View Full Version : London nigger murders 18 year old human kid

08-24-2020, 09:20 AM

Cleanup needed. Wherever niggers lay their filthy paws, humanity is decimated and destroyed. All niggers need to be rounded up and sent back to Africa, from every part of the world that they have no business being in. More nigger derived misery has occurred from this murder and another family has to grieve from the effects of imported mud filth. Niggers are no good. Black means no good. Being black is a symbol of crime and violence. The UK had no such problems before its overrun of niggers and the solution is simple. Reverse the tide with no exceptions.

If they're black, send 'em back.

08-24-2020, 01:35 PM
I'm a proponent of bringing back segregation. Let the nigger live in their own filth. They can build their own nigger nests, create their own farms for food and show the world how great the nigger can be. Let the nigger lovers go there to kiss their asses and give them their gibs. All of these places that antifa and BLM want to burn and plunder should get a one time payment for their business and then GTFO of town. Give the rest to the niggers and fence them in. Then watch how racist that action gets labeled when the coons start to starve.