View Full Version : A question about "racism"

09-28-2020, 10:19 PM
When I was a young human in school, I remember learning about a social justice warrior that went by the name of Martin Luther King Jr., and I remember hearing a quote from it: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

So why do niggers judge me on the basis of my skin color instead of the content of my character?

I judge niggers based on the content of their character, not their skin color, so why do they act in a prejudicial way and discriminate against me because of my white skin?

Niggers are just as racist and evil as the so-called "racists" that they claim are allegedly oppressing them. They have literally become their own enemy.

Blue Gum
09-29-2020, 08:39 AM
I've said it before, the nigger animal has many many strikes against it, it's just how it is; But the main strike is this: niggers hate themselves and they hate other niggers too. The migger KNOWS itself and that being said, niggers KNOW they're a Failed species. The nigger animal was like it is Long before it latched on to Whiteys society and culture like a blood sucking tick on a dogs ass, another big problem is the nigger has no history, little to no previous generational history, oh sure for a time when the niggers were sucking the blood of the Egyptians, the nigger adopted some of the ways and culture then tried to pass them off as legitimate authentic nigger culture, everyone saw through that.

The nigger is an animal species which doesn't possess the cognitive deposits of empathy or sympathy, so the nigger animal looks at itself, looks around at the world it has invaded (the White mans world) and is frustrated because even in the niggers very limited capacity, it can come to the conclusion that it has No chance at all of progressing, learning, building and contributing to the White mans world.

I can't think of anything important or tangible the nigger animal has brought forth to better anything. The nigger animals world is corrupt and violent. This evidenced by countless actions and vile behavior, just look at how the nigger animal is behaving currently, rioting, looting, burning and what I find Disgusting is the cottlers and liberal nigger lovers give in and try pacifying niggers all the time.

The nigger animal should've been removed out of western societies or at a minimum segregated away from humans. The nigger animal should be treated exactly for what it is; a dirty vile, violent bacteria.

Jim Crow
09-29-2020, 02:17 PM
Most niggs don’t have enough education to read, so they don’t know anything that Martin Luther King said.But, I am together hand to follow those words. I judge others by their character.A nigger’s characters is that of s savage senseless,murderous ape!And that is what I consider them.