View Full Version : Akon city - A real life Wakanda (Please stop laughing)

Odin's balls
09-12-2020, 05:53 AM
Here we have an epic nigger fail in the making.

Rapper Akon has revealed plans for a futuristic $6 billion city in his Senegal homeland modelled on Black Panther's Wakanda.


The solar-powered Akon City will offer hotels, a university (NU?), hospitals, business and leisure centres including a casino, as well as movie studios, all featuring futuristic designs by architect Hussein Bakri, with African sculptures for inspiration and a KFC on every corner. (OK. I made that last bit up). :lol

what I didn't make up is the lovely shiny CGI of the future 'Akon city'. Yup, that is a giant muh-dik, right in the centre there. Truly laughable, particularly for niggers who have yet to invent a two story mud hut.

Now, I know that you are probably thinking that this is suicidal for any investor to get involved with and you would be right. Unless of course your investors, who have all signed confidentiality clauses happen to be dodgy African warlords, tinpot African dictators and corrupt government officials trying to launder the dirty money stolen from the local simian-like population.

For those who are not familiar with the complexities of large scale construction projects, let me point you in the right direction as to how this is going to go wrong from the start.

1. Logistics: There aren't any. The one road in or out of the area has an impressive 50% survival rate, assuming you are travelling on it before the local niggers get up at mid day, get high and then start robbing anything that moves. After mid day, the survival rate is a less impressive 25%.

2. Workforce: Akon wants to use local labour to build this magical African Wakanda. Looking at google maps, the local population haven't even mastered the art of the shanty town. Look at the slum a couple of clicks to the south. It is unlikely that the locals are going to have civil engineers, refrigeration specialists, carpenters, joiners, electricians, plumbers, steel workers, plant drivers, Architects or indeed any skill that you would normally associate with construction. Theft, jenkem addiction and murder, yes. Construction, no.

3. Cash flow: The 'investment' cash is going to disappear like a fart in a hurricane. Local officials will need brown envelopes to allow anything to move, the entire government will have their hand in the till from the get go, the locals will down tools and demand more :gibs on a weekly basis and not a single delivery of anything worthwhile will ever be made intact without a backhander.

4. Intended population demographic: Come on! Think about it! Not even the most libtarded human is going to set foot in that hellhole. The magic niggers are going to have their private jets stripped down and sold for scrap before they have even left the airport (I use the term 'airport' very loosely), which is 60 miles to the north, up the road with the less than stellar survival rate.

5. Planning: Seriously?! These are niggers. They can't plan five minutes into the future, let alone schedule deliveries, payments (corrupt or legit), labour levels and long lead-in items like AC units etc that take months, if not years to size and organise correctly.

In short, this is going to be an eye-opener for every nigger, nigger lover and libtard as to how things can go catastrophically wrong from the beginning. Simply by involving niggers at any stage of the process.

I urge you to sit back, put the popcorn on and watch in disbelief as this whole stupid nigger idea sinks like the Titanic and the chimpouts begin when the cash dries up and only a few mud and dung bricks have been laid.

I also foresee Akon being arrested on corruption charges and banged up in a Senegal NU to cover up the endemic corruption of the locals. :lol

Deal with niggers, get a nigger deal.

Odin's balls
09-12-2020, 11:03 AM
As an afterthought, I bet the promotional video for investors features a stoned looking Chimpanzee flushing wads of $100 bills down the toilet while libtards clap enthusiastically.

Whitey Ford
09-13-2020, 09:21 PM
Akon city - A real life Wakanda (Please stop laughing)

But I did stop laughing. But when I saw that the dumb niggers were going to try to launch their own nigger cryptocurrency I started laughing again! :lmao

Failure, thy name is nigger. ha ha ha ha LOL

09-14-2020, 02:37 AM
But I did stop laughing. But when I saw that the dumb niggers were going to try to launch their own nigger cryptocurrency I started laughing again! :lmao

Failure, thy name is nigger. ha ha ha ha LOL

Not to be a spelling nazi, but I believe it is spelled kleptocurrency.:D