View Full Version : Chicago postal workers shot on job ! USPS threatens no more deliveries

09-21-2020, 06:56 PM
I'm sure this will fuck the niggers up, as the majority of mail delivered in the ChimpCongo are government checks to niggers.


Niggers ruin everything. It's true !

Coon Club Road
09-22-2020, 09:35 AM
I had a buddy that was a UPS driver. The coons that load the trucks tip off the brothas when hi value merchandise is on board.

My buddy was robbed at gunpoint 3 times. Held captive in the back of the truck while it was cleaned out, then locked in the back.

Anywhere from 10 mins to 2 hours. He was scared to death to yell for help fearing they would light the truck on fire, because that's just some of the monkeyshines they do!

09-22-2020, 01:57 PM
“Any letter carrier who does not feel safe in any one of these communities then they are not to deliver mail and customers have to pick up their mail,” Julion said. “We are not going to have another situation where the letter carrier is shot down.”

Bullshit. How, exactly, are the customers to know that they have to pick up dey welfayruhh chex? The postman must leave a note in the mailbox.

This puts the postman in an even greater risk by having to possibly deal with one face to face when they want to know where their mail is instead of a yellow slip of paper. One was just murdered a couple of months back for not delivering to a nigger's dump with vicious dogs in the yard.

Fuck that. They should all have to drive to the post office to stand in line and pick up their mail. Make them show up before lunch, even to control the flow. Most won't do it because they are just climbing back into their coffins by that time to evade sunlight.

Coon Club Road
09-22-2020, 02:06 PM
... to evade sunlight...

Isn't that why those chimp/baboons have that very well pronounced brow/sunvisor... to evade sunlight?

Spooks are predominantly nocturnal, the only thing motivating them to be vertical during daylight hours is the crime they would miss out on.

Odin's balls
09-24-2020, 11:27 AM
Bullshit. How, exactly, are the customers to know that they have to pick up dey welfayruhh chex? The postman must leave a note in the mailbox."

The Police pop it in the mailbox as they are serving the inevitable warrants.

Jim Crow
09-24-2020, 12:02 PM
Next up,Liberals will be protesting against the US Postal Service because they Hurt the feeling of their Nigger pets. Give it a little time. Niggs will turn against their liberal coddlers. And then libs will be asking us conservatives for help. I already have my reply prepared.Fuckyou Libby !

09-24-2020, 01:21 PM
Bullshit. How, exactly, are the customers to know that they have to pick up dey welfayruhh chex? The postman must leave a note in the mailbox."

The Police pop it in the mailbox as they are serving the inevitable warrants.

They would have to deputize the mailmen because you can't mail-manize the deputies!

Personally, I don't have a problem with human letter carriers being armed. Postal inspectors already are.

09-24-2020, 03:59 PM
Isn't that why those chimp/baboons have that very well pronounced brow/sunvisor... to evade sunlight?

Spooks are predominantly nocturnal, the only thing motivating them to be vertical during daylight hours is the crime they would miss out on.

Or the MUH DIK!!