitering above the heavy as it lumbered out toward the coast.

I called Dad when I got home and he said that it was "just an exercise" (not that he's in the loop anymore). I hadn't seen an E-6B in the air since 9-11-01.

That's what worries me about Pelosi having the codes. Shit could go pear-shaped stupid fast!

I was only just reading about this.

America’s doomsday planes are in the air following news that the nation’s commander-in-chief, President Donald Trump, has COVID-19.
Two US Navy E-6B Mercury nuclear war command posts were observed in flight Friday, one on each coast of the United States. They were initiating the “Take Charge and Move Out” (TACAMO) defence protocol – essentially dispersing the command and communications facilities needed to control the US nuclear arsenal.
These aircraft are activated by the Pentagon when it is deemed necessary to communicate with the US Navy’s secretive nuclear missile submarines, stealth bombers and missile silos.


Keep Britain White
10-06-2020, 03:37 AM
[QUOTE=Midder Peenud Hayed;136145]KBW ( and everyone else), what worries me is not TRUMP'S recovery -- he'll be fine, it's the 25th Amendment that gets my tail in the air, especially if VP Pence tests positive. At that point, it is conceivable that totally insane piece-of-shit Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, would be sworn in as acting president.

Pelosi is truly insane -- I'm not exaggerating. Fucking bat-shit crazy! Deranged. Unhinged. And filled with hate...

I totally agree! I've watched this woman - an absolute loony!

To better news - the President is out of hospital and doing well. Wonderful news, and welcome back to the White House, sir. It's where you belong for the next four years, and more than that if I had my way.
All civilised people everywhere in the West feel safer with him at the helm.

10-06-2020, 06:15 PM
[QUOTE=Midder Peenud Hayed;136145]KBW ( and everyone else), what worries me is not TRUMP'S recovery -- he'll be fine, it's the 25th Amendment that gets my tail in the air, especially if VP Pence tests positive. At that point, it is conceivable that totally insane piece-of-shit Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, would be sworn in as acting president.

Pelosi is truly insane -- I'm not exaggerating. Fucking bat-shit crazy! Deranged. Unhinged. And filled with hate...

I totally agree! I've watched this woman - an absolute loony!

To better news - the President is out of hospital and doing well. Wonderful news, and welcome back to the White House, sir. It's where you belong for the next four years, and more than that if I had my way.
All civilised people everywhere in the West feel safer with him at the helm.

TRU DAT!! TRUMP 2020!!

10-06-2020, 06:21 PM
Pelosi is truly insane -- I'm not exaggerating. Fucking bat-shit crazy! Deranged. Unhinged. And filled with hate...

I totally agree! I've watched this woman - an absolute loony!

To better news - the President is out of hospital and doing well. Wonderful news, and welcome back to the White House, sir. It's where you belong for the next four years, and more than that if I had my way.
All civilised people everywhere in the West feel safer with him at the helm.

You just described every democRAT politician

Jim Crow
10-06-2020, 09:40 PM
[QUOTE=Midder Peenud Hayed;136145]KBW ( and everyone else), what worries me is not TRUMP'S recovery -- he'll be fine, it's the 25th Amendment that gets my tail in the air, especially if VP Pence tests positive. At that point, it is conceivable that totally insane piece-of-shit Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, would be sworn in as acting president.

Pelosi is truly insane -- I'm not exaggerating. Fucking bat-shit crazy! Deranged. Unhinged. And filled with hate...

I totally agree! I've watched this woman - an absolute loony!

To better news - the President is out of hospital and doing well. Wonderful news, and welcome back to the White House, sir. It's where you belong for the next four years, and more than that if I had my way.
All civilised people everywhere in the West feel safer with him at the helm.
Pelousy is also rich. Filthy rich.The ones who keep voting her in for another term are the ones that are truly insane and deranged.More so than she is. But on the bright side, she’s 81 years old. She’s going to end up like that little ugly troll Ginsberg. In a fucking box. Hopefully soon.