View Full Version : So I was at work, when a nigger and a sheboon...

08-31-2020, 04:42 PM
A couple of weeks ago, I had an interesting encounter with a couple of niggers.

I work as a customer service representative at a gas station.

So these two niggers come into the store, and one of them starts acting like a fool, jumping up and down for no reason, screaming at the top of its lungs for no reason, and generally acting stupid. Then this nigger buck axes me to get it an alcoholic beverage. I tell it that I can't legally sell alcohol to an obviously intoxicated individual (regardless of race or species, but I didn't mention this last part).

Then this uppity nigger started chimping at me and accusing me of racism. I couldn't understand half the niggerbabble coming out of its mouth, and then its sheboon showed up next to it. Then the SHEBOON started accusing me of racism.

After awhile, I got tired of the nonsense and told the fucking niggers to leave.

Twenty minutes later, I discovered that the niggers had driven off and had stolen a gas station pump and a gas hose. Which probably required some effort, as only the pump handle is designed for quick release action.

They wanted their reparations, I guess. We couldn't find the pump/hose anywhere, so we ended up having to get a new one. We notified the police of the theft, and hopefully the niggers got what was coming to them.

Midder Peenud Hayed
08-31-2020, 05:47 PM
The cops aren't going to do shit. I played a round of golf with a homicide detective (largest LEA in the state) and a deputy sheriff a couple days ago. Both made it clear that they are staying as far away from anything to do with niggers as they can. In fact, both are looking for new jobs. And this state is "only" 3% nigger...

08-31-2020, 06:13 PM
and all of this will lead to the people uprising and taking law enforcement into their own hands - maybe incognito under white hoods...now where have I heard this before?

Coon Club Road
08-31-2020, 06:55 PM
and all of this will lead to the people uprising and taking law enforcement into their own hands - maybe incognito under white hoods...now where have I heard this before?

Imagine that! Now would anyone want to take a guess why guys went about wearing pointy hats to begin with? There was definitely a reason for their existence.

08-31-2020, 07:42 PM
Imagine that! Now would anyone want to take a guess why guys went about wearing pointy hats to begin with? There was definitely a reason for their existence.

I sometimes find it hard to believe that the American Democratic Party is the same party that created the Kool Kids Klub.

These days the Democratic Party openly and blatantly endorses miscegenation, defunding the police, race based hatred (against people with light skin, regardless of the content of their character), riots, looting, arson, felonies, and mayhem in general.

They would probably win the next election if they had the balls to say they are willing to enforce law and order, AND ship the niggers back to Africa. And maybe arrange for happy accidents to occur during the cruises.

08-31-2020, 08:05 PM
The nigs are lucky they didn't get flambeed.

Brillo Haided Tar Baby
08-31-2020, 11:12 PM
Twenty minutes later, I discovered that the niggers had driven off and had stolen a gas station pump and a gas hose. Which probably required some effort, as only the pump handle is designed for quick release action.

They wanted their reparations, I guess. We couldn't find the pump/hose anywhere, so we ended up having to get a new one. We notified the police of the theft, and hopefully the niggers got what was coming to them.

The niggers probably thought they would get unlimited free gasoline as reparations from the stolen pump. What is coming to them is.... nothing. Gas pumps need to be connected to power and an underground tank full of gasoline to function and dispense fuel. But how would a nigger know that?! They'll probably try some voodoo magic on it, but it still won't work. They'll think the pump is designed by YT to be rayciss...

09-01-2020, 01:09 AM
The niggers probably thought they would get unlimited free gasoline as reparations from the stolen pump. What is coming to them is.... nothing. Gas pumps need to be connected to power and an underground tank full of gasoline to function and dispense fuel. But how would a nigger know that?! They'll probably try some voodoo magic on it, but it still won't work. They'll think the pump is designed by YT to be rayciss...

HA HA HA! Yeah, stealing an ATM might yield a few dollars but stealing a gas pump isn't quite the same thing. Silly niggers! Technology is for humans.

09-01-2020, 01:56 AM
Imagine that! Now would anyone want to take a guess why guys went about wearing pointy hats to begin with? There was definitely a reason for their existence.

The pointy hoods came to be to let niggers know their place. I don't advocate their methods, especially these days; cops enforce the law. But niggers think they're above the law, that's why we have all this BLM shit. They say cops are the new KKK. I don't want any encounter with a coon. I want to continue living in peace and without complications of having to hire a lawyer from some nigger lawsuit. But nigger, don't get any ideas about endangering me and my family.

09-04-2020, 02:03 AM
Niggers should ALL be Slaves, at least they'd be under control.
They breeding way to fast.