View Full Version : Latest nigger hate crime hoax: "Keep Wauwatosa White"

Whitey Ford
09-04-2020, 12:48 PM
Anonymous Letter Urges White Wisconsin Residents to 'Keep Wauwatosa Free From Blacks'


Some residents in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin have received a racist letter urging them to keep their city "free from blacks," and the recipients appear to have something in common beyond where they live—a yard sign.

According to WDJT-TV, recipients of the letter have a yard sign in front of their homes which readers "For Sale Unless Politicians Keep Tosa Safe (Paid for by Tosa Taxpayers fed up with Mayor and City Council)."


The letter, which begins "Dear White Wauwatosa Resident," asks the reader to "keep Wauwatosa free from blacks."

"We hope that this letter finds you in good health. We just wanted to touch base. Thank you for purchasing and proudly displaying the yard sign. Your support of our common cause is greatly needed and appreciated," the letter reads. "We Whites must stand together. We must keep Wauwatosa free from blacks and their lack of morels [sic]."



Coon Club Road
09-04-2020, 01:36 PM
"We Whites must stand together. We must keep Wauwatosa free from blacks and their lack of morels [sic]."

Hoax or legit... Great idea!

09-04-2020, 03:10 PM
Morels are mushrooms. I say hoax. Niggers can't spell what they don't have, morals.

09-04-2020, 06:56 PM
A "Morel" is a "fungus" just like niggers are a destructive fungal growth upon this planet.

Nice catch Ignatow; :thumbsup

It's an insult to mushrooms to be mentioned in the same breath as niggers, WD maing . Mushrooms, though a fungus, have a unique "umami" taste. They're healthy to consume and supports your immune system.

Niggers are lower than fungus. They have no use dead or alive.

09-04-2020, 10:00 PM
Morels are mushrooms. I say hoax. Niggers can't spell what they don't have, morals.
3X true