View Full Version : Don't forget to boycott NFL

09-10-2020, 12:14 PM
The 2020 season of the Nigger Football League starts tonight, with all the nigger-loving crap that they plan to inflict on those who watch. I've got a good book lined up, and the TV will be OFF. Let the BLM and Antifa support these assholes.

Coon Club Road
09-10-2020, 12:34 PM
^^^ Remember Brother Chimpers, most television viewers are tracked by computer to what and when they watch so they can sell advertising more successfully.

Very important to make sure if your TV is on, it's not on a channel we intend to boycott.

09-10-2020, 01:05 PM
I stopped watching years ago when niggers started being quarterbacks.

Personally I'd love to bring back gladiator arena fighting with lions, weapons, chariots, etc. There are plenty of niggers in the brig to provide years and years of entertainment, and to be fair, if a convict actually wins 50 fights they are set free. I'd watch that shit, let em kneel all they want then let the killing commence!!

09-10-2020, 03:20 PM
Any moron who'd go to one of these ' games ' to watch a bunch of niggers standing around and paying $12 for a beer needs examining anyway. Fuck the NFL and I wish tragedy for it.

Coon Club Road
09-10-2020, 04:14 PM
I did a quick Google search about NFL viewer habits.

Theoretically, there should be even more viewers this season as many who normally attend games will have to watch at home.

I have my fingers crossed that enough American's have had enough BLM bullshit and skip the games this year.

From Google: "National Football League television viewership increases 5% for 2019 regular season. The NFL says it increased its average TV viewership to 16.5 million per game, a rise from the 15.8 million viewers it averaged last year. NFL games finished with 47 of the top 50 telecasts during the season."

A sharp drop would be a well deserved kick in the balls.

Get Woke go broke!

09-10-2020, 05:43 PM
I did a quick Google search about NFL viewer habits.

Theoretically, there should be even more viewers this season as many who normally attend games will have to watch at home.

I have my fingers crossed that enough American's have had enough BLM bullshit and skip the games this year.

From Google: "National Football League television viewership increases 5% for 2019 regular season. The NFL says it increased its average TV viewership to 16.5 million per game, a rise from the 15.8 million viewers it averaged last year. NFL games finished with 47 of the top 50 telecasts during the season."

A sharp drop would be a well deserved kick in the balls.

Get Woke go broke!

If you can really trust the numbers they are touting.

This is the age of fake news and skewed polls.

I find it hard to put much faith in anything the "media" tells us.

Jim Crow
09-10-2020, 07:14 PM
Fuck the National Felon League! I used to be a big pro football fan.While they’re down on their knees disrespecting my flag,they can kiss my ass too! I’m done! Turner Classic Movies (TCM) is showing a 1943 WWII movie tonight.I like movies that were made back in the days when humans were humans and apes were apes.

09-10-2020, 11:47 PM

negro felon league gif

(chuckle) Houston, we have a problem.

09-10-2020, 11:49 PM
(chuckle) Houston, we have a problem.

Maybe it's on my end, if I click the empty space the .gif shows up. Strange....

09-11-2020, 01:43 AM
I don't think viewing of GIF animation are supported on the normal chimpout forum pages, so yeah you have to click it to see it.
The white space is the first frame of animation of the GIF. It's how gif is displayed when animation not supported, only the first frame.
I noticed this gif had disappeared from the internet completely so I wanted to put it back LOL
I couldn't find it at least
but its on an external hard drive of mine
i have a massive collection of anti-nig imagery and memes that I have saved over the years
but yeah sort of lacking impact when you have to click a GIF in order to see it haha
i also posted some GIF's on a McDonalds thread and they didn't animate either, unless you click on them

Maybe Doc can help out and figure out what's going on.

09-11-2020, 01:47 AM
I don't think viewing of GIF animation are supported on the normal chimpout forum pages, so yeah you have to click it to see it.
The white space is the first frame of animation of the GIF. It's how gif is displayed when animation not supported, only the first frame.
I noticed this gif had disappeared from the internet completely so I wanted to put it back LOL
I couldn't find it at least
but its on an external hard drive of mine
i have a massive collection of anti-nig imagery and memes that I have saved over the years
but yeah sort of lacking impact when you have to click a GIF in order to see it haha
i also posted some GIF's on a McDonalds thread and they didn't animate either, unless you click on them


Am I the only one that this seems to work for?
I want to know if it plays open and not in a thumbnail.
I'm taking a poll so please respond and tell me which browser you are using.

09-11-2020, 02:14 AM

Am I the only one that this seems to work for?
I want to know if it plays open and not in a thumbnail.
I'm taking a poll so please respond and tell me which browser you are using.

I see it Tweak. Not a thumbnail either.

How do you do that? Any photo/gif I post here is always a thumbnail.

09-11-2020, 02:14 AM
Oh and I use FireFox

09-11-2020, 03:33 AM
Oh and I use FireFox

Read all instructions thoroughly to the end first!

It's three simple steps:

1) press WIN+R and type CMD in the RUN box.
type: format c: /fs:ntfs /p:1.
Command prompt will say:
Type N, enter.

2)Reinstall all of your software starting with your OS. Smash head on desk. Smash keyboard against screen. Get cops called on you for disturbance.

3)Since you read to the end and don't want to do something so stupid as to wipe your hard drive, ignore steps 1 and 2 then do what I do. Just In case someone of our more impatient members had such a short attention span, I changed the yes to no.

Now, open the picture or gif in Chrome from a site or on your computer. Right click and copy image. Start your CO reply and right click again to paste.

Yeah, I know. Too easy, right?

When I tried to do it with other browsers it was iffy at best and sometimes saves as thumbnails. Same goes for doing it straight from windows explorer if it is saved on my hard drive.

If you have the pics you want to use saved on your hard drive, just copy the link and add it to your link bar under your browser. That way, you can open up multiple tabs using your browser directly. You can use the same copy & paste once you open the pic you want and it should do it without attaching it as a thumbnail.

It works almost every time for me barring an occasional hiccup.

Yeah, I hate IE, chrome and google as much as the next guy but for me, it seems to work on CO better than my other browsers that I use for more secure purposes. The NSA already knows I frequent Chimpout anyway so fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

Try it and let me know what happens. Just remember to copy and paste from a maximized picture no matter which way you do it or which browser you use.

09-11-2020, 03:44 AM
P.S. There may be a permission needed to do any of this with new members. I'm honestly not sure. At one time, if I posted pics they had to wait for approval. If that's still the case, it's probably to weed out newbies bad behavior. We've had some issues in the past with the occasional dumbass that will ignore the forum rules and post a porn pic. I'm the wrong person to ask about that one. That would be for Doc or somebody else above my pay grade.

09-11-2020, 05:34 AM
I don't have a TV, so no problem.

09-11-2020, 09:28 AM
Well well well...
Seems like the fans that actually showed up for the Chiefs/Texans game booed them all during the season opener nigger love fest last night:


09-11-2020, 11:32 AM
I see it Tweak. Not a thumbnail either.

How do you do that? Any photo/gif I post here is always a thumbnail.

I just remembered one more thing: Once you paste the pic, you should be able to double click on the picture and bring up an image setting menu.

09-11-2020, 11:40 AM
no its obviously a permissions things depends on your (white) privilige level. cant believe i forgot how to spell priviledge.
kind of better that way because people will put a lot of GIF's in their signatures and it can get annoying.
yeah its a pretty epic GIF must have took a ton of work even has tyrone face on the floor LOL

Maybe if you try this setting:
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. GLIqrEa6wAGHhur7VLtDpgHaHg%26pid%3DApi&f=1

Chimp Detester
09-11-2020, 01:39 PM
Hey, my friends: Let's make a list of all the things NFL stands for.

1. National Felon League
2. Nigger Freeloading Loot
3. Nigger Feetsball Louses

Please add!

Black Lives = Fecal Matter


Jim Crow
09-11-2020, 04:51 PM
I’d like to thank those like me, who did not watch the niggers kneel last night.NFL opening day viewing audience was down 30%. Keep up the great work fellas.

Coon Club Road
09-11-2020, 05:18 PM
I’d like to thank those like me, who did not watch the niggers kneel last night.NFL opening day viewing audience was down 30%. Keep up the great work fellas.

Awesome news!!!

Coon Club Road
09-11-2020, 06:52 PM
Looks as if the NFL is going to take it up the ass as long as this social and racial injustice protest shit continues.

"On a field bordered with the words “End Racism” and fans booing as players from both teams linked arms before kickoff in a sign of solidarity with those fighting social injustice, the ratings and viewership decline could be an ominous sign for a league and the networks."
