View Full Version : Nigger Complaining About Po-lice Harassment

09-20-2020, 11:18 PM

09-21-2020, 08:18 AM
Don’t you hate when you’re just minding your business having a picnic or walking your dog and suddenly racist police just surround you and beat you up and cuff you for absolutely no reason?
Well you don’t have to put any thought into that, because it NEVER happens.
They act like police are just targeting them randomly but they simply are breaking the god damned law like always, and the police get called to the scene. If in the unlikely scenario that you really didn’t do anything at all and a police officer pulls you over or asks you a question, just be polite and don’t chimp out. It’s that simple.
Why’d I even bother typing this? The niggers that need to know this advice can’t even read and everyone here already knows how to treat the police with respect.
Niggers are just never going to accept that they commit more crimes and are more likely to be defiant with the police and if I was an officer I’d have to keep my mouth shut on how sick I am of dealing with disrespectful niggers all the time. And then somehow it’s all the polices fault that they’re sick of their shitty attitudes.

09-21-2020, 09:04 AM
Niggers need to understand the crime rate would be infinitely higher in nigger neighborhoods if the police were not "harassing" them for breaking the law. Personally I say take the police out of the nigger areas. Overnight it will become wakanda, right?

Coon Club Road
09-21-2020, 09:20 AM
I watched about 10 mins of it.

Cadillac's everywhere, plenty of Newpoats, and what looks like something that was filmed between 9 and 5, and nobody's at work!

Just hanging out drinking malt liquor at the vacant lot!

Don't get any better than that!