View Full Version : Ten reasons niggers are superior

08-16-2020, 05:58 PM
1. Niggers are inexpensive to feed.

You don't have to provide them with healthy, expensive food. You can literally just give them the scraps that fall off of your table, or the scraps that you would never put on your table in the first place.

Niggers can also kill and eat other niggers.

2. Niggers can be used as biological warfare in enemy countries.

They typically have many diseases, both known and unknown, and actually seem to enjoy spreading plagues.

3. Niggers can be used as weapons.

You can stuff them into large boxes and drop them behind enemy lines. Before you know it, they will be doing their #BlackLivesMatter thing, and the cities will be going up in flames.

4. Niggers do not have souls.

This means that when they die, they do not go to Heaven or Hell, or experience any kind of afterlife.

5. Niggers are things.

You can use them however you want, then dispose of them however you want when you are done with them, and you don't have to feel guilty about it.

6. Niggers smell bad.

If you want a room all to yourself, trick a nigger into going into the room. After five minutes, all of the humans will have cleared out, and you can enter. Then tell the nigger that someone dropped a full bucket of KFC in a trash can outside.

7. Niggers are dumb.

All niggers have an IQ of 85 or less. The only reason any of them have college degrees is because of affirmative action. This means they are easy to manipulate.

8. Niggers are fat, lazy, and ugly.

These are genetic features inbred into all niggerkind. They are highly susceptible to consuming excessive amounts of food due to being hardwired to think they are in fame situations 24/7, they don't work because they expect humans to provide gibsmedats for them, and they look like apes because their ancestors were notorious for muh diking gorillas. Ask them about their "ghost gene" sometime.

9. Niggers lack the ability to read, write, or speak English, ebonics, or any language.

Niggers are intellectually challenged, and anything more complex than opening up a banana so they can eat it is just too difficult for their brains.

10. Niggers enjoy abusing their own children and they like to call each other niggers.

If nothing else, this proves that all niggers are secretly chimpers, because only a chimper could possibly hate niggers more than a nigger does.

And there you have it. Proof positive that niggers are superior to your average American democrat and/or liberal.

Sheboon DeLuxe
08-17-2020, 08:19 AM
:lol Not bad, Unreg.

Coon Club Road
08-17-2020, 08:35 AM
Luckily, all 10 paragraphs are easily summarized by one word... "NIGGER".