View Full Version : History is repeating itself...

08-13-2020, 06:19 AM
So the mainstream media says Biden-Harris has a 71% chance of beating Trump.

They said the same thing about Hillary Clinton four years ago.

Even CNN openly admits that this isn't about electing a president, but rather electing a vice president that will replace the president that they expect to die in less than four years.

Just like with Hillary Clinton.

It would be nice if the Democrats were more interested in putting the most qualified and capable person available in the White House instead of someone they know is incompetent, weak, and destined to die.

I think Plato once opined on the concept of having the best and the brightest lead humanity in a republic. While I'm not 100% sold on Trump, he is clearly not as fucking terrible as what the Democrats are offering.

Tell it like it is
08-13-2020, 08:25 AM
I hope you are right about the error of the polls....There is a lot of anger out there right now.That will drive niggers and liberal idiots to the polls in large numbers.I hope Trump pulls it off, and we don't see our nation crippled by a doddering old fool and his token nigger.Just the fact that most niggers hate Trump is proof to me that he is the best choice.

Keep Britain White
08-13-2020, 09:05 AM
But don't forget, there are equal numbers of Trump supporters, who are angry at the way the Democrats are now supporting those who are openly trying to destroy the American way of life.
I think their numbers will comfortably tip the vote in favour of the President.
Have faith!

08-13-2020, 09:09 AM
I hope you are right about the error of the polls....There is a lot of anger out there right now. That will drive niggers and liberal idiots to the polls in large numbers. I hope Trump pulls it off, and we don't see our nation crippled by a doddering old fool and his token nigger.Just the fact that most niggers hate Trump is proof to me that he is the best choice.

They hate Trump despite he has done more for niggers that the former HNIC did in 8 years. Niggers are easily manipulated and share a genetic mutation with the liberal mind. The lemming gene. Believe what we tell you even if it means you walk right off a cliff to your death right behind a dozen other lemmings that just did the same. Niggers use to LOVE Trump because of his lifestyle and attitude. They never thought he was bad until the "orange man bad" came from the media onslaught.

08-13-2020, 10:35 AM
doesn't matter who wins. Niggers will still be running amok fucking everything up. Until a permanent solution has been engineered, it'll be more of the same. The best thing that could happen really for a long term strategy, is total economic collapse. The ensuing war will thin the heard and create long term stability. Niggers will rapidly find out their lives simply just don't matter when white people are starving.

Midder Peenud Hayed
08-13-2020, 01:51 PM
All anyone worried about TRUMP'S chances in November has to remember is that in 2016, he won the popular vote by 1.3 million votes in the 49 states excluding California. Bill Clinton’s fat, ugly, unaccomplished, drunken grifter of a wife won Cali by 4 million votes. Anyone can vote in California; illegals, felons, livestock, etc...

Things can change of course, but I doubt Slo' Joe and Kameltoe get more than 150 electoral votes.

Right now, the election is TRUMP'S to lose.

Coon Club Road
08-13-2020, 02:30 PM
doesn't matter who wins. Niggers will still be running amok fucking everything up...

Sadly, I'm inclined to believe you. We do have a better chance of DJT dropping the hammer on all the players committing the violent acts we have witnessed since St. Dindunuffin was bat winged.

08-13-2020, 04:42 PM
They hate Trump despite he has done more for niggers that the former HNIC did in 8 years.

What Trump did for niggers he did indiscriminately for all of the country - which was to foster job creation and retention. Some niggers took jobs. Many more niggers took from those who had jobs. The niggers that took or will take jobs, has and always will be the (much) smaller of the two. The niggers that did take jobs, likely took them from more qualified human candidates. None of this is Trump's fault but was entrenched long before his watch and will be long after. Nevertheless, yes, Trump did do more for niggers than the former HNIC - just by doing his job. Maybe if the nigger before him cared about doing it's job, the same could have been said about it.

Niggers use to LOVE Trump because of his lifestyle and attitude. They never thought he was bad until the "orange man bad" came from the media onslaught.

I do believe sir, you are correct!

I remember a lot of niggers were talking about him like he was "pimp daddy Trump" for the way he always gets a supermodel and had the reputation as a playboy. This is something that niggers mistake for a positive character trait. It doesn't take much to change a niggers mind for the worse though - just ask LBJ! He might just well indeed have had "them niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years" but he forgot one very important thing: After sixty years, there wouldn't be a country left to vote in.

Thanks asshole.