View Full Version : So I was shopping at Walmart...

08-22-2020, 10:38 PM
And what did I see?

Multiple nigger teenagers riding around on the vehicles intended for disabled people.


I live in a state that doesn't have a whole lot of tolerance for niggershines, and it upsets me to see these fucking things doing whatever they want, whenever they want, with no cares and no worries about who they might negatively affect.

Niggers think America is their playground to use and abuse to their black heart's desire, and this is just not right.

Someone needs to step up and put those fucking niggers in their place. They don't deserve to be considered human. They don't deserve to vote (at least not at the same rate at humans). They don't deserve to be able to operate motor vehicles. They don't deserve to be able to marry and/or miscegenate with humans. They don't deserve to live in the United States of America.

Niggers should be rounded up and exported back to Africa, where they belong.

I'm not racist. I just think niggers are subhuman beasts that don't deserve to live among humans. Niggers are fucking filth that do nothing but ruin the beauty of America.

Make America Great Again. Get rid of the niggers.

(And get rid of the niggerlovers and the communists. They are fucking useless. Unless you actually LIKE the idea of your tax dollars being spent to repair all this stuff they destroy.)

08-23-2020, 08:39 AM
You need to sign up and participate in our sanity assurance program. Clearly you have a strong belief in the exportation of all niggers back to their ancestral homelands. We can't make it happen at Chimpout, but we can sure dream about it. Just like on a dark night, when you look up at the silvery, starry sky and the dazzling, glistening view deems all worries insignificant for just a few moments.

08-23-2020, 08:49 AM
And what did I see? Multiple nigger teenagers riding around on the vehicles intended for disabled people.
I'm not racist. I just think niggers are subhuman beasts that don't deserve to live among humans. Niggers are fucking filth that do nothing but ruin the beauty of America.
Make America Great Again. Get rid of the niggers.

A few weeks back, big bro had a former shipmate staying with him for a while. She had the big C. Terminal stage four and not long for this world. She rarely got out but just wanted to go out shopping if for no other reason than to pretend that things were normal. She never knew from one day to the next if she would ever get the chance again so on this day, feeling better and needing just a few items, they went into town. She was deathly ill and certainly looked the part. She needed one of those motorized carts.

He dropped her off at the front door and helped her to a bench to wait for one of the fat ass niggers to return a cart while he parked the truck. Big mistake.

While she sat there, she was suddenly surrounded by niggers ooking at her and harassing her about THE RONA! :mad:

They were getting loud and threatening telling her she'd better leave because she was going to make everyone else sick. :mad:

She tried to explain that she did not have the 'rona to no avail. This poor soul weighed only 70 pounds, had weeks left to live and is now being threatened by these worthless shitskins with a cop mere feet away.:mad:

Finally, the cop walked up and she told him what was happening. The cop told her that SHE needed to leave before things got uglier.:mad:

At this point she didn't want the confrontation and was drained completely of all joy, strength and dignity so my brother had to walk her all the way back to the truck and quietly leave as that was her choice. She cried all the way home.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fbf%2F12%2F57%2Fbf125765478 2ac4143a5eb935e162dfd--angry-meme-marketing-articles.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

At first I told my brother how I would have handled it. It would have been very different - very different indeed and starting with the cop who failed at his job miserably!

In retrospect, I could not fault him as it was her choice to leave, and to do so immediately.

She passed soon after and she carried this with her as her last memory of being in a public place.

Congratulations, niggers! You are all fucking worthless. Of all the things you steal and people you rob and hurt, you animals do this shit. You robbed a woman of her dying wish. You all deserve a torturous death and worse thereafter.

I'm sorry and you deserved better than this but Rest in peace, S.

08-23-2020, 09:25 AM
That's a highly unpleasant story Tweak. Niggers are the masters of demoralization for sure.

08-23-2020, 10:49 AM
Niggers are technically handicapped. That is beside the point though.

I have seen niggers drive these things right out to their hooptie and leave it in front of a human's car or in an empty parking space next to theirs.

08-23-2020, 11:01 AM
That's a highly unpleasant story Tweak. Niggers are the masters of demoralization for sure.

Yeah, I know and I'm sorry if I wrecked your morning with it.

Same to you, Unreggie and in looking back, I almost wish I hadn't posted it - or at least not as a reply to your post. Maybe I should have just stuck it out in The Yard by itself, but I read your post and it just came screaming and streaming out of me. I get this way sometimes. Sorry 'bout that.

I've been sitting on that one and stewing over it for a while. I had pretty much just decided to let it go and not say anything about for a couple of reasons. First, it really wasn't my story to tell. Second, we didn't really get along well before she passed. We just didn't click well together due to simple personality clashing reasons. Let's just say I have a short fuse sometimes and I'm not known for holding my tongue with damn near anyone for damn near any reason. I know what your thinking - who'd have thunk it, right? Hey, I'm working on it - don't judge me.

None of this changes the fact that she was a human being and did not deserve this treatment no matter what ANYONE thought of her, much less a bunch of worthless savages and with sure certainty those niggers, the cop and everyone within earshot would have known it had I been there. Earshot can be a considerable distance with me, so I've been told and my blunt nature and non-minced words have literally brought some to tears in times past, especially while in uniform. Hell, I even made a Marine vomit one time. I'm not proud, just low tolerance and honest about it.

Coon Club Road
08-23-2020, 12:17 PM
Yes Unreggie, join up so you can post stories in the yard. I'm sure you will feel better getting them off your chest!

Midder Peenud Hayed
08-23-2020, 04:58 PM
Hey Tweak..., don't ever apologize for telling the truth about niggers, no matter how gut-churning that truth might be.

Truth is the single greatest weapon we have against them.

So sorry to hear about your friend.

08-24-2020, 03:33 PM
And what did I see?

Multiple nigger teenagers riding around on the vehicles intended for disabled people.


I live in a state that doesn't have a whole lot of tolerance for niggershines, and it upsets me to see these fucking things doing whatever they want, whenever they want, with no cares and no worries about who they might negatively affect.

Niggers think America is their playground to use and abuse to their black heart's desire, and this is just not right.

Someone needs to step up and put those fucking niggers in their place. They don't deserve to be considered human. They don't deserve to vote (at least not at the same rate at humans). They don't deserve to be able to operate motor vehicles. They don't deserve to be able to marry and/or miscegenate with humans. They don't deserve to live in the United States of America.

Niggers should be rounded up and exported back to Africa, where they belong.

I'm not racist. I just think niggers are subhuman beasts that don't deserve to live among humans. Niggers are fucking filth that do nothing but ruin the beauty of America.

Make America Great Again. Get rid of the niggers.

(And get rid of the niggerlovers and the communists. They are fucking useless. Unless you actually LIKE the idea of your tax dollars being spent to repair all this stuff they destroy.)

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!