View Full Version : Antifa and BLM attack random "Nazis"

09-20-2020, 10:55 PM
Okay, I'll admit I'm not a huge fan of Nazis. One of my ancestors fought the real Nazis back in the day, and he was permanently scarred... mostly mentally, from the experience.

Apparently World War II sucked for most of the participants, regardless of which side they were fighting on.



Apparently now Antifa is sending their troops out to harass and abuse random people, while calling them Nazis.

I think they are finally running out of fuel, and they think that, like niggers, they have to invent hate crime hoaxes in order to stay relevant.

It's a shame that Antifa is creating the hate crime hoaxes. Surely this wouldn't be necessary if Nazis were actually running around, trying to do bad things to Jews, and trying to take over Europe.

And it is a shame that Antifa is engaging in hate crimes against humans because their communist masters are telling them to do those things.

Antifa is apparently comprised of useful idiots that can't think for themselves, and they will most likely be disposed of when they are no longer useful. Humans won't do that; it will be their communist and DNC masters that will make them disappear.

And the worst part of all this is that niggers will be worse off after all of this anti-racist, anti-fascist nonsense. My heart weeps for all those poor niggers that were used and abused by Antifa, the communists, and the DNC just so that they could acquire more power.

Those sad little niggers...

Can you imagine being a nigger, captured by niggers from another tribe, and then sold to humans to be used as a slave? And then being given clothes, food, water, a job, and the possibility of muh dik? All things you would not have had if you were not a slave in the USA, because your nigger masters would have killed you and eaten your flesh?

Slavery was hardly the awful thing the communists claim it was. Niggers were allowed to take many breaks, have picnics, eat watermelon, bacon, and fried chicken, smoke marijuana, play games, and consume alcoholic beverages, and it was generally considered to be a happy time for most of them. And then the evil antifas of the time gave them freedom and rights.

That was the beginning of the end for the niggers, and it marked a slow decline back towards their original primitive state of being. Slavery was the best thing that could have ever happened to a nigger.

I wish I had a job that permanently guaranteed me a house, food, water, clothing, and muh dik. Niggers had it so good, and then the antifas came and took it all away. If it wasn't for the war of antifa aggression, niggers would still be living high on the hog, and having such a good time. And they would still be slaves.

Honestly, though, how is slavery all that different from modern day welfare, section 8, and affirmative action? Aside from the fact that getting a job and actually working is optional.

09-21-2020, 07:58 AM
Paid troublemakers, who will probably all be mysteriously terminated shortly after the election. The radical left have a serious issue with their own megalomania. They can’t stand when people don’t listen to them so then they cause chaos and try to blame Trump. Liberalism really needs to be a medically recognized mental disorder. It gets people hurt or killed, it wastes money that our country really needs, and even beyond that it shows how people let their emotions overcome their “common” sense.
Also what is it with these people always having to use the term “Nazi”, the nazis are ancient history. I guess it’s ok to insult the Germans and the Jewish as long as you keep announcing your white guilt huh? Good thing they aren’t much more than a nuisance, I’d hate to see the shit they’d pull if they had more power in the irony of the word they use to insult.
The worst part is once the elections over and the virus crap starts to settle down, people may act like nothing happened at all in the next year or two. I’m kind of on the “nothing will happen” side and I want to hope I get proven wrong. This childish behavior should not be carried on to future generations, and people need to start waking up faster. Emotions need not overcome your better judgement when accepting that niggers are vermin and the longer we try to sweep our nigger problem under the rug in fear of being called a racist, the more people get hurt.

09-21-2020, 08:59 AM
The left likes to call people Nazi because it is a universally associated with evil. Instead of countering an argument with facts they simply call you evil and dismiss the truth. Some may come with "facts" but every one of them can be cited back to some far left liberal who made it up.