View Full Version : Niggerball nigger calls human a "bitch ass white boy"... watch the video!

08-23-2020, 06:14 PM

Los Angeles Niggers nigger Montrezl Harrell appeared to have called Dallas Mavericks player Luka Doncic a "b**** a** white boy" during a playoff game on Friday night, as players, including Harrell, wore social justice messages on the backs of their jerseys.

These fucking NIGGERS are getting out of control.

Someone needs to do something about these uppity spooks!

Is it not enough that they are allowed to riot and loot with impunity?

Niggers can apparently do whatever they want...

The hilarious thing is that niggers complain about "racism" when THEY are the biggest fucking racists of all!!!

The Truth
08-24-2020, 06:17 PM
Yes, nigger's uppityness is at an all-time high since they were (unfortunately) imported in the US soil (and more generally in our Western society), but so is human's tolerance for monkeyshines, with the countless NLLN allowing these filthy shitapes to disrespect whites and other humans. Because let's face it, nigger bashers are a tiny minority, at least for the moment. There is no nigger-basher that is vocal, with a handful of exceptions that get ridiculed on Internet by the brainwashed public.

Whites became too empathetic for the inferior races and this will be our downfall if we don't act very soon. Just look at the nation-wide, long-lasting turmoil provoked by George Floyd's death, with the insane libtards decreasing the funds given to the police, leading to more insecurity and monkeyshines. Media also love to stir up the hate against humans, especially Whiteys, while pandering for niggers and their Mudslime cousins.

However, there is an ever-increasing number of chimp-haters, meaning that more people are becoming aware of the nigger/sandnigger question, especially those forced to be in contact with them. So there's still hope for us, albeit a tiny one.

Coon Club Road
08-24-2020, 08:58 PM
Niggers call us shit all the time and most of us could give a fuck less because we know we are better than them.

But if a human would utter the word "nigger" on an open mic or while being recorded on a sail foam, all hell breaks loose, a cat 5 Chimpout starts followed by the lawsuits.