View Full Version : BBC's latest - Britain's only black glass blower

08-21-2020, 01:21 PM
usually niggers be selling blow or blowing muh dik. This nigger however, is blowing some of the worst glass I've ever seen and gets an exhibition. Or course, its shitty and childlike quality pieces are slavery themed. See if you can make it to the end to today's episode of " you worthless white man ' from the Black Balls Corp.


animal mother
08-21-2020, 02:57 PM
Niggers together with fire never ends well. It will likely ghetto lobsta itself before long.

Whitey Ford
08-21-2020, 03:48 PM
Niggers working with glass might seem odd to some. But, somebody has to make crack pipes for the nigger community, am I right?

08-21-2020, 03:52 PM
It looked like every other piece of muddaland "art." Just a bunch of random shapes glopped together resembling nothing. It might just as well have been turds thrown against a barn door. At least I can vaguely make out "muh-dikk" ape art. This nigger didn't even make one muh-dikk.

Coon Club Road
08-21-2020, 05:36 PM
.... But, somebody has to make crack pipes for the nigger community, am I right?

You are fuckin' A right!

And that's probably how boot lip blower got started.