View Full Version : MSNBC’s Joy Reid Says Steve Scalise DESERVED to be SHOT

06-18-2017, 06:42 PM
The vile liberal media is at it again. The lying press is spreading more hate and violence, as if they haven’t done enough already. After months of vulgar anti-Trump rhetoric, including ISIS-like beheadings and assassination plays, not to mention 12 THOUSAND death threats, a rabid anti-Trump “Bernie Bro” went to a baseball field and opened fire on House Republicans, nearly killing Rep. Steve Scalise, who is in ICU fighting for his life. Since then, liberals have been relentlessly attacking Scalise, calling him a “racist homophobe” and praising his attacker. Joy Reid, a “reporter” for MSNBC, is now preaching that Scalise

More... (http://truthfeed.com/msnbcs-joy-reid-says-steve-scalise-deserved-to-be-shot/82893/)