View Full Version : My hypothesis on the cause of the USA's self-destruction

08-11-2020, 04:15 PM
Granted, things have never really been perfect in the USA, and depending on where you have lived, you may remember times and events that the mainstream media is desperately trying to scrub from the history books, BUT... I am suspecting that this new age of widespread crime, looting, and rioting is a direct result of forcibly integrating niggers into human society.

It all began several centuries ago, when a nigger, on American soil, legally became the first slave owner in the USA. Its name is Anthony Johnson. Soon after that, humans started emulating that nigger's business strategy, and the rest, as we all unfortunately know, is history.

That was, and is, however, a perfect example of how acting like a nigger may have extreme short term benefits, but the long term effects of such behaviors can have far reaching, even generational effects, and they are typically detrimental.

No doubt many niggers muh dikked their slaves, but it has also become apparent that some human slave owners also muh dikked their slaves. Not only did they engage in acts of bestiality and miscegenation, but they pursued short term "satisfaction" to the detriment of their own species. And yes, niggers producing more niglets is detrimental to both niggers and humans; it is difficult, if not impossible, to argue that there is any benefit to having any niggers in the USA.

While the typical IQ's of humans in the USA have traditionally hovered between 95 and 105, the legalization of bestiality and/or niggerloving has resulted in the production of many half-breeds, and since the average IQ of a nigger is 65, this has also resulted in a gradual decrease in the average American IQ. Not only that, but some humans also choose to mate with complete disregard for rhesus compatibility, which may also contribute to genetic defects and a decrease in general ability on average.

With this lowered average American IQ, it makes sense to think that some folks would inevitably become more nigger-like and engage in nigger behaviors. This explains the destruction of Democrat run cities, the endless protests (AKA "riots), the looting, the burning of buildings, and the attempts made by certain particular individuals to make life a living hell for law abiding citizens and taxpayers. What excuse do they really have for their behavior aside from mental retardation brought about by miscegenation and/or questionable breeding practices?

The solution to the anti-American question may be to simply allow the less desirable members of society to burn down their own communities, for governments not to rebuild those communities, and to allow them to self-destruct and decimate their own dysfunctional and worthless selves. Rewarding them for failure will absolutely send the wrong message to humans in the USA and to humans elsewhere in the world.

My apologies if this post has offended the more delicate members of this community. I sometimes find it difficult to contain my hatred of the negro species.

Coon Club Road
08-11-2020, 05:06 PM
...The solution to the anti-American question may be to simply allow the less desirable members of society to burn down their own communities, for governments not to rebuild those communities, and to allow them to self-destruct and decimate their own dysfunctional and worthless selves...

This would be the perfect solution if we could only prevent our tax dollars from rebuilding these nigger nests decade after decade after decade.

They are professionals at working the system!

Tell it like it is
08-12-2020, 08:39 AM
Ronald Reagan once opined that we are only be generation away from losing our freedom, or some other catastrophe.This current crop of 25-30 year olds may well be the generation that turns this once great country into a nigger worshiping liberal hell hole.Down here in the deep South, I still see a few young folks with some racial pride, but the number of liberal nigger lovers is discouraging.On top of that, my parents,both in their eighties, are so afraid of shaming, or even violence, they won't even put up a campaign sign for Trump, whom they support.Nor are they willing to display a flag showing support for our ancestors who died to repel the Yankee invaders.If we have lost those on both ends of the spectrum, how can we hope for anything better for our nation?
Some of us make formidable keyboard commandos, but in the light of day we too are scared to speak the truth, lest we lose our job, church membership, or standing in the community.I hope I am wrong, but it really looks like the progressives have won the war, and are just biding their time before sending in the niggers to collect the spoils.....

Blue Gum
08-13-2020, 06:59 PM
The dirty violent nigger animal has NEVER brought anything of positive substance to the table, niggers destroy things, they're angry, dirty and Stupid....and they KNOW IT!!!!

I think that's a Real part of the nigger problem, they Know they're an inferior and Failed race... No self control and No filter, hence the reason so many niggers are where they belong, in a cage, in nigger-U. Vile effing niggers..

08-13-2020, 07:38 PM
The dirty violent nigger animal has NEVER brought anything of positive substance to the table, niggers destroy things, they're angry, dirty and Stupid....and they KNOW IT!!!!

I think that's a Real part of the nigger problem, they Know they're an inferior and Failed race... No self control and No filter, hence the reason so many niggers are where they belong, in a cage, in nigger-U. Vile effing niggers..

Niggers pretend to hate us because of slavery and other perceived grievances that are self inflicted. The truth is that it is self loathing and jealousy compounded by laziness and ineptness beyond catching a ball. They are driven by their need to acquire shiny baubles and procreate with everything from a 300lb sow to a piss soaked fire hydrant. The only way they survive is on the backs of human generosity. They will never catch up to humanity even if we were to regress a million years.

08-13-2020, 08:32 PM
Granted, things have never really been perfect in the USA, and depending on where you have lived, you may remember times and events that the mainstream media is desperately trying to scrub from the history books, BUT... I am suspecting that this new age of widespread crime, looting, and rioting is a direct result of forcibly integrating niggers into human society.

It all began several centuries ago, when a nigger, on American soil, legally became the first slave owner in the USA. Its name is Anthony Johnson. Soon after that, humans started emulating that nigger's business strategy, and the rest, as we all unfortunately know, is history.

That was, and is, however, a perfect example of how acting like a nigger may have extreme short term benefits, but the long term effects of such behaviors can have far reaching, even generational effects, and they are typically detrimental.

No doubt many niggers muh dikked their slaves, but it has also become apparent that some human slave owners also muh dikked their slaves. Not only did they engage in acts of bestiality and miscegenation, but they pursued short term "satisfaction" to the detriment of their own species. And yes, niggers producing more niglets is detrimental to both niggers and humans; it is difficult, if not impossible, to argue that there is any benefit to having any niggers in the USA.

While the typical IQ's of humans in the USA have traditionally hovered between 95 and 105, the legalization of bestiality and/or niggerloving has resulted in the production of many half-breeds, and since the average IQ of a nigger is 65, this has also resulted in a gradual decrease in the average American IQ. Not only that, but some humans also choose to mate with complete disregard for rhesus compatibility, which may also contribute to genetic defects and a decrease in general ability on average.

With this lowered average American IQ, it makes sense to think that some folks would inevitably become more nigger-like and engage in nigger behaviors. This explains the destruction of Democrat run cities, the endless protests (AKA "riots), the looting, the burning of buildings, and the attempts made by certain particular individuals to make life a living hell for law abiding citizens and taxpayers. What excuse do they really have for their behavior aside from mental retardation brought about by miscegenation and/or questionable breeding practices?

The solution to the anti-American question may be to simply allow the less desirable members of society to burn down their own communities, for governments not to rebuild those communities, and to allow them to self-destruct and decimate their own dysfunctional and worthless selves. Rewarding them for failure will absolutely send the wrong message to humans in the USA and to humans elsewhere in the world.

My apologies if this post has offended the more delicate members of this community. I sometimes find it difficult to contain my hatred of the negro species.

I want to frame this post and hang it on my wall.

08-18-2020, 01:38 AM
Humans are starting to run like hell from the demonrat s**thole libtard bufu'd cities...
what's left for them is presiding over the same fate as Detroit.. the first once fine American city that gave up holding down the hordes of niggerdom and ghetto subhumans
Welcome to the club, Minneapolis, Portland, LA... etc.

I find it fascinating that in their attempts to prove racists wrong about niggers, they proved that racists were right the entire time about niggers.

You can't have a functioning society where niggers are permitted to do whatever the things want to do. They must be constrained and controlled, lest you end up with endless looting, riots, and "protests." Not to mention the general crime, which pretty much nobody denies occurs quite frequently in nigger dominated areas.

What we are seeing now is the end result of giving niggers freedom, and beyond that, the freedom to express to the world what they truly are.

If niggers are to remain in the USA, they should be segregated from humans, and kept on a tight leash. Perhaps a literal leash. Possibly a leash with a shock collar.

And the politicians that allowed these niggershines to happen MUST be voted out of office, and replaced with humans that won't tolerate nigger bullshit.

If that doesn't happen, then those cities and states will face an exodus where the folks who pay 51% or more of the taxes will just get up and leave. Like in New York.

If the liberals want to force the rich to stay and pay taxes, they should just murder the rich folks, steal their money, and give the money to the niggers. Just like Robin Hood.