View Full Version : Begetting

09-02-2020, 01:06 AM
Anyone here who reads the Good Book knows all those passages where so and so begets so and so who then begets so and so.

Well, these nigger goodifications are all predicated on the one that came before. A jogger gets ventilated and the protests start. St. Dindunuffin hears through the grape vine that cops don't care about niggers and seals his own crack-head fate The Wendy's nigger, now knowing that all cops are rayciss, runs from an "Intent to DUI" ticket and we're minus one more felon jumping in a cage. Every one of these cases can be traced back to the age-old problem that humans have in dealing with niggers. They imagine them to be like themselves and so believe that denouncing authority will somehow solve the problem. If only they could understand how fragile the tenuous social balance keeping even their Ivy League pet niggers from cat 5s is, they'd be throwing their kids' college funds at the Police Benevolence Association.

09-02-2020, 01:20 AM
You know... this Cat 5 chimpout stuff is giving data cable a bad name. lol!