View Full Version : Tranny mudshark Teigen has miscarriage, world is spared another niglet

10-01-2020, 12:23 PM
Chrissy Teigen shared tragic news on Wednesday night that she had experienced pregnancy loss.

The model and cookbook author, 34, and her husband, John Legend, 41, revealed in mid-August that Teigen was pregnant with her third child. Teigen had been sharing updates about the complications in her pregnancy and was hospitalized Sunday night after she experienced excessive bleeding.


Don't worry, they'll just shit out another.

10-01-2020, 01:28 PM
It seems the mutant pair can't seem to have normal children.

10-01-2020, 02:08 PM
One of the top 5 causes of miscarriages is infections. The number one cause of "infections" in women who commit bestiality are the various STI's currently carried by over one quarter of all niggers. Many STI carriers are untreated due to ignorance or are asymptomatic. Many previously treatable diseases are now antibiotic resistant and simply cannot be stopped with any treatment. Viruses cannot be cured at all. The patient can only be treated for symptoms. You carry many viruses for life and most cannot be cured, only treated.

She got the herpeghonersyphillaids. Now her baby chute is withering up.

10-01-2020, 02:31 PM
Ha ha ha fuck you "Legend" and mudshark. Made my day. This is karma, you entitled bitches.

10-01-2020, 03:22 PM
“Just had a really scary morning,” she wrote on Tuesday, “Huge clot, almost save-worthy.

"Save-worthy"??? Save it in a jar and put it on the mantle in their crib? JFC! The whole world needs to know about the nasty, vile clots flying out of her mutant-niglet launcher? Mudsharks always sink to the level of dirty sows once they start wallowing with some buck. Not an ounce of dignity or concept of privacy. Disgusting!

10-01-2020, 03:46 PM

Don't worry, they'll just shit out another.

What do you EXPECT from a talentless nigger and a mudshark?! I ALWAYS despised that coalburning C@NT anyway!!

10-01-2020, 04:48 PM
Ha ha ha fuck you "Legend" and mudshark. Made my day. This is karma, you entitled bitches.

This ugly mutt called himself "legend" for the usual nigger reasons. That's not his birth name.

And the woman, I don't know what the fuck she is. She's some kind of mutt. Seems her father was a sex tourist who picked up a Thai girl.

Whitey Ford
10-01-2020, 05:40 PM
How the hell did this nasty looking creature become a model? Ugly as sin!

10-01-2020, 06:38 PM
herpagonasyphilai ds A combination of herpes, gonorrhea, Syphilis, and aids in a dirtyjuicee cluster of disease.

Being niggers I am sure they both were more disease infected than that.

Niggers are a plague upon this planet.

It's a term I branded a couple of guys with while I was in Millington going to school. The running joke was that they would be in the club on a Friday night and at the clinic by Monday morning. That's when I started seeing a pattern with Sailors - It wasn't just a joke. Some stereotypes are there for a reason.

I personally knew one oil drilling AS2 (NOLA in the early 90's) who was told by the CO of the clinic that if he showed up to sick call with one more STD, he would be written up for destruction of government property (I.E. his own dikk) and they were not joking. They were so damn serious about it that the threat was published in the base POW as a general warning to the whole base. Apparently, this guy wasn't the only one who was wasting all the doctor's time and all the pharmacy's penicillin for not wearing a jimmie suit. Rubbers were, afterall, free for the taking at the front desk of the clinic - literally a bucket full since they figured it should be cheaper to give them away than treat the results of stupidity when alcohol, sailors and whores mix.

Jim Crow
10-01-2020, 07:02 PM
And to think, that ugly mud shark was a supermodel.

10-03-2020, 07:54 AM
And to think, that ugly mud shark was a supermodel.

That word means nothing to me:
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.toiimg.com%2Fphoto%2F68390 447.cms&f=1&nofb=1

10-03-2020, 12:02 PM
How the hell did this nasty looking creature become a model? Ugly as sin!

WTH? Are her udders resting on her stomach?

With all their money, look at the mess of their nest and the filthy mirror. Typical, I guess

10-04-2020, 06:34 PM
That word means nothing to me:
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.toiimg.com%2Fphoto%2F68390 447.cms&f=1&nofb=1

I have some pretty heavy eyebrows, or so I thought until I saw that thing.


10-04-2020, 07:07 PM
One of the top 5 causes of miscarriages is infections. The number one cause of "infections" in women who commit bestiality are the various STI's currently carried by over one quarter of all niggers. Many STI carriers are untreated due to ignorance or are asymptomatic. Many previously treatable diseases are now antibiotic resistant and simply cannot be stopped with any treatment. Viruses cannot be cured at all. The patient can only be treated for symptoms. You carry many viruses for life and most cannot be cured, only treated.

She got the herpeghonersyphillaids. Now her baby chute is withering up.

Worked as an ER nurse in a major city. There was a term coined "The PID Shuffle" (pelvic inflammatory disease) for the sheboons. These lovies would literally shuffle their paws (no offense to animals), bend over holding their bellies. Treatment consisted of harpoon sized needles, one in each butt. The liquid meds were thick as milk shakes. Memories...

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-05-2020, 11:26 PM
One of the top 5 causes of miscarriages is infections. The number one cause of "infections" in women who commit bestiality are the various STI's currently carried by over one quarter of all niggers. Many STI carriers are untreated due to ignorance or are asymptomatic. Many previously treatable diseases are now antibiotic resistant and simply cannot be stopped with any treatment. Viruses cannot be cured at all. The patient can only be treated for symptoms. You carry many viruses for life and most cannot be cured, only treated.

She got the herpeghonersyphillaids. Now her baby chute is withering up.

Must be the “legendary” patient zero.