View Full Version : Racism against niggers has cost the U.S. $16 trillion, Citigroup executive nigger finds

Whitey Ford
09-28-2020, 12:52 AM
Never in the entire history of the world have niggers had it better than they do currently in the United States. But racisms, racisms and MOAR racisms are all you ever hear.


America could have been $16 trillion richer if not for inequities in education, housing, wages and business investment between Black and White Americans over the past 20 years, new research concludes.

The study, released this week by Citigroup, is the latest in a body of research that attempts to quantify the economic impact of systemic racism. Citigroup arrived at its $16 trillion figure after estimating that:

Black workers have lost $113 billion in potential wages over the past two decades because they couldn't get a college degree.
The housing market lost $218 billion in sales because Black applicants couldn't get home loans.
About $13 trillion in business revenue never flowed into the economy because Black entrepreneurs couldn't access bank loans.
What's more, the U.S. could have $5 trillion in gross domestic product over the next five years if those gaps and others were closed today, the study indicated.

And of course it's a nigger 'Executive' over at Citigroup that determines this. Meh.

"Racial inequality has always had an outsized cost, one that was thought to be paid only by underrepresented groups," Citigroup Banking Chair Raymond McGuire said in a statement. "What this report underscores is that this tariff is levied on us all."



09-28-2020, 07:19 AM
16 Trillion richer, huh nigger?

Not that I believe your maffs (I doubt you can add three digit numbers), but if we poured that already missing 16 trillion into funding every housing, edumuhhcashion, bidnezz, and ever other thing that this nigger's whim spews out of it's chiggun vacuum, we would be 32 trillion dollars more in the red. In fact the numbers would probably be much worse since niggers would simply have more money to squander and more property to destroy when the money dried up. Handing a nigger any gibs simply results in more niggers screaming for more gibs in an endless cycle of gibs, take, destroy, gibs.

The problem isn't racism you stupid nigger. The problem is niggers. Niggers simply do not have the desire to improve their station in life if it means work, nor do they possess the faculties to do so.

Jim Crow
09-28-2020, 07:26 AM
All wasted on worthless baboons.

Buck Simian
09-28-2020, 07:30 AM
Oh come on, that sounds like a Dr. Evil number. Why not just say One Trillion Dollars and get it over with?


09-28-2020, 07:48 AM
Oh come on, that sounds like a Dr. Evil number. Why not just say One Trillion Dollars and get it over with?



Coon Club Road
09-28-2020, 09:49 AM
Racism cured by hiring more niggers.

More niggers do less.

Do less = 16 Trillion.

Example: Willie comes home from work. Latifah axes Willie "What you do at work today?"

Willie responds: " I dindu nuffin".

09-28-2020, 06:26 PM
How does racism cost $16 Trillion?
I've been doing it for free my whole life!