View Full Version : Schvoogieballers don't want Schvoogie Flight Attendants.

09-13-2020, 11:08 AM
Schvoogieballers don't want sheboon flight attendants. One of the old nigger bats get pissed at the niggerballers so what does it do? It sues the airline!

It should come as no surprise that niggerballers like young blond white wimminz. The only difference here is that when nigger bitches or older gals get passed over for help at a restaurant by a customer preferring a table with a young blond white waitress, there is no-one to sue.

Joining in the lawsuit is one flight attendant who claims to be Jewish. I call bullshit. First off, if she was really Jewish, she wouldn't be working for an airline because it would require her working on the Sabbath. You don't get a say in your days off with that industry - period. Secondly, she wouldn't want to work a plane full of wild niggers. She's possibly calling herself Jewish to add an air of legitimacy to her claim at best or worse, she might be one of those pesky "black Israelite" nut jobs.

Frankly, it pisses me off when people claim to be Jewish when it benefits them just because they can claim to be "Semitic." Guess what? Middle Eastern mudslimes are also Semitic. That would be like me claiming to be a Buddhist even if I were an atheist just because my grandfather was Japanese... but I digress:


Coon Club Road
09-13-2020, 11:59 AM
Something smells fishy in this whole deal as the stu's UAL are unionized and all trips are bid by seniority.

I'll have to call bullshit on this one too.