View Full Version : CNN is angry that some people support the police

08-30-2020, 01:07 AM


One cartoon, which was used at Cooper Junior High School in Wylie, Texas, in mid-August, sparked outrage on social media, with critics saying it compared police to the Ku Klux Klan.

Some parents in the Wylie Independent School District just north of Dallas also complained about the assignment, which was posted online by an unidentified eighth-grade teacher.

The National Coalition Against Censorship protested the district's decision to remove the assignment from the school's website. The coalition said the action creates "a dangerous precedent, putting teachers on notice that they cannot present any material that might be offensive to someone in the community."

"Finally, we urge you to reaffirm your obligation to present students with views from across the political spectrum and to establish procedures that guarantee teachers can operate free from the fear of political censorship," the group said in a statement August 26.

Literally anything can be "political censorship," but at the heart of the matter is the fact that these niggers are upset that they are being prevented from brainwashing our children and forcing our young ones to hate themselves, and engage in self-destructive behaviors.

I do think that certain members of the American community should be evaluated by professionals, and then involuntarily sent to mental institutions. Those with an IQ below 75 should be deported to Africa.

But in all seriousness, when you think that the right thing to do is to destroy your neighborhood and burn it to the ground, you are probably fucked up in the head. I mean, when you feel you can legitimately argue that burning your own city to the ground is the right thing to do, there has to be something wrong with your brain, and you are obviously a danger to yourself and everyone around you. Or maybe you have a drop or two of nigger DNA in you. Either way, you have failed as a human, and you have earned the title of Nigger.