View Full Version : 18 yr old nigger bastard murders Walgreen employee

09-09-2020, 06:46 AM
Hopefully this boot lipped, shit skin will get his reward at NU.


Jim Crow
09-09-2020, 07:07 AM
Nigger loving Chicago does not have the death penalty.Taxpayers will have to support this shit skin for at least 60 years.

Coon Club Road
09-09-2020, 12:57 PM
I love the portable jenkum factory set up on the sidewalk.

09-09-2020, 02:23 PM
Sincere Williams, 18

Sin ! It was in the nigger's name ! :fume

09-10-2020, 08:46 AM
“In this case, whatever set him off -- whether it was the slight pushback or whatever it was -- it just immediately turned from a robbery that quickly to a brutal killing,” Police Cmdr. Eric Winstrom said.

It is a nigger. Anything can set it off. Handing a nigger a 100 dollar bill and telling it he can have more if he just doesn't murder today is enough to set a nigger to murder.

Williams was said to have committed two previous robberies last Wednesday, one at the same Walgreens store and another at a Walgreens in a different neighborhood, authorities said.

Loves him some Walgreens... Who else would rob the same store twice? I am willing to bet it is the same two stores he picks up his free insulin at and no more than a block from his section 8 nest.

Chimp Detester
09-10-2020, 09:50 AM


12374 12372

Olga Marie Calderón, the valuable, beautiful human life snuffed out by the worthless mega-turd scumbag nigger Sincere Williams.


And Sincere Williams, you despicable filthy sub-cockroach piece of ape crap: I wish you an amazingly-painful time during your long enrollment @ NU. May you not have one moment's rest. May every other NU student see you as a punching bag. May your shower times be especially interesting... for the spectators. And may your graduation to full goodification be exceptionally painful for you.

09-10-2020, 08:17 PM
That vile stinking nigger "Sincere" will Sincerely love Tyrone and Jamal on cell block-C

Don't forget - Tyrone likes da Grape Jelly :lol


That was news to me thank God - certainly not for me ! :hurl