View Full Version : A nigger country singer? What’s the industry coming to?

09-03-2020, 12:46 PM
I have to admit, country music and me, don’t fit these days. But this nigger is famous?


09-03-2020, 01:58 PM
I had my country phase long ago. However, I can't understand this pandering to niggers. Country is white, gnomesayin? But I really don't mind other humans partake in it, because good music is a gift to humanity. Rap and nigger music are just shit, for animals.

Country now welcomes niggers to be"inclusive". That'll be the end of them.

Chimp Detester
09-03-2020, 02:49 PM
I used to listen to Country & Western all the time, back in the 1970's, when I was driving truck. C & W has since evolved into into something totally different. And including nigger 'performers' in C & W is as hideous and heretical as humans doing (C)rap 'music'.

Jim Crow
09-03-2020, 07:47 PM
Not into country.Don’t like niggs.I am into classic rock.Jimmi Hendrix was black.But his music is great.Blacks are usually worthless niggs.99% of the time.But this is an exception to the rule on rare occasions.Very rare.

animal mother
09-03-2020, 08:26 PM
Well there was a nigger C&W singer back in the 1970’s named Charlie Pride. He did not sound at all like a nigger and you would never know he was a coon if you didn’t see him.

09-03-2020, 11:07 PM
Well there was a nigger C&W singer back in the 1970’s named Charlie Pride. He did not sound at all like a nigger and you would never know he was a coon if you didn’t see him.


At one time a lot of blacks aspired to be white. They started doing things like putting caustic soda on dey hayidz to straighten their hurr. They would try to dress in suits to look respecuh-bull. Of course the suits turned into those zootsuits and the hurr just ended up as rediculous as the suits.

When white morons act like niggers, everyone calls them wiggers. What did they call the niggers trying to act white?

Niteys? Numans?

09-04-2020, 09:15 AM
Look at those white girls fawning over that nigger. Sickening.


Coon Club Road
09-06-2020, 11:24 PM
When you play a nigger country & Western song backwards the jacked car goes back to its owner, the liquor store gets unrobbed, your niglet tribe crawls back into the dick trap, and your Hi- Point unjams!

09-07-2020, 12:22 AM
Well there was a nigger C&W singer back in the 1970’s named Charlie Pride. He did not sound at all like a nigger and you would never know he was a coon if you didn’t see him.

Charlie Pride was good, I only remember one of his songs that played on am radio when I was a kid driving a tractor though, it was Kiss an Angel Good morning. That was back when country music was... well.. country.

Another one I don't mind is Darius Rucker or as you may know him by his nigger name Hootie.

As for this ridiculous looking nigger, never heard of him and never heard any of his music. I gave up listening to country music unless it was old school stuff. Waylon, Willy, George, Merle, Johnny, Paycheck, Hank, etc... Now that's good country music!

Whitey Ford
09-07-2020, 06:26 AM
Not into country.Don’t like niggs.I am into classic rock.Jimmi Hendrix was black.But his music is great.Blacks are usually worthless niggs.99% of the time.But this is an exception to the rule on rare occasions.Very rare.

I met Jimi's dad once when I was younger. There was a music festival my friend's band was playing and one of the guys playing that night was Guitar Shorty who is married to Jim's sister, and Jimi's sister and father, Al Hendrix, were there. Jimi's dad was a typical mixed American black, probably about 20% non-black Caucasian or so I would guess. But, what most people don't know about Jimi was that his mother was a full blood Native American Indian. So, Jimi was more Native American Indian than anything else really.

09-09-2020, 02:49 PM
Put them back in chains. They sure could sing back then.

09-09-2020, 06:14 PM
Put them back in chains. They sure could sing back then.

Moon Crickets! :lol

09-09-2020, 09:58 PM
reminds me of the old joke about 2 dyslexics in a bar....

One says, " go find out what music is on tonight..."

So he goes to the bar and asks the barman, barman says " it's country and western "

He gets back to the table and his friend asks him " so what's on tonight ? "

and the other dyslexic says " Oh, it's some cunt from Preston "


09-09-2020, 10:41 PM
As a victim of chronoprogressive byslexia,



09-10-2020, 12:32 PM
Did you mean: chronic progressive dyslexia

says google :lol

09-10-2020, 03:27 PM
says google :lol

Dude, that was kind of the whole point:

That's why I saw ton amuseb!

Well, it saw funny ot em when I wrote ti, any-yaw.

Whenever I say something that Mrs. Tweak doesn't get, it's followed by my saying " ī tē ō ˈyü tē (eye tea owe you tea) ." This is the phonetic spelling of the words "it out." Meaning "apparently I have to spell it out for you."

Cat fur allergic
09-13-2020, 03:17 PM
I stop listening to country in the 2000's they started to promote that ruckus nigger guy. He reminds me of that NASCAR nigger.