View Full Version : It's more than just the nigger...

08-28-2020, 09:11 AM
This morning I got greeted with a "Lift Black Voices" post shoved into my Facebook account. These fucking libtards are becoming more annoying with their nigger ass-kissing than the nigger itself, and that is no easy thing to do. Not only that, but it does nothing. Look at how many others have tried to pacify the nigger, only to have the nigger turn on them. Libtards will never learn that you can't reason with the nigger beast. No amount of ass-kissing will get you on their good side - because there is no good side.

Blue Gum
08-28-2020, 09:52 AM
I had an "old timer" tell me once, I was just a kid, he said " son you can be a friend to a nigger, but a nigger will never be your friend"

I understood what he meant, he didn't mean go out and BE a niggers friend, he meant whatever you do to try and help a nigger, and many stupid liberals do, that nigger will NEVER thank you for the help or have ANY empathy for you.....it's IN the niggers monkey DNA to be Predatory, just look at what's happening now in Portland, Chicago, Seattle and just ladt night after the RNC convention at the White House, Sen. Rand Paul attacked in the streets after the convention was over, IF not for the Capitol police protecting him and his wife, the crowd of nigger and wingers (white niggers) would have torn them apart....the video is easy to find on the internet..that incident was a PERFECT profile of every nigger on the planet, biggers ARE psychopathic violent animals...

Coon Club Road
08-28-2020, 09:57 AM
That "Lift Black Voices" coon tune is supposed to be the new "Black National Anthem".

It was reported last month it would be played after the United States national anthem at football games this season, while the niggers were still on their knees sucking each other off, but I'm pretty sure the Nigger Football League took enough shit to rethink that move... but then again, maybe not!

I can tell you if it does happen, I'll read about it on Chimpout because I certainly won't be watching any NFL games this year.

Sounds as if you are about as sick of the niggers as we are unreggie... you should sign up and join us on the other Chimpout forums for some stress relief!

Coon Club Road
08-28-2020, 10:01 AM
BTW I don't have Facebook but I read somehow that Limp Black Voices shit is being introduced into peoples Facebook accounts unsolicited, luckily, there is a full page listing how to get rid of it. :lol

08-28-2020, 11:12 AM
luckily, there is a full page listing how to get rid of it. :lol

Don't just take the candy out of your backpack unless you intend to share it with the rest of the class.

animal mother
08-28-2020, 11:33 AM
Yeper the shit popped up on my spookbook page this morning. After a few choice expletives (Mrs AM thought, Christ here he goes again) it was promptly blocked.

Coon Club Road
08-28-2020, 01:34 PM
...After a few choice expletives (Mrs AM thought, Christ here he goes again)...

I wonder if I'm married to Mrs. AM's sister?

I always get looks and sighs and "this is 2020, not 1980 anymore" when I comment on current events involving niggers and their beastly crimes.

She does have a sense of humor though... once a week I meet with a bunch of retirees for breakfast, mostly really old fucks, 15 to 20 years older than me, but as I'm going out the door, she tells me "Have fun at your KKK meeting"! :lol

Ha! Ha!
08-28-2020, 02:03 PM
I really hope some hacker will replace it with this.


I aint bin dun did dat!
08-28-2020, 02:37 PM

Jim Crow
08-29-2020, 05:58 PM
Liberal politicians hate niggers just as much as smart white people do. But, the liberal media has brainwashed liberal sheep to bow down to the fucking spooks and kiss their backsides.And most of this is amplified during the election year.Remember, niggers are a liberal tool. This is all about getting the black vote.

08-29-2020, 10:20 PM
What's the point of getting the nigger vote when that amounts to roughly 13% of the vote at best?

Wouldn't it make more sense for them to target the majority instead of the minority?

And on another note, why is 13% of the population dictating to 87% of the population what they should do and think?

If humans had a fucking spine, they would tell that particular minority group to fuck off and die. Realistically, one might consider the possibility that the majority are doing something right, and that the minority is doing something wrong, purely on the basis of the fact that they are the minority.

In the military, the minority tends to be noncommissioned and commissioned officers, and while they do give orders to the majority, there are checks and balances to keep things from going "cray cray," as the Antifa generation is wont to say. More specifically, the officers try to avoid giving their subordinates a reason to frag them.

Are the niggers and Antifa giving the majority a legit reason not to frag them?

I mean, as much as I'm sure law abiding citizens LOVE having their cities and stores looted and burned to the ground, and they just gotta LOVE the skyrocketing crime as their police departments are defunded and federal buildings are being attacked and destroyed...

To be fair though, the riots are "fiery but mostly peaceful."

08-29-2020, 11:05 PM
What's the point of getting the nigger vote when that amounts to roughly 13% of the vote at best?

Wouldn't it make more sense for them to target the majority instead of the minority?

And on another note, why is 13% of the population dictating to 87% of the population what they should do and think?

13% of the population is niggers. Not all vote. Many of that number are incarcerated or ineligible due to felony convictions (they're working on that one, though). Many are underage. Many don't bother to vote. Lastly with the 13/90's, a surprisingly growing number are voting Republican.

The main problem with the vote is the sheer number of fools, brain washed and brain dead who actually believe this shit that they are being fed. They are liberals, coddlers, and left over old time hard core union voters who will always vote dim simply because they always have. It's hard enough to get most of this group to learn a new remote control, much less give up on the old ways of thinking.

All in all, the total numbers still don't add up to 51%. What they lack in legal numbers that show up at poles, they more than make up for with dead voters, mail in votes, lying pole workers and every other shenanigan imaginable. They have many years of experience doing this and are quite proficient at it. This is simply something that most Republicans, being by and in large honest folk, refuse to do. The thought of such things never enters most of our minds.

It's just a sad fact that most honest people like to trust that most people are honest. Fools we are sometimes.

Unreggie, why don't you sign up? You seem to have your human head on straight.

Coon Club Road
08-30-2020, 12:35 AM
What's the point of getting the nigger vote when that amounts to roughly 13% of the vote at best?

The Prez gets the job by winning the "Electoral College" vote, not the popular vote.

If enough coons and coddlers are combined with old guard, hard core dim votes, its possible for them to carry a state, winning the electoral votes for that state.

The more populus states are more lucrative to win than the others. And the more populus states attract more of the nation's gibbs me dat population, so you can see why they want every nigger, every dead nigger, and the niggers pit bulls to get out and vote twice.