View Full Version : Hospital’s Private Police oppressing poor Jacarvi and Darcell

Whitey Ford
09-29-2020, 06:41 AM
What Trump and Biden Should Debate at the Cleveland Clinic: Why the Hospital’s Private Police Mostly Arrest Black People


A few minutes after noon on a September day in 2018, Jacarvi Jackson and Darcell Williams were crossing Euclid Avenue, a main road through Cleveland’s medical area. Both of them worked for a vendor that supplies food to patients at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic. Still in their work uniforms after finishing their eight-hour shifts at the hospital’s loading dock, they were heading to a Burger King lot where their cars were parked. They were in a hurry — Jackson was worried about getting to his classes at Cleveland State University — and didn’t take the crosswalk.

A police cruiser was coming toward them. Eric Parks, the officer inside, rolled down his window and shouted at Jackson and Williams to use the crosswalk. When they didn’t, Parks pulled up and drove onto the sidewalk curb to block their path, they said. Parks then jumped out of the cruiser, grabbed Jackson, bent his arm behind his back and pinned him against the vehicle. Parks held him there for several minutes as two more officers responded to the scene.

In a police report, Parks said that the pair initially refused to provide identification, and that he held Jackson against the cruiser because “I felt he might strike me.” Parks and a second officer, Steven Jevnikar, wrote that Jackson and Williams cursed repeatedly, complaining that the only reason they had been stopped was because they were Black.


Coon Club Road
09-29-2020, 09:10 AM
Coons slip into the loading area, grab dirty scrubs from the laundry hampers, then knuckle around the garages looking for valuables, invisible to the human eye or the po po.

Happens all the time. Dress the part and go anywhere without drawing a single second thought.

Jim Crow
09-29-2020, 01:28 PM
Why do police in general arrest more niggers than whites?
Before I give you the obvious answer to the question,I will tell you that you don’t need to be a rocket scientist or a sociology major to answer this one.Because it’s a very simple answer.
Because the niggers cause most of the problems in the United States and commit 99% of the fucking street crime.Niggers have no respect for humans, for life in general, for anyone else’s rights and property. For Christ’s sake,they don’t even give a fuck about their own species or themselves for that matter!
Just look at how the average nigger lives. Look at the conditions of their roach and crime infested housing. And their hygiene.NU is a luxurious hotel compared to where they come from. And if you look at statistics, a nigger’s life expectancy is longer when they are living in NU, compared to the PJs.Only problem with sending a nigger to NU is that us taxpayers have to flip the fucking bill.