View Full Version : United Airlines encourages white blonde employees to muh dik niggers

09-13-2020, 02:53 AM
United should be called Miscegenation Airlines.


I'll bet they are filing this lawsuit to expose United for their racist practices, and to discourage United from discriminating against humans on the basis of age, sex, and skin color.

And the NFL should be ashamed for requesting this kind of ultra-racist stuff while simultaneously kneeling on the field to allegedly protest against racism.

United Airlines Holdings Inc. packs its charter flights for sports teams with young, blond crews and bars older flight attendants from working the plum routes, according to a new lawsuit.

In so doing, the airline bases the value of workers “entirely on their racial and physical attributes, and stereotypical notions of sexual allure,” according to two veteran flight attendants who sued Friday in California.

United has contracts to provide air travel for some three dozen teams in the National Football League, Major League Baseball and National Collegiate Athletic Association, according to the lawsuit. Attendants who work those flights earn more and are provided with premium accommodations. They also sometimes get tickets to games, including playoff and Super Bowl tickets, and “extremely valuable” infield passes, according to the lawsuit.

United Airlines “has adopted and continues to implement procedures that are designed to ensure that young, white, blond/blue-eyed, female employees receive positions with the charter program, while more senior, and Black and Jewish employees such as plaintiffs, do not,” they said in the complaint.

It offends me to know that United Airlines is a racist corporation that is willing to discriminate on the basis of skin color for racist organizations like the NFL, MLB, and the NCAA. I mean, I get it that money talks, and bullshit walks, but it offends me how the niggers on those teams can support #BLM, kneel for the American flag, and generally hate the USA, and they STILL get paid millions of dollars.

It seems that those organizations are only pretending to support racial justice and in reality have been implementing policies that discriminate against people of certain races and genders, and engage in prejudicial behavior towards members of certain races and genders.

This is unacceptable. We should boycott United Airlines for racism. We should also boycott the NFL, MLB, and the NCAA for not only PAYING United to engage in racism, but also for doing it in such a blatant and hypocritical manner.

United is wrong, the NFL is wrong, the MLB is wrong, and the NCAA is wrong.

09-13-2020, 11:21 AM
I see we both read about the same story. I just posted about it in another section before checking for new post or I would have replied here instead. Yeah, this chaps my ass. They were two older women as well. Next, they'll be suing strip clubs because 50-60 year olds aren't getting tips. Before anyone screams apples and oranges, just wait until the case makes precedence. Remember, these are chartered flights where the customer gets what the customer wants!

Just ask Epstein's Lolita Express Airways. Oh, wait... You can't... One of his customers Arkansided him.