View Full Version : Nigger outrage over Confederate Flags/MAGA hats at 'Open the Schools Rally'

Whitey Ford
09-18-2020, 08:35 PM
Rally held in Crystal Lake to demand in-person learning

Edumukashuns be raycisssss! Confederate Flags be rayciss!


CRYTAL LAKE, Ill. — High school students and parents in Crystal Lake are rallying in a push to resume in-person learning.

Students and event organizers rallied Tuesday night in front of Prairie Ridge High School. Organizers intended for the event to be a place for people to come together to get students back in school.

However, at one point, people began to cheer for the Confederate flag. Some of them held signs supporting President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. Some wore Make America Great Again hats. According to organizers, they did not intend for the event to be political.
