View Full Version : Danish kid's TV show features naked nigger explaining trannies to the kids

Whitey Ford
09-22-2020, 05:47 PM
A video excerpt from a Danish children’s show has surfaced on social media showing five fully nude, though censored, adult performers who then explain their nudity to the audience, made up of children between the ages of 11-13.


The show even included a transgender adult who told the young audience: “[I’m] not a boy, not a girl, I’m a bit of everything.”

Part of “Ultra Strip Down’s” message was to reinforce body positivity while challenging stereotypes of the “perfect body.”

“This is a CHILDREN’s show on Danish TV entitled “Ultra Strips Down”, produced by Danish branch of Warner Bros. The show claims to teach kids about different body types by exposing them to naked adults! Why?” tweeted outspoken pundit, Obianuju Ekeocha.



09-22-2020, 05:54 PM
I have run out of words, except to say I feel great pity for this generation of children whose parents seem to want to strip every vestige of innocence from them.

Now I feel so lucky to have passed my childhood without being informed about the wonders of niggers, deviant sexual practices, seeing explicit pictures of sex acts or penises, being schooled on how wonderful it is to be a tranny or engage in anal intercourse. Poor kids.

09-22-2020, 09:11 PM
I'm so glad I didn't grew up in a fucked up pedo accepting, nigger loving liberal generation like these poor kids are. We are going to be seeing a LOT of people with mental issues in the future.

Coon Club Road
09-23-2020, 02:49 PM
...It's child abuse..... PERIOD!!!


09-23-2020, 03:00 PM
If this was a show and tell of animals, it may have been ok. But they're implying to the young minds a nigger is every bit a human. Look at that black turd! You can't tell me in a million years that it's the same species as us!

Definitely child abuse here, but it seems the Danes are also as "forward thinking" as the Swedes. WTF?

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-23-2020, 04:24 PM
A naked nigger is the best at explaining degeneracy? Who would’ve though?

09-23-2020, 06:14 PM
13 times I've been to Denmark over the years. My best buddy lived in Aarhus and then Copenhagen. What a beautiful country and beautiful pretty people they used to be. The girls were just amazing. My last visit would have been 20+ years ago. I remember going to the cinema and the commercials would be half Danish and half English. I guess if you didn't speak another language you were trapped. They will probably be the next Exiteers from the wicked EEC which is enforcing these jungle creatures on all of Europe.