View Full Version : Black Motorist Dares Police to Shoot Again!

Coon Club Road
09-03-2020, 01:02 AM
A black Motorist out with his coalburner is stopped by the police for an unknown reason.

Apparently Mr. Black Motorist has trouble hearing or complying with a lawful police order, so his hooptie is peppered with, uhh... pepper balls.

This is where the video picks up showing a loud mouthed coon having a Cat 5 Chimpout, daring the police to shoot at him again.

Silly negro, look at yourself... the only coon in the picture and a bunch of white guys with guns! Silly negro, who do you think will win this one!

Your wish was their command!

This is a very entertaining video! Worth watching 2 or 3 times for sure :lol


Jim Crow
09-03-2020, 08:04 AM
Dumb fucking nigger and his fat coal burning whore

09-03-2020, 10:26 AM
While I ordinarily wouldn't have a problem with the cops being so hospitable as to oblige this nigger's request for extra pepper to go with it's double stuffed pork, this was a bad idea.

This is more fuel to the fire and the cops should have just ignored it and acted like it didn't exist until such time as it became justifiable. Up until then, it could have been written off as being a simple accident or someone else that did it. Not anymore.

They should have gotten on their bullhorns and given the mouthy nigger orders to vacate. At least then if he had continued, it could have been justified.

Now, these guys have gone viral with the video of the incident and the DPD officers will be thrown under the nigger filled bus, fired, and sued. The department will be targeted now and more powder has just been added to the keg.

Coon Club Road
09-03-2020, 12:38 PM
...and more powder has just been added to the keg.

I was relieved they didn't open fire with the real stuff when the nigger "pulled off" (nigger speak for driving away) which if the jig did drive towards the Po, they would have been justified at doing so.

I can't imagine how many BTU's of the city would have been lost if that had happened.

09-03-2020, 12:40 PM
A black Motorist out with his coalburner is stopped by the police for an unknown reason.

Apparently Mr. Black Motorist has trouble hearing or complying with a lawful police order, so his hooptie is peppered with, uhh... pepper balls.

This is where the video picks up showing a loud mouthed coon having a Cat 5 Chimpout, daring the police to shoot at him again.

Silly negro, look at yourself... the only coon in the picture and a bunch of white guys with guns! Silly negro, who do you think will win this one!

Your wish was their command!

This is a very entertaining video! Worth watching 2 or 3 times for sure :lol


Made my day!!

Coon Club Road
09-03-2020, 12:56 PM
Made my day!!

You want to double down on making your day... maybe you missed it but go over to the "Life Without Parole" thread and enjoy "And Two More for Not Listening"

(A dindu nuffin gets bean bagged hard enough to get knocked of its hind legs, still wouldn't comply so the silly nigger is blasted twice more.. right in the balls!) :lol

09-04-2020, 07:19 AM
You want to double down on making your day... maybe you missed it but go over to the "Life Without Parole" thread and enjoy "And Two More for Not Listening"

(A dindu nuffin gets bean bagged hard enough to get knocked of its hind legs, still wouldn't comply so the silly nigger is blasted twice more.. right in the balls!) :lol
That made my " Munf!!"

09-04-2020, 12:00 PM
Get him back in the monkey house at the zoo!