View Full Version : Magic nigger Ben Carson

09-06-2020, 10:43 PM
Just wanted to let you all know of the magical nigger Ben Carson. I don’t know how in the hell this affirmative action nigger became a neurosurgeon. I was in high school and had the misfortune of having to read Gifted Hands, an autobiography of this spook. I highly recommend not reading the book as it is total bullshit! First of all, this magic nigger Uncle Tom is a garden variety Jamal. It tried to stab its mammy for not allowing it to smoke crack, serious, but it was unfortunately saved by its brotha. Then, when this nigger was in residency, it was acting uppity and acting like it knowed all the shit, it’s professor, a well respected southern neurosurgeon, told it to shut up and say “yes sir”. This nigger was about to stab the professor too, but Gawd saved it. And the most hilarious thing was, this jig got a $100 parking ticket, apparently didn’t have the money, probably spent it all on drugs, and they prayed to Gawd and it found $100 on the ground! Incredible! This magic nigger will probably fly to mars before we get there and back and tell us all about it. Sheesh!!

09-07-2020, 08:57 AM
Excellent post ! Yes, Ben Carson is a magical feral nigger that fixes brains an sheet ! Nigger brains are unfixable, so clearly Carscoon is another useless spook blessed with failure.

You clearly have a hatred for niggers. Consider joining up at Chimpout. Remember, it's them not you, and you're not alone and never will be !

09-07-2020, 10:01 AM
Excellent post ! Yes, Ben Carson is a magical feral nigger that fixes brains an sheet ! Nigger brains are unfixable, so clearly Carscoon is another useless spook blessed with failure.

You clearly have a hatred for niggers. Consider joining up at Chimpout. Remember, it's them not you, and you're not alone and never will be !

Be careful about going to the Caribbean, especially the Spanish speaking islands, because they are thoroughly infested with santería and voodoo witches who serve Satan and can do a lot of harm.

Blue Gum
09-09-2020, 02:55 AM
Who ever heard of a nigger brain surgeon? ....LMAO

Hopefully the nigger only ever worked on demented nigger brains....lol

Jim Crow
09-09-2020, 07:39 AM
I don’t care how magical of a nigger it is.I would never have an apeman Doctor touch my fucking body. I just had my knee scoped on Friday. The doctor is Italian like myself. And all the nurses and the anesthesiologist were white with one Asian.. I made comments that I didn’t want a nigger touching my body. The pre-op nurse whispered in my ear “don’t worry honey we don’t have any working here”.I guess I’m lucky I live in rural Florida. Because if I were back in Connecticut, I would’ve either gotten beaten up or sent home.

09-09-2020, 10:34 AM
We know about Uncle Ben.
How would you like him to operate on your brain?
Don't you need a brain to be a brain surgeon?