View Full Version : Digging up niggers

09-08-2020, 04:07 AM
Here's the latest pet nigger to be canonized. Four months ago a crack-head jigaboo was lying in the snow naked and cops had to wrangle it. Apparently it was having a "mental health" episode when the police put a spit hood over him, which libtards are now citing as the cause of its demise. No, he was high on PCP and died of a heart attack like the Minneapolis patron saint of worthless nigger scum.


09-08-2020, 07:47 AM
They are also calling for the resignation of the city's mayor, Lovely Warren, and police chief, La'Ron Singletary.

I guess Rochester is off my holiday list

Jim Crow
09-08-2020, 07:51 AM
You can bet your last dollar that the idiots who hero worship these criminal niggers are liberals.Yes, Niggers are indeed a scourge. But the liberals are the ones destroying this country,one city at a time!

Full clip
09-08-2020, 07:53 AM
I've heard that when the POPO asked him why he was lying naked in the snow he said - 'Ah juz wanna beez turnin' WHITE and beez a hooman been'

Midder Peenud Hayed
09-08-2020, 04:35 PM
I guess Rochester is off my holiday list

Ironically, "Rochester" is a good name for a nigger.

09-08-2020, 06:09 PM
Ironically, "Rochester" is a good name for a nigger.

deyad is better !

Coon Club Road
09-08-2020, 11:22 PM
Ironically, "Rochester" is a good name for a nigger.

Ha :lol

Wasn't there some old TV show that had some shine lurking around named Rochester?

09-09-2020, 12:10 AM
Ironically, "Rochester" is a good name for a nigger.

If I ever had to adopt a nigger baby I would name it Da'sheitdontfloat.

Midder Peenud Hayed
09-09-2020, 12:58 PM
Ha :lol

Wasn't there some old TV show that had some shine lurking around named Rochester?

I had to Google it, but it looks like the show was "Jack Benny" from the 50's. A little before my time... And yes, his nigger was named "Rochester" :lol

I also like to name my niggers "Argyle" and "Rastus". Good names for niggers...

Midder Peenud Hayed
09-09-2020, 01:00 PM
If I ever had to adopt a nigger baby I would name it Da'sheitdontfloat.

Honestly, I don't know why nigger mammies don't just name their niglets what they'll be called.





Coon Club Road
09-09-2020, 01:05 PM
...I also like to name my niggers "Argyle" and "Rastus". Good names for niggers...

Rochester... I thought so, musta seen it on a rerun as it was before my time as well.

Rastus has been around my whole life too. That was my dad's go to nigger name if we were in a place that "jigaboo" wasn't acceptable.

animal mother
09-09-2020, 01:11 PM
Ha :lol

Wasn't there some old TV show that had some shine lurking around named Rochester?

The old Jack Benny show had a butler named Rochester who used to feed Jack his straight lines to get laughs. I think his real name was Eddie Anderson. I watched this show a lot when I was a kid and was pretty funny for it’s time. Shows back then had niggers in appropriate roles.

Coon Club Road
09-09-2020, 01:16 PM
...Shows back then had niggers in appropriate roles.

Yes they did! And we will never be able to laugh as we watch them because they will never be aired again because they might offend some niggers.

animal mother
09-09-2020, 01:44 PM
Yes they did! And we will never be able to laugh as we watch them because they will never be aired again because they might offend some niggers.

So true. The old Amos n Andy shows were fucking hilarious but the NAACP got all uppity back in the 60’s and had the show banned forever. This show actually depicted niggers in their true light, doing stupid shit and getting into trouble.

09-09-2020, 02:56 PM
Honestly, I don't know why nigger mammies don't just name their niglets what they'll be called.





You forgot:


Inmate # xxxxx




Coon Club Road
09-09-2020, 04:11 PM
Honestly, I don't know why nigger mammies don't just name their niglets what they'll be called.





So this nigger mammy is in the welfare office with her 9 niglets, which are running amok.

The welfare lady calls the mammy to the window and asks her to get her kids to settle down as they are quite annoying.

The mammy screams "DARNELL!!! SIT DOWN!!!"

All 9 niglets immediately sat down.

The next week, mammy was back to pick up her check.

The welfare lady called mammy to the window and asks her how by yelling "Darnell" she got all her kids to sit down.

She replied "That be EZ... they all be named the same, both boys and girls."

She continued to tell the welfare lady "if one of thems runs out in the street in fronts of a bus, I aint gots times to figure out which kid it be, so I just yells stop Darnell".

The welfare lady tells her that's a pretty good idea, but asks mammy "what if you just want one specific child?"

Mammy replies, "Well thens Ize calls them by their LAST NAME! :lol

Midder Peenud Hayed
09-09-2020, 04:25 PM
That's some funny shit there, CCR, but sadly, all too close to reality.

09-09-2020, 06:19 PM
^^George of the jungle Foreman named 5 of his little monkeys (the males) George and a female Georgetta(sp?). His reasoning was he's been punched in his hayed too many times to remember a bunch of names. I'm not sure if it would have really made a difference if he was a professional cardboard boxer at Amazon's shipping department.

I'll hand him this much, at least he claims all 12 and raised them - even if it was from 5 different wimminz.

Coon Club Road
09-09-2020, 11:16 PM
...I'll hand him this much, at least he claims all 12 and raised them - even if it was from 5 different wimminz.

I knew a postal worker who had a girlfriend on the side on his mail route. (True story btw)

He had two girls by her, would stop every day and spend time with his "other family", which his wife and first two daughters never knew about.

When his wife died, his other two daughters, now adults in their 40's, showed up at the funeral home in support of their dad.

This absolutely blew the family away because nobody knew these 2 girls existed. And to top things off, they were spitting images of his first 2 daughters.

What further stunned the family was when he admitted to their existence, the family learned he named his second two daughters the same as the first two!

A couple years went by and we were at a family reunion. I was liquored up enough to ask this guy why he named the girls the same.

He looked at me and said "so they would have good health insurance"!

Brilliant idea! Of course this was back when medical records were in a manilla folder and not on a computer.

He just made sure the wife and GF didn't take the girls to the same doctor!

09-10-2020, 12:48 AM
^^Holy shit. How did that nigger keep a secret that long? How did the PO never find out? How did the mail never get misdirected?

I have sooo many questions.

That's fucking hilarious.

Coon Club Road
09-10-2020, 08:00 AM
...I have sooo many questions.

That's fucking hilarious.

Funny story and all true. This was a white dude. I don't think a nigger coulda pulled this one off!

Apparently, the PO gives you a route to carry and when you are done you are done. I've heard of many letter carriers spending all afternoon on a bar stool.

He apparently worked fast and had a couple of spare hours Mon-Sat. when he played house on his route.

And what is really incredible is neither family knew the other existed for over 40 years!