View Full Version : Why we should support Antifa/BLM

09-19-2020, 04:05 AM

As adults, we have no alternative but to remind these youngsters that sparking riots is an ineffective strategy to advance the cause of African Americans.

Riotous behavior often results in businesses fleeing minority communities, thus depriving residents of employment and income.

Eroding these gains is a possibility if rational adults refrain from correcting misguided activists.

Examining the effects of civil disorder on small businesses in inner cities, sociologists Howard Aldrich and Albert Reiss found that riots not only inflicted serious property damages but in the long term they made it prohibitive to operate in inner cities, driving up insurance costs. As a result, businesses migrated to more nurturing environments.

The long-term implication of riots is that they stigmatize African American communities as hotbeds of social unrest. Homes in such neighborhoods will not be purchased by progressive people interested in building wealth. What this means is that African Americans are deprived of the social capital and networks required to succeed in a competitive environment.

Another negative effect of riots is that they move public opinion to favor oppressive social control measures as a crime-fighting strategy, thereby establishing Republican hardliners as attractive candidates.

The title of this thread may have confused some readers, as Antifa is generally perceived as communist, and BLM is composed of dumb niggers, BUT as this article points out... perhaps by allowing and encouraging this kind of behavior, we can hasten the decline of niggers, and bring forth a new Jim Crow 2.0.

I hate niggers, and I don't believe in doing anything violent to them, but by supporting their extremely misguided efforts, we can work towards a better future for humanity and our children. As a side effect, they will continue to self-destruct and humanity will once again be in a position to build a better future for humankind.

It wasn't really mentioned in the article, but I also think that if the USA becomes more independent and self-sufficient (and less reliant on foreign nations to produce goods), we may once again become one of the strongest superpowers in the world. Being forced to rely on nations like China during the COVID-19 thing showed that we were weak and soft, and were incapable of maintaining our supply chains. We need to focus on education (specifically, we need to not only encourage our best and brightest to seek out higher education, but also lower tuition fees and/or provide scholarships so that they can obtain a better education while maintaining higher fees for the less intelligent; institutions that encourage self censorship, human hatred, and anti-American behavior should also receive significantly less federal funding), lowering taxes and/or offering tax write-offs for American businesses that keep business in the USA and hire American citizens, and get rid of this weird politically correct culture that is doing nothing good for anyone.

Vote for Unreggie in 2020. America depends on it. ;)

09-19-2020, 08:36 AM
Wherever you find niggers, you find failure.
Anywhere that imports niggers, crime skyrockets. We know that BLM is just riling up unruly niggers into causing chaos and destruction as a sort of indirect shakedown to whiteys money. It’s all just business at the end of the day, everyone here probably knows that already. We have decades of brainwashing to fix and there is a decent amount of guilt tripped Humans that won’t see the light until it’s too late. Perhaps a growing Hispanic population could help us combat white guilt? They don’t take shit from dog shit niggers. The 2 billion to fix the Saint Dindu Floyd’s riot aftermath could easily be compensated by loading up the boats and booting all the niggers endless crime committing asses home to the motherland. It would be a great situation for everyone as there would be more living space for humans with no more violent niggers destroying once nice neighborhoods and the niggers can behave in their natural ways without whitey keeping them down. It’s cruel to force a primitive race to behave and function on the same level as any first world nation. The experiment is a failure, and it’s time to cut the cord.

Coon Club Road
09-19-2020, 11:03 AM
The jigaboos have been in the self destruct mode for years now... it's a slow process!

09-19-2020, 06:38 PM
The jigaboos have been in the self destruct mode for years now... it's a slow process!

Years? More like decades, if not several THOUSAND years.

Here are some memes from several decades ago, which seem to exist as a sort of time capsule to show that niggers never really change:




Antifa, BLM, and various other anti-American groups just added a little gas and pushed down on the gas pedal.

I find it hilarious how "progressives," "liberals," and "social justice warriors" are actually doing more to keep the nigger down than the allegedly racist white people are. The racists, if there actually are any, literally don't have to do anything except sit back and watch these morons destroy themselves.

There's no point in an organization like the KKK when Antifa and BLM are wrecking niggerhoods left and right, and causing more damage than the KKK ever did. Then again, considering that Antifa and BLM are the new darlings of the Democratic Party, much as the KKK was, back in the day, perhaps that is exactly the point.

Jim Crow
09-20-2020, 09:13 AM
Let antifa and BLM reck havoc in liberal neighborhoods in liberal cities.When the liberal pussies get tired of it, they will ask Pres Trump send in the militia.Sometimes I wish that antifa and BLM would try that rioting bullshit in a redneck neighborhood where everyone is armed.Because that’s where it would end.But antifa and BLM pussies only attack soft targets.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-20-2020, 09:18 AM
Years? More like decades, if not several THOUSAND years.

Antifa, BLM, and various other anti-American groups just added a little gas and pushed down on the gas pedal.

I find it hilarious how "progressives," "liberals," and "social justice warriors" are actually doing more to keep the nigger down than the allegedly racist white people are. The racists, if there actually are any, literally don't have to do anything except sit back and watch these morons destroy themselves.

There's no point in an organization like the KKK when Antifa and BLM are wrecking niggerhoods left and right, and causing more damage than the KKK ever did. Then again, considering that Antifa and BLM are the new darlings of the Democratic Party, much as the KKK was, back in the day, perhaps that is exactly the point.

As if they need any help staying down. They will never get a leg up because they have a genetically lower IQ than any other race. I enjoyed your memes.

Coon Club Road
09-20-2020, 11:34 AM
...antifa and BLM pussies only attack soft targets.

Correct. They want to wreak havoc and be able to safely return home to drink malt liquor, eat fried chicken, have some watermelon for dessert, then fire up a black n mild or a blunt while reclining in their govt. subsidized nigger nest.

09-20-2020, 03:01 PM
Niggers self-destruct every single day. It's the white liberal coddler/enabler that prevents them from reaching an irreversible critical mass.