View Full Version : Segregation in Schools On the Rise!

Coon Club Road
09-15-2020, 11:42 AM
An interesting article about how de-segregation has started slipping to the wayside and schools are becoming more segregated as time moves forward.

I think de-segregation was a farce growing up in that era, but thankfully out in the country we weren't effected.

In the city, they bused the nigger kids to all white schools where they proceeded to tear them up turning them into shitholes like they left on the other side of town.

Then the poor white kids selected to be bussed across town into ghetto neighborhoods, saw firsthand what shithole schools looked like.

All in the name of securing a better education for all! :lol

As time went by, with many school districts offering choice enrollment, the choice has been to attend a school of like color... segregation!

I hope it continues as along the lines of what Slow Joe once said, I'd prefer my grandkids to attend schools that are not in the jungle!

I think since niggers are animals with pack mentality, they are happier ooking and eeking all as one anyway.

My mother would occasionally send me to school with a perfect, polished apple to place on the teachers desk. I wonder if the mammies sent watermelons 🍉 with the jigaboo kids for their teacher's desks?


Coon Club Road
09-15-2020, 02:24 PM
...Jim Crow 2.0

I have absolutely no problem with that 👍

09-15-2020, 07:05 PM
The niggers want segregation, Us humans want them segregated from us. So lets give them what they want - Jim Crow 2.0

I agree. In fact, I hear they have a whole continent across the ocean. Let's send them there