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08-26-2020, 04:40 AM
We have all read of the plane crash (Andes?) where people had to resort to cannibalism before being discovered and rescued some weeks later.
In such a situation would humans leave any Nigger passengers (dead or alive) until last?
What would YOU do in such circumstances?

08-26-2020, 08:07 AM
No doubt humans would eventually feel compelled to at least subdue the groids as a matter of simple self preservation due to the fact that they are known cannibals. They will eventually eat you and I see no reason that they would wait for anyone's demise to do it. They probably wouldn't wait at all because it's hard to eat frozen reeyubbs.

As far as myself, I only eat kosher and long pig ain't kosher no matter whether it's human or ape. I'll starve first.

The best solution is to avoid getting on a plane with them and not put yourself in such circumstance.