View Full Version : Why Niggers Hate White People (From The Point of View of a Nigger)

09-06-2020, 11:35 PM
Why Niggers Hate White People (From The Point of View of a Nigger)
by: Unreggie

I have recently conversed with a nigger (I know...*sigh*), and it wanted me to translate its niggerbabble into Proper-American English so that its message can be passed along.

Subject: Donquarious Fellin Jackson
Age: 53
Species: Nigger
IQ: 68
Notable Achievements: None
Highest Level of Education: 3rd Grade, USA
Notable Failures: Spent 23 years at various Nigger Universities
Current Occupation: Drug Dealer and Downlow Gay Prostitute (Guess how I found him for this interview?!)

Me: "Donquarious, I would like to talk to you about... is it alright if I call you Don?"
Donquarious: "Fuck you white boy."
Translation: "I would appreciate it if you would not abbreviate my name in such a manner, sir."

Me: "I would like to talk to you about black lives matter, and then your feelings about white people."
Me: "Why has black lives matter teamed up with antifa, and why are they both going around intimidating and instilling fear in white people, vandalizing businesses and looting them, and otherwise engaging in terroristic activities and general mayhem?"
D: "Creepy white boy, you just don't understand how much slavery done did hurts us... mang. It done turn us ratchet. We is taking back what is ourses. Dis be reparations. Aldoe I don't know why the white boys in antifa be finna destroy they own cities."
Translation: "I will now use a racist slur to attempt to put Unreggie on the defensive, and possibly make him forget parts of his original question or statement. I suffer from the same kinds of mental illness that Nat Turner suffered from. We deserve reparations because we believe that the enslavement of niggers several centuries ago justifies our attempts to destroy human civilization, miscegenate and impregnate white women, and most importantly, it justifies our need to steal things we don't even need. I once stole a Bible; I can't even read, so I just started ripping pages out of it and using them as toilet paper."

Me: "Why do you hate white people?"
D: "Eek! Ook! Be that a banana? Can I has?"
*Me gives banana to D*
D: "Fuck you, cracker ass bitch ass white ass boy! I hate them honky tonk white bread muhfuggas because when I was in the second grade, they made fun of me. They finna say things like 'Why are you 31 years old? Are you retarded?' This done did hurts muh feelings, and from that point on I finna made point to sure to make them whiteys done did suffer whenever I could. Fo shizzle my NIZzle. I say they do the racism even when they be completely innocent, I do hate crime hoaxes to make myself look like a victim for gofundme, and I would muh dik straight white men that were married. You democrat whiteys all be like fucked up in the hayid. I do it all for them gibsmedats."
Translation: "When I was at the age of 31, and still attempting to complete the laughably ridiculously simple grade of two at an American public school, my feelings were hurt, justifiably, by two children of whiteness. They were right. I was an idiot giant in a room full of little, and superior, white kids. Rather than acknowledge my deficiency of intelligence and my general overall disabilities and deficiencies, I went on a psychotic and hateful anti-human rampage. All I want is something for nothing. I don't want to contribute to human society. I don't want to work in symbiosis with the human species; I want to be a parasite. I want the gibsmedats."

09-07-2020, 10:00 AM
You give too much credit to niggers. Your translations would suggest that niggers are capable of thinking beyond base urges but yet unable to control them and that they are actually admitting how lazy they are. Niggers know nothing that their coddlers haven't told them.

Coon Club Road
09-07-2020, 10:06 AM
Nigger lifestyle is inbred, no need to learn it.

Baby's first niggerbabble starts with gibbs me dat!

09-07-2020, 10:11 AM
Niggers are unfixable. The South Africa solution is the only way forward. Them and us !

09-07-2020, 12:20 PM
Why Niggers Hate White People (From The Point of View of a Nigger)
by: Unreggie
Current Occupation: Drug Dealer and Downlow Gay Prostitute (Guess how I found him for this interview?!)

Hey, that's some funny sh....
(clicking makes my brain hurt)

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-07-2020, 11:53 PM
Hey, that's some funny sh....
(clicking makes my brain hurt)

:lol yea, confused me a bit as well. I won’t be a dick about it.

Blue Gum
09-09-2020, 02:45 AM
I would never interview a nigger. Why you talking to a nigger? Niggers are TOTALLY unreliable in every aspect. I go out of my way to avoid ANY contact with niggers, as much as possible...

Jim Crow
09-09-2020, 07:45 AM
Niggers are very jealous of whites, that’s why they hate them. The monkey women wish they had straight hair, a soft complexion and looked pretty like a white girl. Monkey men are jealous,because they are stupid. They know they will never achieve as much as the average white man. And I’m sure that the monkey doesn’t like the fact that he’s black either. Deep down they all want to be white. Would you like to be the color of shit and have steel wooll growing on your fucking head? And be an idiot to boot?. Living in a slum, raised by ignorant apes?Having to look like a baboon all of your fucking life? And having to marry a baboon, and raise chimps?
One of the monkey man’s way of spiting whitey is getting a white woman as a trophy to showcase around in the white man’s face.And all this does is create another race, the light skinned monkey.And because the shit skin is a dominant gene, the light monkey grows up hating Whitey.Because it resents that it’s white mother slept with the fucking black ape and created him.

Keep Britain White
09-14-2020, 05:18 AM
Jim Crow, you've said it all! There's never been a single nigger at any time anywhere in the world that is actually proud of being black. Oh, they say they are - but we know they don't believe it for a second.
I've always said, jealousy creates the most vicious kind of hatred. They hate us because they know they can never be us!

09-14-2020, 06:53 AM
Jim Crow, you've said it all! There's never been a single nigger at any time anywhere in the world that is actually proud of being black. Oh, they say they are - but we know they don't believe it for a second.
I've always said, jealousy creates the most vicious kind of hatred. They hate us because they know they can never be us!

Jealousy is just a form of pride - the original sin. I'll give you the Reader's Digest version:

Snakehead: "You should be like God. He don't want you to eat that apple cause den you beez as smart as him!"

The snakehead went on to get Cain to kill his brother - Able over jealousy.

God heard what happened to Abel, got real mad and turned Cain into a nigger just like the snakehead. Hey, if your gonna act like a nigger, I'm gonna make you into one (ZAP!)

Eve was the original coalburner. That damn snakehead was screwing her while Adam was tending to the garden after the kids were born. He got away with it because Eve was jealous of the garden and thought Adam was spending too much time with it.

So, The first nigger was the devil or snake(head) in the garden. The second was Cain.

...So basically, it all came down to pride and gibs me - and there you have it. Creation of niggers 101.

Now you know where niggers come from.

Jim Crow
09-14-2020, 06:58 AM
^^^^ I always knew niggers came from hell. Just wasn’t sure about the details LOL